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Graphs. Main Types of Graphs  Bar Graphs  Histograms  Line Graphs  Pie Chart.

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Presentation on theme: "Graphs. Main Types of Graphs  Bar Graphs  Histograms  Line Graphs  Pie Chart."— Presentation transcript:

1 Graphs

2 Main Types of Graphs  Bar Graphs  Histograms  Line Graphs  Pie Chart

3 Bar Graphs  Used to present and compare data  Double and group bar graphs are popular  Can be horizontal or vertical  Good for comparing quantity (how much of something) and/or changes in quantity among different groups

4 Bar Graphs  Bar Graph Example: Survey the class of what kind of pet they own.  Double Bar Graph Example: Survey the class about what kind of music they listen to, and what kind of music their parents listen to.

5 Group Bar Graph

6 Histograms  Look similar to bar graphs  Used to show quantity for ranges of numbers, for example: 0-5, 6-10, 11-15, etc.  Good to show and compare how much of something there is when grouped.  Used in imaging (photography) to calculate how many of a certain color or value pixel there is.

7 Histogram  Example: Survey the class about how many times they check Facebook in a week. Organize the data into groups of 0-5, 6-10, 11-15, 16-20, etc. Mark how many people fall into each group and graph.

8 Line Graphs  Used to show changes in data, usually over time.  Good for showing direction of change rather than amount like in a bar graph.  Key word here is TIME.

9 Line Graphs  Example: Track the average cost of making a movie between 1983 and 1996.

10 Line Graph

11 Pie Chart  Used to show parts of a whole.  Good for most things that talk about percentages of something.  Not good if there are too many pieces.

12 Pie Chart  Example: Find out the number of car accidents in 2009, how many were caused by teenagers, adults, and seniors. Turn those numbers into percentages.  Example: The percentage of people in the class that own an American made car vs foreign made or no car.

13 Pie Chart

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