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Journalism 2300: Week Two February 4, 2013. Announcements Announcements Today is the end of the 2nd week of the semester. The following take effect.

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Presentation on theme: "Journalism 2300: Week Two February 4, 2013. Announcements Announcements Today is the end of the 2nd week of the semester. The following take effect."— Presentation transcript:

1 Journalism 2300: Week Two February 4, 2013


3 Announcements Announcements Today is the end of the 2nd week of the semester. The following take effect today: Today is the end of the 2nd week of the semester. The following take effect today: 1. Last day to add courses. 2. Last day to use permission numbers. 3. Last day to withdraw from a course with a W appearing on the transcript. 4. Last day to change a grading option. 5. Last day to apply for a degree.

4 Just call me Lucy! An instructor, not professor An instructor, not professor OK to just use Lucy! OK to just use Lucy!

5 Let’s turn in textbook quizzes What surprised you? What surprised you?

6 To be a better photographer…

7 …you need to take a lot of photos!

8 Aspire to work in: Aspire to work in: –NHL Public Relations –Graduate School/Professor –Women’s health magazine –Photojournalist –Sports reporters –Broadcast journalism Who you are –Public Relations for theater company –Lucasfilms –Freelance journalist –Law –Marketing –Newspaper –Magazines

9 Chapter 1: Assignment Where to find spot news? Where to find spot news? –Scanner –Local news radio –Local television news –Cell phones –Websites –Contacts: officials, firefighters, police officers, friends, acquaintances –News tips

10 Message alerts Duluth News-Tribune Duluth News-Tribune Minneapolis Star Tribune Minneapolis Star Tribune

11 Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News

12 Where to find more information Beat reporters Beat reporters Public Relations offices Public Relations offices

13 Best time to shoot Not always when reporter conducting interview Not always when reporter conducting interview What did you learn with your photos of the DTA bus stop? What did you learn with your photos of the DTA bus stop?

14 Visual variety Overall shot Overall shot –Sets scene Medium shot Medium shot –Tells the story in one photograph Close-up: Close-up: –Adds drama

15 High/low angles New perspective New perspective –Going wide –Above, below

16 Persistence Pros stay until they have the best shot Pros stay until they have the best shot Plot out best time of day for photo Plot out best time of day for photo Might take 100 to 1,000 shots to get the best photograph Might take 100 to 1,000 shots to get the best photograph

17 Catching candids Preset your camera Preset your camera –Aperture priority/shutter priority Watch your subject Watch your subject Anticipation and timing Anticipation and timing

18 Approaches to candid photography Out in the open Out in the open Click and run Click and run Big game hunter Big game hunter Introduce yourself Introduce yourself Marketing spot news story: Marketing spot news story: –San Francisco earthquake

19 The week in pictures MSNBC: MSNBC: –

20 Chapter 2: News Contacts: Contacts: –Police Train derailment Train derailment Sunshine Sunshine Hostage situation: page 29 Hostage situation: page 29 Crime scene in progress Crime scene in progress –Staying alive!

21 Why shoot fires? Church fire Church fire Forest fire Forest fire –Billings Gazette Pulitzer Sawmill fire Sawmill fire –Drove film to the newspaper

22 Accidents/disasters Grim but necessary Grim but necessary –Williston stalker –Airplane crash Accidents Accidents –Don’t get in the way! Weather affects everyone Weather affects everyone

23 Chapter 3: General news Covering elections Covering elections –Get to know candidates Meetings generate news Meetings generate news –Avoid lines of speakers! –Shoot from side –Look for props! Photograph the issues Photograph the issues Steer clear of the pack! Steer clear of the pack!

24 Let’s go find news photos online Work in groups of 4 Work in groups of 4 Newseum: Today’s Front Pages Newseum: Today’s Front Pages –

25 Photojournalist defined What is a photojournalist? What is a photojournalist? – hat-is-photojournalist.html hat-is-photojournalist.html hat-is-photojournalist.html –What to remember? Photojournalists capture verbs!

26 What’s a caption? See pages 147-153 Who: Who: –Need names or detailed description –Need last names What: What: –What’s happening in photo When: When: –Time element important  Day of week, time of day Where: Where: –Location Why: Why: –Importance of shot How: How: –Explanations as needed

27 Let’s practice writing captions Go to Duluth News Tribune Website Go to Duluth News Tribune Website

28 Understanding exposure ISO: Film speed ISO: Film speed –Higher the number, faster shutter speed  Sacrifice quality for reproduction Aperture: Lens opening Aperture: Lens opening –Amount of light that the camera allows in Shutter Shutter –How fast the lens captures action Page 156 in textbook Page 156 in textbook e=related e=related e=related e=related speed-aperture-and-iso/ speed-aperture-and-iso/ speed-aperture-and-iso/ speed-aperture-and-iso/

29 Understanding Depth of Field Depth of Field: Depth of Field: – ARE ARE ARE Using a histogram sBKLc sBKLc sBKLc sBKLc





34 Assignment tips… Need to bracket! Need to bracket! –Backlighting  Underexposes foreground Become friends with the Associated Press Stylebook Become friends with the Associated Press Stylebook Remember that you are telling a story with the photograph Remember that you are telling a story with the photograph Captions fill in the blanks Captions fill in the blanks

35 How to use AP Stylebook Stylebook Key Stylebook Key –Addresses:  Is this correct? 25 East Silver St. –Spellings:  Adviser/advisor; Legislative titles Sports Guidelines and Style Sports Guidelines and Style Business Guidelines and Style Business Guidelines and Style A Guide to Punctuation A Guide to Punctuation Editing Marks Editing Marks

36 Don’t memorize, familiarize!

37 Photography lingo Shoot: take photos Shoot: take photos Sharp photo: in focus Sharp photo: in focus Soft: out of focus; not sharp Soft: out of focus; not sharp Flat light: Even, with no highlights Flat light: Even, with no highlights Bracket: Take several shots of same scene at different exposures Bracket: Take several shots of same scene at different exposures Shoot a lot of frames! Shoot a lot of frames! –Take a lot of photos – memory cards are cheap!

38 Major Assignment I: Feature Photograph Let’s review the assignment Let’s review the assignment We will go over features next week, but can start to think now about where to find a feature photograph We will go over features next week, but can start to think now about where to find a feature photograph Also handout Winter Outdoor Event, Sports, Portrait/Personality

39 Let’s practice editing with Picasa Go to this website: Go to this website: – Spring/IcyStairs.JPG Spring/IcyStairs.JPG Spring/IcyStairs.JPG

40 Picasa 3: Editing, selecting photos Set up Google Account: Set up Google Account: Go to: Go to: Download Picasa 3 Download Picasa 3 Upload photographs Upload photographs Under File menu, select New Album Under File menu, select New Album Type in Date/name of assignment Type in Date/name of assignment Select photos, drag to the album you created Select photos, drag to the album you created Edit photos, put the final photo selection first in album Edit photos, put the final photo selection first in album Select the final photo, and write cutline where it says: Write a caption! Select the final photo, and write cutline where it says: Write a caption!

41 Sharing album with me Select the album you want to share Select the album you want to share Click on the Share button on upper right side of the album screen Click on the Share button on upper right side of the album screen Sign in to your Google account Sign in to your Google account In the Share Photos screen, in the To: box type In the Share Photos screen, in the To: box type

42 Carry your camera with you!

43 Assignment for 2/11: General news assignment General news assignment Get more comfortable with your camera Get more comfortable with your camera Popularity of UMD food service areas Popularity of UMD food service areas Shoot from a variety of angles: above, down low Shoot from a variety of angles: above, down low Using Picasa, send a link with your best photos to:

44 Let’s practice … depth of field/shutter speed Jumping Bulldog/props! Jumping Bulldog/props! –Shutter speed –Depth of Field –Long exposure Get in groups of similar type cameras Get in groups of similar type cameras

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