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Computer Vision CS 543 / ECE 549 University of Illinois Derek Hoiem

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1 Computer Vision CS 543 / ECE 549 University of Illinois Derek Hoiem
03/11/10 Image Categorization Computer Vision CS 543 / ECE 549 University of Illinois Derek Hoiem

2 Last classes Object recognition: localizing an object instance in an image Face recognition: matching one face image to another

3 Today’s class: categorization
Overview of image categorization Representation Image histograms Classification Important concepts in machine learning What the classifiers are and when to use them

4 Image Categorization Training Training Labels Training Images
Image Features Classifier Training Trained Classifier

5 Image Categorization Training Testing Training Labels Training Images
Image Features Classifier Training Trained Classifier Testing Image Features Trained Classifier Prediction Outdoor Test Image

6 Part 1: Image features Training Training Labels Training Images
Classifier Training Trained Classifier

7 General Principles of Representation
Coverage Ensure that all relevant info is captured Concision Minimize number of features without sacrificing coverage Directness Ideal features are independently useful for prediction Image Intensity

8 Right features depend on what you want to know
Shape: scene-scale, object-scale, detail-scale 2D form, shading, shadows, texture, linear perspective Material properties: albedo, feel, hardness, … Color, texture Motion Optical flow, tracked points Distance Stereo, position, occlusion, scene shape If known object: size, other objects

9 Examples of cues Color Texture Location Perspective

10 Image representations
Image intensity Histograms Color, texture, SIFT keypoints, etc.

11 Image Representations: Histograms
Global histogram Represent distribution of features Color, texture, depth, … Space Shuttle Cargo Bay Images from Dave Kauchak

12 Image Representations: Histograms
Histogram: Probability or count of data in each bin Joint histogram Requires lots of data Loss of resolution to avoid empty bins Marginal histogram Requires independent features More data/bin than joint histogram Images from Dave Kauchak

13 Image Representations: Histograms
Clustering EASE Truss Assembly Use the same cluster centers for all images Space Shuttle Cargo Bay Images from Dave Kauchak

14 Issue: How to Compare Histograms?
Bin-by-bin comparison Sensitive to bin size. Could use wider bins … … but at a loss of resolution Cross-bin comparison How much cross-bin influence is necessary/sufficient?

15 Computing histogram distance
Histogram intersection (assuming normalized histograms) Chi-squared Histogram matching distance Cars found by color histogram matching using chi-squared

16 Histograms: Implementation issues
Quantization Grids: fast but only applicable with few dimensions Clustering: slower but can quantize data in higher dimensions Matching Histogram intersection or Euclidean may be faster Chi-squared often works better Earth mover’s distance is good for when nearby bins represent similar values Few Bins Need less data Coarser representation Many Bins Need more data Finer representation

17 What kind of things do we compute histograms of?
Color Texture (filter banks or HOG over regions) L*a*b* color space HSV color space

18 What kind of things do we compute histograms of?
Histograms of gradient Visual words SIFT – Lowe IJCV 2004

19 Bag of words model Extract features
E.g., compute SIFT keypoints for all training images

20 Bag of words model Extract features Learn “visual vocabulary”
E.g., cluster SIFT descriptors into 500 clusters using K-means

21 Bag of words model Extract features Learn “visual vocabulary”
Quantize features using visual vocabulary Assign each descriptor to nearest cluster center

22 Bag of words model Extract features Learn “visual vocabulary”
Quantize features using visual vocabulary Represent images by normalized counts of “visual words” Compute histogram of word occurrences for each image

23 Image Categorization: Bag of Words
Training Extract keypoints and descriptors for all training images Cluster descriptors Quantize descriptors using cluster centers to get “visual words” Represent each image by normalized counts of “visual words” Train classifier on labeled examples using histogram values as features Testing Extract keypoints/descriptors and quantize into visual words Compute visual word histogram Compute label or confidence using classifier

24 But what about layout? All of these images have the same color histogram

25 Spatial pyramid Compute histogram in each spatial bin

26 Image Categorization: BoW+SVM
Extract features Learn “visual vocabulary” Quantize features using visual vocabulary Represent images by normalized counts of “visual words” Train SVM on labeled examples using histogram values as features For example, label images of indoor scenes as positive and images of outdoor scenes as negative. Then, train classifier based on features and labels.

27 Computing Features Compute Features over Image Quantize (Optional)
Choose Spatial Support Compute Statistics of Features within Spatial Support RGB Values Quantized to 10 Levels 71% 29% Histogram Bin Features

28 Things to remember about representation
Think about the right features for the problem Coverage Concision Directness Think about what features represent

29 Part 2: Classifiers Training Training Labels Training Images
Image Features Classifier Training Trained Classifier

30 Learning a classifier Given some set features with corresponding labels, learn a function to predict the labels from the features x o x2 x1

31 Many classifiers to choose from
SVM Neural networks Naïve Bayes Bayesian network Logistic regression Randomized Forests Boosted Decision Trees K-nearest neighbor RBMs Etc. Which is the best one?

32 No Free Lunch Theorem You can only get generalization through assumptions.

33 Bias-Variance Trade-off
MSE = bias2 + variance

34 Bias and Variance Error = bias2 + variance Few training examples
Complexity Low Bias High Variance High Bias Low Variance Test Error Few training examples Many training examples

35 Choosing the trade-off
Need validation set Validation set not same as test set Complexity Low Bias High Variance High Bias Low Variance Error Test error Training error

36 Effect of Training Size
Fixed classifier Number of Training Examples Error Testing Generalization Error Training

37 How to measure complexity?
VC dimension Upper bound on generalization error Training error + N: size of training set h: VC dimension : 1-probability

38 How to reduce variance? Choose a simpler classifier
Regularize the parameters Get more training data

39 Risk Minimization Margins x o x2 x1

40 The perfect classification algorithm
Objective function: solves what you want to solve Parameterization: makes assumptions that fit the problem Regularization: right level of regularization for amount of training data Training algorithm: can find parameters that maximize objective on training set Inference algorithm: can solve for objective function in evaluation

41 Generative vs. Discriminative Classifiers
Training Maximize joint likelihood of data and labels Assume (or learn) probability distribution and dependency structure Can impose priors Testing P(y=1, x) / P(y=0, x) > t? Examples Foreground/background GMM Naïve Bayes classifier Bayesian network Discriminative Training Learn to directly predict the labels from the data Assume form of boundary Margin maximization or parameter regularization Testing f(x) > t ; e.g., wTx > t Examples Logistic regression SVM Boosted decision trees

42 Classifiers Generative methods Discriminative methods Ensemble methods
Naïve Bayes Bayesian Networks Gaussian mixture for both classes Discriminative methods Logistic Regression Linear SVM Kernelized SVM Ensemble methods Randomized Forests Boosted Decision Trees Instance based K-nearest neighbor Unsupervised Kmeans

43 Generative Classifier: Naïve Bayes
Objective Parameterization Regularization Training Inference y x1 x2 x3

44 Using Naïve Bayes Simple thing to try for categorical data
Very fast to train/test

45 Classifiers: Logistic Regression
Objective Parameterization Regularization Training Inference x o x2 x1

46 Using Logistic Regression
Quick, simple classifier (try it first) Use L2 or L1 regularization L1 does feature selection and is robust to irrelevant features

47 Classifiers: Linear SVM
Objective Parameterization Regularization Training Inference x o x2 x1

48 Classifiers: Linear SVM
Objective Parameterization Regularization Training Inference x o x2 x1

49 Classifiers: Linear SVM
Objective Parameterization Regularization Training Inference x o x2 x1

50 Classifiers: Kernelized SVM
Objective Parameterization Regularization Training Inference x o x o x2

51 Using SVMs Good general purpose classifier Choosing kernel
Generalization depends on margin, so works well with many weak features No feature selection Usually requires some parameter tuning Choosing kernel Linear: fast training/testing – start here RBF: related to neural networks, nearest neighbor Chi-squared, histogram intersection: good for histograms (but slower, esp. chi-squared) Can learn a kernel function

52 Classifiers: Decision Trees
Objective Parameterization Regularization Training Inference x o x2 x1

53 Ensemble Methods: Boosting
figure from Friedman et al. 2000

54 Boosted Decision Trees
High in Image? Gray? Yes No Yes No Smooth? Green? High in Image? Many Long Lines? Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No No Blue? Very High Vanishing Point? Yes No Yes No P(label | good segment, data) Ground Vertical Sky [Collins et al. 2002]

55 Using Boosted Decision Trees
Flexible: can deal with both continuous and categorical variables How to control bias/variance trade-off Size of trees Number of trees Boosting trees often works best with a small number of well-designed features Boosting “stubs” can give a fast classifier

56 K-nearest neighbor Objective Parameterization Regularization Training
Inference x o x2 x1 + +

57 1-nearest neighbor x o x2 x1 + +

58 3-nearest neighbor x o x2 x1 + +

59 5-nearest neighbor x o x2 x1 + +

60 Using K-NN Simple, so another good one to try first
With infinite examples, 1-NN provably has error that is at most twice Bayes optimal error

61 Clustering (unsupervised)
x2 + x1 x o x1

62 What to remember about classifiers
No free lunch: machine learning algorithms are tools, not dogmas Try simple classifiers first Better to have smart features and simple classifiers than simple features and smart classifiers Use increasingly powerful classifiers with more training data (bias-variance tradeoff)

63 Next class Object category detection overview

64 Some Machine Learning References
General Tom Mitchell, Machine Learning, McGraw Hill, 1997 Christopher Bishop, Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition, Oxford University Press, 1995 Adaboost Friedman, Hastie, and Tibshirani, “Additive logistic regression: a statistical view of boosting”, Annals of Statistics, 2000 SVMs

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