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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. Discourse & situation In pedagogic situation a very frequent kind of exchange involved a single three-part sequence : Initiation.

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Presentation on theme: "بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. Discourse & situation In pedagogic situation a very frequent kind of exchange involved a single three-part sequence : Initiation."— Presentation transcript:

1 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

2 Discourse & situation In pedagogic situation a very frequent kind of exchange involved a single three-part sequence : Initiation : what do we call this ? Response : an astrolabe Feedback : yes, that’s right It functions as pedagogic exchange precisely because the initiator the teacher focuses on an item of knowledge and invites someone to display the knowledge concerned It was a very frequent kind of exchange, through the individual act it may vary : the initiation it may be a statement or an order.

3 Such exchanges do occur in other non- pedagogical contexts (like questioning a witness in a court case ) CA had analyzed both ‘casual’ conversations & many instances of ‘institutional’ conversations, the classroom, doctor patient interviews, law courts, group therapy sessions, health visiting, other work- place situations, even conversing with computers. e.g. Patient This chemotherapy – it won’t have any lasting effects on having kids. Will it ? 2.2 secs (pause) Patient It will ? Doctor I’m afraid so

4 Language for science & technology Analysis of the rhetorical functions employed in scientific and technical text How functions can be highlighted & taught Central function discussed are description, definition, classification, instruction, and visual- verbal relationship Both the grammar and lexis employed to express those rhetorical functions. This work has provided the bases for many sets of teaching materials for use in the language classroom.

5 This system can be criticized on two grounds : 1- it belongs to a tradition of taxonomic description, presenting a neat classification of the devices and their exponents. 2- it presents no wider explanation of why these kinds of writing develop in the way the do.

6 Tradition of genre analysis Alternatives has developed Definition : Systematic differences in language use at a discourse level which characterize different modes of communication. :Assumption Genre analysis is much wider in scope and more powerful than the taxonomic approach It has had great impact on teaching language particularly to those who which to enter, or become members of, the chosen sub-community.

7 Genre analysis can be applied to the teaching context itself in attempting to understand the rhetorical workings of the genre called “ language teaching”, both produce by teachers & student. Genre analysis identifies the rhetorical moves embedded in different kinds of texts Some genres are shared by many situations & some are highly specific. Genre also has a cultural dimension: analyses of texts form different cultures.

8 Pragmatics:  Pragmatics, which Thomas divided into ‘pragma- linguistics’ and ‘socio-pragmatics’ to separate off the linguistics from the social aspects, is the study of the ways in which, in her list, people 1- disambiguate meaning in context 2- assign complete meanings 3-distinguish sentence from speaker meaning 4- arrive at particular meanings in lisening 5- act in speech in the way they do

9 Thomas pointed out that cross-cultural differences exist in both pragmaliguistics and sociopragmatics. example of pragmalinguistics: The price is incredible Examples of socio-pragmatics: -Concern power relationships -Social distance -Size of the imposition And -rights and obligations

10 Done by:  Shorooq AlSa’di  Samira AlHarbi  Sharifa AlShehri  And Samia AlJouny

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