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4-1 Business Research Process 3. 4-2 Data Collection Method Monitoring Communication.

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Presentation on theme: "4-1 Business Research Process 3. 4-2 Data Collection Method Monitoring Communication."— Presentation transcript:

1 4-1 Business Research Process 3

2 4-2 Data Collection Method Monitoring Communication

3 4-3 Experimental Effects Perceptual Awareness Research Environment Descriptors Question Crystallization Data Collection Method Time Dimension Topical Scope Purpose of Study Research Design Descriptors

4 4-4 The Time Dimension Cross-sectional Longitudinal

5 4-5 Research Design Descriptors Experimental Effects Perceptual Awareness Perceptual Awareness Research Environment Descriptors Question Crystallization Data Collection Method Time Dimension Topical Scope Purpose of Study

6 4-6 The Topical Scope Statistical Study Breadth Population inferences Quantitative Generalizable findings Case Study Depth Detail Qualitative Multiple sources of information

7 4-7 Research Design Descriptors Experimental Effects Perceptual Awareness Perceptual Awareness Research Environment Descriptors Question Crystallization Data Collection Method Time Dimension Topical Scope Purpose of Study

8 4-8 The Research Environment Field conditions Lab conditions Simulations

9 4-9 Experimental Effects Perceptual Awareness Perceptual Awareness Research Environment Descriptors Question Crystallization Data Collection Method Time Dimension Topical Scope Purpose of Study Research Design Descriptors

10 4-10 Purpose of the Study ReportingDescriptive Casual - Explanatory Causal - Predictive

11 4-11 Descriptive Studies When? How much? What? Who? Where?

12 4-12 Descriptive Studies Descriptions of population characteristics Descriptions of population characteristics Estimates of frequency of characteristics Estimates of frequency of characteristics Discovery of associations among variables Discovery of associations among variables

13 4-13 Research Design Descriptors Experimental Effects Perceptual Awareness Research Environment Descriptors Question Crystallization Data Collection Method Time Dimension Topical Scope Purpose of Study

14 4-14 Experimental Effects Experiment Study involving the manipulation or control of one or more variables to determine the effect on another variable Ex Post Facto Study After-the-fact report on what happened to the measured variable

15 4-15 Ex Post Facto Design Fishing Club MemberNon-Fishing-Club Member AgeHigh Absentee Low AbsenteeHigh Absentee Low Absentee Under 30 years3663048 30 to 454435117 45 and over005115

16 4-16 Causation and Experimental Design Random Assignment Control/ Matching

17 4-17 Mills Method of Agreement

18 4-18 Mills Method of Difference

19 4-19 Causal Studies Reciprocal Asymmetrical Symmetrical

20 4-20 Understanding Casual Relationships Property Response Stimulus Behavior Disposition

21 4-21 Asymmetrical Casual Relationships Stimulus-Response Disposition-Behavior Property- Behavior Property- Disposition

22 4-22 Types of Asymmetrical Causal Relationships Relationship Type Nature of Relationship Examples Stimulus- response An event or change results in a response from some object. A change in work rules leads to a higher level of worker output. A change in government economic policy restricts corporate financial decisions. A price increase results in fewer unit sales. Property- disposition An existing property causes a disposition. Age and attitudes about saving. Gender attitudes toward social issues. Social class and opinions about taxation. Disposition- behavior A disposition causes a specific behavior. Opinions about a brand and its purchase. Job satisfaction and work output. Moral values and tax cheating. Property-behaviorAn existing property causes a specific behavior. Stage of the family life cycle and purchases of furniture. Social class and family savings patterns. Age and sports participation.

23 4-23 Evidence of Causality Covariation between A and B Time order of events No other possible causes of B

24 4-24 Research Design Descriptors Experimental Effects Perceptual Awareness Perceptual Awareness Research Environment Descriptors Question Crystallization Data Collection Method Time Dimension Topical Scope Purpose of Study

25 4-25 Participants’ Perceptional Awareness No deviation perceived Deviations perceived as unrelated Deviations perceived as researcher-induced

26 4-26 Research Design Descriptors CategoryOptions The degree to which the research question has been crystallized Exploratory study Formal study The method of data collection Monitoring Communication Study The power of the researcher to produce effects in the variables under study Experimental Ex post facto The purpose of the study Reporting Descriptive Causal-Explanatory Causal-Predictive The time dimension Cross-sectional Longitudinal The topical scope—breadth and depth—of the study Case Statistical study The research environment Field setting Laboratory research Simulation The participants’ perceptional awareness of the research activity Actual routine Modified routine

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