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Authors Alina Banerjee Department of Computer Science and Engineering

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1 Content Based Image Retrieval using Normalized Similarity Measure in Fuzzy Color Histogram

2 Authors Alina Banerjee Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Kolkata Campus Kolkata, India Ambar Dutta

3 Research Problem Fuzzy linked histogram - a very popular approach of linking three separate color channel histograms according to some fuzzy rules into one histogram Fuzzy linked histogram and its bucket applied histogram is quite similar From this distribution a normalized similarity measure is calculated according to which the top k similar images are displayed

4 Fuzzy Linked Histogram
The linking of 3 histograms to 1 dimension is known as linking. Linking method of the 3-dimensional histogram to 1-dimension based on fuzzy approach was proposed [8] in Color histogram creation proposed based on the L*a*b* color space which provided a histogram with only 10 bins. Linking RGB color space to L*a*b* color space and then converting into a single histogram using a fuzzy expert system [8]

5 Fuzzy Linked Histogram
a* is subdivided into five regions representing green, greenish, the middle of the component, reddish and red . b* is subdivided into five regions representing blue, bluish, the middle of the component, yellowish and yellow . L* is subdivided into only three regions: black, grey and white areas .

6 Membership functions of L*, a* and b*.

7 Fuzzy Linked Histogram
The Mamdani type of fuzzy inference is used. The output of the system has only 10 equally divided trapezoidal membership functions. The defuzzification phase is performed using the lom (largest of maximum) . Fuzzy linking of the three components is made according to 27 fuzzy rules which leads to the output of the system [8].

8 27 Fuzzy Rules 1. If (L is Black) and (a is amiddle) and (b is bmiddle) then (fuzzy_histogram is black) (1) 2. If (L is white) and (a is amiddle) and (b is bmiddle) then (fuzzy_histogram is white) (1) 3. If (L is grey) and (a is red) and (b is yellow) then (fuzzy_histogram is red) (1) 4. If (a is reddish) and (b is yellow) then (fuzzy_histogram is brown) (1) 5. If (L is white) and (a is green) and (b is yellow) then (fuzzy_histogram is green) (1) 6. If (L is white) and (a is green) and (b is yellowish) then (fuzzy_histogram is green) (1) 7. If (L is Black) and (b is Blue) then (fuzzy_histogram is blue) (1) 8. If (L is white) and (a is green) and (b is Bluish) then (fuzzy_histogram is cyan) (1) 9. If (L is grey) and (a is amiddle) and (b is bmiddle) then (fuzzy_histogram is darkgrey) (1) 10. If (a is greenish) and (b is Bluish) then (fuzzy_histogram is blue) (1) 11. If (a is red) and (b is Bluish) then (fuzzy_histogram is blue) (1) 12. If (L is white) and (b is yellow) then (fuzzy_histogram is yellow) (1) 13. If (L is Black) and (a is reddish) and (b is Bluish) then (fuzzy_histogram is blue) (1) 14. If (a is red) and (b is Blue) then (fuzzy_histogram is blue) (1) 15. If (L is grey) and (a is red) and (b is yellowish) then (fuzzy_histogram is red) (1) 16. If (L is white) and (a is reddish) and (b is yellowish) then (fuzzy_histogram is yellow) (1) 17. If (L is Black) and (a is reddish) and (b is yellowish) then (fuzzy_histogram is red) (1) 18. If (a is reddish) and (b is yellow) then (fuzzy_histogram is yellow) (1) 19. If (L is Black) and (b is Bluish) then (fuzzy_histogram is blue) (1) 20. If (L is grey) and (b is Blue) then (fuzzy_histogram is blue) (1) 21. If (L is grey) and (a is reddish) and (b is Bluish) then (fuzzy_histogram is magenta) (1) 22. If (L is grey) and (a is amiddle) and (b is Bluish) then (fuzzy_histogram is cyan) (1) 23. If (L is grey) and (a is amiddle) and (b is yellowish) then (fuzzy_histogram is brown) (1) 24. If (L is white) and (a is amiddle) and (b is yellowish) then (fuzzy_histogram is yellow) (1) 25. If (L is grey) and (a is red) and (b is bmiddle) then (fuzzy_histogram is red) (1) 26. If (L is grey) and (a is reddish) and (b is bmiddle) then (fuzzy_histogram is red) (1) 27. If (L is white) and (a is reddish) and (b is Bluish) then (fuzzy_histogram is magenta) (1)

9 Fuzzy Linked Histogram (Membership function of the output of the fuzzy system)

10 Creation Of Split Histogram From Fuzzy Linked Histogram
Fig Sample image Fig Fuzzy Linked Histogram Fig 3. Fuzzy linked histogram after bucket application Fig 4. Split Histogram

11 Normalized Similarity Measure
When comparing two images with color coherence vectors (j, j) and (j, j), for j = 1... J, the following feature can be used: For this feature (above equation.) the differences for coherence pairs (0, 1), (0,100) and (4500, 4501), (4500, 4600) are equivalent. So to remove this equality a normalized similarity measure (NSM) was used as follows

12 Algorithm A query image is selected. Its fuzzy linked image and hence its histogram is obtained. The CCV of the obtained fuzzy linked image is calculated using n discrete color buckets. For all images stored in the database, repeat steps 5 to 8. An image from database is opened. Its fuzzy linked histogram is obtained. The CCV with the same n buckets of the obtained fuzzy linked image is calculated. The similarity measure (NSM) is calculated between the query image and the image in the database under consideration. Based on the values of the similarity measure, the top k similar images are displayed [3]. In the proposed method the value of n is taken as 10 since the fuzzy linked histogram has 10 bins.

13 Experimental Results Test Images
The experimentation of the proposed approach is done on an image database comprising of more than 1100 color images which are taken from [15, 16]. The database is classified into 21 classes with more than 50 images in each class. The representative images of different classes of the image database used for experimentation purpose are given

14 Experimental Results Observations:
Fig. 5 Average precision (%) versus number of retrieved images Fig. 6 Average recall (%) versus number of retrieved images

15 Experimental Results Observations: Method Crossover Point
Proposed Method 0.582 Konstantinidis et. al. 0.570 Suhasini et. al. 0.513 Fig. 7 Crossover Point of Precision and Recall [18]

16 Conclusion & Future Scope
A novel approach to CBIR proposed where a normalized similarity measure is derived from split histogram created from the fuzzy linked histogram Technique tested upon a heterogeneous image database comprising of more than 1100 color images Outputs (average precision. average recall, precision-recall crossover point) proves that it gives better performance than some well established methods of CBIR It could further be improved so as to achieve higher precision and recall values. It can be thought to incorporate it in content based video retrieval with some modification

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19 Thank You!

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