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CMMI CAPABILITY MATURITY MODEL INTEGRATION Renāte Guslens 2008. Gada 4. decembris.

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Presentation on theme: "CMMI CAPABILITY MATURITY MODEL INTEGRATION Renāte Guslens 2008. Gada 4. decembris."— Presentation transcript:

1 CMMI CAPABILITY MATURITY MODEL INTEGRATION Renāte Guslens 2008. Gada 4. decembris

2 Dienas kārtība Pārskats CMMI modelim  Ievads CMMI  CMMI pa līmeņiem  Mērīšana un metrikas  CMMI pasaulē  Salīdzinājumi ar citiem modeļiem CMMI ieviešana

3 Pārskats CMMI modelim

4 Ievads CMMI CMMI pa līmeņiem Mērīšana un metrikas CMMI pasaulē Salīdzinājumi ar citiem modeļiem 4

5 Kas ir CMMI? CMMI: Capability Maturity Model Integration  Nav pārtulkots latviski Procesu prasību apraksts, kas nodrošina efektīvu izstrādes procesu Procesu uzlabošanas rīks programmatūras izstrādes uzņēmumiem Starptautiski atzīsts procesu modelis 5

6 6 CMMI vēsture Problēma – ASV federālai valdībai trūkst kritēriju kā izvēlēties programmatūras piegādātājus Software Engineering Institute (SEI) 1984 – līgums par Software Engineering Institute (SEI) dibināšanu [ Carnegie Mellon University ietvaros]  Sponsors – ASV aizsardzības departaments Capability Maturity Model 1985 - SEI uzsāk darbu pie procesu definēšanas, kas vēlāk top par Capability Maturity Model 1991.g. – izlaista SW-CMM versija 1.0 1992.g. – izlaista SW-CMM versija 1.1

7 CMMI vēsture, turp. 2002. g. - CMMI Version 1.1 Product Suite 2002. g. - CMMI Version 1.1 Product Suite  Jauna novērtēšanas metode, SCAMPI Standard CMM Appraisal Method for Process Improvement 2005.g. 31. decembrī - SW-CMM arhivēts CMMI Version 1.2 for Development 2006.g. – izlaists CMMI Version 1.2 for Development  Turpmāk prezentācijā - CMMI Papildus informācija: 7

8 8 No CMM līdz CMMI-DEV

9 Pārskats CMMI modelim Ievads CMMI CMMI pa līmeņiem Mērīšana un metrikas CMMI pasaulē Salīdzinājumi ar citiem modeļiem 9

10 Kas raksturo nobriedušu organizāciju? Projektu pārskatāmība Paredzami rezultāti Produktivitāte Augsta produktu kvalitāte Spēja tikt galā ar sarežģītajiem projektiem Darbinieku apmierinātība 10

11 11 Brieduma (maturity) līmeņi Modelis sadalīts 5 līmeņos  5. līmenis ir visaugstākais  1. līmenis ‘piešķirts’ visiem Klientiem bieži prasības pret līmeņiem Lai sasniegtu konkrētu līmeni, jābūt izpildītām visām prasībām ne tikai šajā līmenī, bet arī visos iepriekšējos līmeņos Katram līmenim definēti procesu apgabali (process areas)

12 12 Brieduma līmeņi, pakāpenisks (staged) modelis

13 13 CMMI 2.līmenis – pārvaldīts (managed) Prasības ir zināmas Plāni tiek izstrādāti saskaņā ar firmas prasībām pret plānošanu Projektu aktivitātes notiek saskaņā ar plānu Mērījumi un apskates tiek veikti projekta laikā Produkts bieži tiek izstrādāts pareizi Standarti un procesi var atšķirties no projekta uz projektu

14 14 Atšķirība starp 1. un 2. līmeni Projektu vadībā ir disciplīnēta Firmas procesu politika ieviesta Projektu plāni un procesu apraksti ir dokumentēti un atsekoti Resursi ir piešķirti Atbildīgie un viņu pienākumi ir zināmi visā projekta gaitā Procesus var pielietot līdzīgajos projektos

15 15 CMMI 3.līmenis – definēts (Defined) Organizācijai ir standartu procesu apraksts Projekta procesi pielāgo organizācijas standartus savām vajadzībām Procesi ir aprakstīti diezgan detalizēti

16 Atšķirība starp 2. un 3. līmeni 2.līmenī projektu procesi ir atšķirīgi, bet 3.līmenī visi projekti pamatā izmanto organizācijas procesu aprakstus 3.līmenī ir prasības pret visu organizāciju, nevis tikai projektiem 3.līmeņa procesu apraksti ir detalizētāki nekā 2.līmeņa procesu apraksti

17 17 CMMI 4.līmenis – Quantitatively Managed Procesu rezultāti ir prognozējami balstoties uz vēsturiskajiem datiem Izmērāmi mērķi tiek uzstādīti katram projektam  Klientu mērķi  Organizācijas mērķi Procesi tiek mērīti pielietojot statistikas metodes

18 18 CMMI 5.līmenis – Optimizing Uzsvars uz procesu uzlabojumiem un inovatīviem tehnoloģiskajiem uzlabojumiem Defektu cēloņu analīze

19 19 CMMI – divi skati CMMI modelim divi grupējumi (representation)  Pakāpenisks (Staged)  Tematisks (Continuous) Saturs vienāds

20 20 Brieduma līmeņi, pakāpenisks (staged) modelis Project Planning Project Monitoring and Control Configuration Management Product & Process Quality Assurance Supplier Agreement Management Measurement and Analysis Requirements Management Organizational Process Focus Organizational Process Definition Organizational Training Integrated Project Management Risk Management Decision Analysis and Resolution Requirements Development Technical Solution Product Integration Verification Validation Quantitative Project Management Organizational Process Performance Causal Analysis and Resolution Organization Innovation & Deployment Level 2 Managed Level 3 Defined Level 4 Quantitatively Managed Level 5 Optimizing

21 21 CMMI – tematiskais (continuous) Process Mgmt (5 PA) Support (4 PA) Engineering (6 PA) Project Mgmt (6 PA) Organizational Process Focus Organizational Process Definition Organizational Training Organizational Process Performance Organizational Innovation and Deployment Project Planning Project Monitoring and Control Integrated Project Management Risk Management Quantitative Project Management Requirements Management Requirements Development Technical Solution Product Integration Verification Validation Measurements and Analysis Configuration Management Decision Analysis and Resolution Causal Analysis and Resolution Supplier Agreement Management

22 22 Priekšrocības dažādībai Pakāpenisks (Staged)  Līdzīgs vēsturiskam CMM  Ieviešana pa līmeņiem Tematisks (Continuous)  Iespēja uzlabot tos procesus, kas vistiešāk sakrīt ar biznesa mērķiem

23 23 Structure of the CMMI Staged Representation Commitment to Perform: creates policies and secures sponsorship for process improvement efforts Ability to Perform: ensures that the project and/or organization has the resources it needs to pursue process improvement Directing Implementation: collects, measures, and analyzes data related to processes Verification: verifies that the projects and/or organization’s activities conform to requirements, processes, and procedures Commitment to Perform: creates policies and secures sponsorship for process improvement efforts Ability to Perform: ensures that the project and/or organization has the resources it needs to pursue process improvement Directing Implementation: collects, measures, and analyzes data related to processes Verification: verifies that the projects and/or organization’s activities conform to requirements, processes, and procedures Maturity Level Process Area Generic GoalsSpecific Goals Commitment to Perform Ability to Perform Directing Implementation Verification Common Features Generic Practices Specific Practices

24 24 Staged Representation, Process Areas Commitment to Perform: creates policies and secures sponsorship for process improvement efforts Ability to Perform: ensures that the project and/or organization has the resources it needs to pursue process improvement Directing Implementation: collects, measures, and analyzes data related to processes Verification: verifies that the projects and/or organization’s activities conform to requirements, processes, and procedures Commitment to Perform: creates policies and secures sponsorship for process improvement efforts Ability to Perform: ensures that the project and/or organization has the resources it needs to pursue process improvement Directing Implementation: collects, measures, and analyzes data related to processes Verification: verifies that the projects and/or organization’s activities conform to requirements, processes, and procedures Maturity Level Process Area Generic GoalsSpecific Goals Commitment to Perform Ability to Perform Directing Implementation Verification Common Features Generic Practices Specific Practices

25 25 Procesu apgabali pa līmeņiem Project Planning Project Monitoring and Control Configuration Management Product & Process Quality Assurance Supplier Agreement Management Measurement and Analysis Requirements Management Organizational Process Focus Organizational Process Definition Organizational Training Integrated Project Management Risk Management Decision Analysis and Resolution Requirements Development Technical Solution Product Integration Verification Validation Quantitative Project Management Organizational Process Performance Causal Analysis and Resolution Organization Innovation & Deployment Level 2 Managed Level 3 Defined Level 4 Quantitatively Managed Level 5 Optimizing

26 L2: Requirements Management REQM PP PMC SAM MA PPQA CM (REQM) Requirements Management (REQM) includes: developing and understanding of the requirements obtaining commitments to the requirements managing changes to the requirements managing bidirectional traceability identifying inconsistencies 26

27 (PP) Project Planning (PP) includes: identifying project scope estimating the attributes of the work products and tasks, effort, and cost defining the project life cycle establishing budget and schedule identifying project risks planning for data management, resources, and needed knowledge and skills planning the involvement of identified stakeholders establishing the project plan reviewing plans and reconciling work levels obtaining commitments to the plan L2: Project Planning REQMPP PMC SAM MA PPQA CM 27

28 (PMC) Project Monitoring and Control (PMC) includes: monitoring the project planning parameters monitoring the commitments and project risks monitoring data management and stakeholder involvement conducting progress and milestone reviews analyzing issues taking and managing corrective action L2: Project Monitoring and Control REQM PPPMC SAM MA PPQA CM 28

29 (SAM) Supplier Agreement Management (SAM) includes: determining the type of acquisition for products or product components to be acquired selecting suppliers reviewing candidate COTS products establishing, maintaining and executing agreements accepting and transitioning products L2: Supplier Agreement Management REQM PP PMCSAM MA PPQA CM 29

30 30 (MA) Measurement and Analysis (MA) includes: establishing and maintaining measurement objectives specifying measures and procedures for data collection, storage and analysis collecting and analyzing measurement data storing data and results reporting results to stakeholders L2: Measurement and Analysis REQM PP PMC SAMMA PPQA CM

31 (PPQA) Process and Product Quality Assurance (PPQA) includes: objectively evaluating processes and products communicating quality issues ensuring resolution of non-compliance issues establishing records L2: Process and Product Quality Assurance REQM PP PMC SAM MAPPQA CM 31

32 (CM) Configuration Management (CM) includes: identifying configuration items establishing a configuration management system creating or releasing baselines tracking change requests and controlling changes establishing records performing configuration audits L2: Configuration Management REQM PP PMC SAM MA PPQACM 32

33 (RD) Requirements Development (RD) includes: collecting and eliciting needs developing customer requirements establishing and allocating product and product – component requirements identifying interface requirements establishing operational concepts, scenarios, and a definition of required functionality ensuring requirements are necessary and sufficient balancing needs and constraints validating requirements L3: Requirements Development RD TS PI VER VAL OPF OPD OT IPM RSKM DAR 33

34 (TS) Technical Solution (TS) includes: developing alternatives evolving operational concepts and scenarios selecting solutions and developing a design establishing a technical data package designing interfaces performing make, buy or reuse analyses implementing the design and developing support documentation L3: Technical Solution RDTS PI VER VAL OPF OPD OT IPM RSKM DAR 34

35 (PI) Product Integration (PI) includes: determining the sequence of product integration establishing an integration environment establishing procedures and criteria reviewing interface descriptions for coverage and completeness managing internal and external interfaces confirming readiness for assembling components assembling, evaluating, packaging and delivering the product or product component L3: Product Integration RD TSPI VER VAL OPF OPD OT IPM RSKM DAR 35

36 (VER) Verification (VER) includes: selecting work products for verification establishing the verification environment establishing criteria and procedures preparing for and conducting peer reviews analyzing peer review data performing verification analyzing verification results and identifying corrective actions L3: Verification RD TS PIVER VAL OPF OPD OT IPM RSKM DAR 36

37 (VAL) Validation (VAL) includes: selecting products for validation establishing the validation environment establishing validation procedures and criteria performing validation activities analyzing results and identifying issues L3: Validation RD TS PI VERVAL OPF OPD OT IPM RSKM DAR 37

38 (OPF) Organizational Process Focus (OPF) includes: establishing process needs and objectives appraising processes and identifying improvements establishing and implementing action plans deploying process assets incorporating experiences and improvement information into organizational process assets L3: Organizational Process Focus RD TS PI VER VALOPF OPD OT IPM RSKM DAR 38

39 (OPD) Organizational Process Definition (OPD) includes: establishing the organization’s set of standard processes establishing approved lifecycle model descriptions establishing tailoring criteria and guidelines establishing the measurement repository establishing the process asset library L3: Organizational Process Definition RD TS PI VER VAL OPFOPD OT IPM RSKM DAR 39

40 (OT) Organizational Training (OT) includes: establishing strategic training needs of the organization determining which needs are the responsibility of the organization, project or group establishing a tactical training plan establishing a training capability delivering the training, establishing training records and assessing training effectiveness L3: Organizational Training RD TS PI VER VAL OPF OPDOT IPM RSKM DAR 40

41 (IPM) Integrated Project Management (IPM) includes: establishing the project’s defined process using the organizational process assets integrating plans managing the project using integrated plans contributing experiences to the organizational process assets managing stakeholder involvement and dependencies resolving coordination issues L3: Integrated Project Management RD TS PI VER VAL OPF OPD OTIPM RSKM DAR 41

42 (RSKM) Risk Management (RSKM) includes: determining risk sources and categories and defining risk parameters establishing a risk management strategy identifying and analyzing risks evaluating, categorizing and prioritizing risks developing mitigation plans for the most important risks monitoring risks and implementing mitigation plans as appropriate L3: Risk Management RD TS PI VER VAL OPF OPD OT IPMRSKM DAR 42

43 (DAR) Decision Analysis and Resolution (DAR) includes: establishing guidelines to determine which decisions will be subject to a formal evaluation process establishing evaluation criteria identifying alternative solutions selecting evaluation methods evaluating alternatives selecting solutions L3: Decision Analysis and Resolution RD TS PI VER VAL OPF OPD OT IPM RSKMDAR 43

44 (QPM) Quantitative Project Management (QPM) includes:  establishing the project’s objectives  composing the defined process  selecting sub-processes to be statistically managed  managing project’s performance against the objectives  selecting and applying analytical techniques to understand the variation  monitoring sub-process performance  recording statistical data in the organization’s measurement repository L4: Quantitative Project Management QPM OPP 44

45 (OPP) Organizational Process Performance (OPP) includes:  selecting processes to include in performance analysis  establishing measures to use in process performance analysis  establishing quantitative objectives for quality and process performance  establishing process performance baselines and models L4: Organizational Process Performance OPP QPM OPP 45

46 (OID) Organizational Innovation and Deployment (OID) includes:  collecting and analyzing innovative technology improvement proposals  piloting and selecting improvements for deployment  planning and managing the deployment of improvements  measuring the effects of deployed processes and technology improvements L5: Organizational Innovation & Deployment OID CAR 46

47 (CAR) Causal Analysis and Resolution (CAR) includes:  selecting defect data for analysis  analyzing causes if defects  implementing action proposals  evaluating effects of changes  recording data L5: Causal Analysis and Resolution OIDCAR 47

48 48 Mērķi un darbības (Goals & Practices) Commitment to Perform: creates policies and secures sponsorship for process improvement efforts Ability to Perform: ensures that the project and/or organization has the resources it needs to pursue process improvement Directing Implementation: collects, measures, and analyzes data related to processes Verification: verifies that the projects and/or organization’s activities conform to requirements, processes, and procedures Commitment to Perform: creates policies and secures sponsorship for process improvement efforts Ability to Perform: ensures that the project and/or organization has the resources it needs to pursue process improvement Directing Implementation: collects, measures, and analyzes data related to processes Verification: verifies that the projects and/or organization’s activities conform to requirements, processes, and procedures Maturity Level Process Area Generic GoalsSpecific Goals Commitment to Perform Ability to Perform Directing Implementation Verification Common Features Generic Practices Specific Practices

49 49 Prasība procesu apgabalam Specifiskie (specific) mērķi  Konkrēta prasība attiecīgajam procesu apgabalam Vispārīgie (generic) mērķi  Vispārīga prasība, kas attiecās uz visiem procesu apgabaliem Jāsasniedz mērķi, lai procesu gabala prasības būtu izpildītas Mērķi (goals)

50 50 Specific Practices vs. Generic Practices Specific Practices Apply to a single process area Describe activities that implement the process area Example – Requirements Mgmt. SG 1 Manage Requirements SP 1.1 Obtain an Understanding of Requirements SP 1.2 Obtain Commitment to Requirements SP 1.3 Manage Requirements Changes SP 1.4 Maintain Bidirectional Traceability of Requirements SP 1.5 Identify Inconsistencies between Project Work and Requirements Generic Practices Apply to all process areas Describe activities that institutionalize the process areas GG 2 Institutionalize a Managed Process GP 2.1 Establish an Organizational Policy GP 2.2 Plan the Process GP 2.3 Provide Resources GP 2.4 Assign Responsibility GP 2.5 Train People GG 3 Institutionalize a Defined Process GP 3.1 Establish a Defined Process GP 3.2 Collect Improvement Information

51 Pārskats CMMI modelim Ievads CMMI CMMI pa līmeņiem Mērīšana un metrikas CMMI pasaulē Salīdzinājumi ar citiem modeļiem 51

52 What is a ‘Metric’ and why should I collect it? Actually, Metrics are not collected They are calculated values Input comes from numbers and values you are collecting Those numbers present actual values of your work, like:  Size of code developed  Number of pages in Design Document, Test Plan  Number of Defects found during Code Review Reason to collect: when significant amount of data has been collected, you can make some decisions about how you work and what are the consequences in your work process 52

53 3 Layers of Metrics 53

54 Metrics Overall Idea of Metric collection: Three Levels  Data Collection Item (DCI)  Measurement  Metric Collecting data is at the project level and it is the responsibility of every team member Measurement is derived from DCI’s, like:  Actual Start Date of Design (this is DCI) and  Actual End Date of Design (this is DCI too)  (Actual End Date-Actual Start Date)+1= =Total Actual Elapsed Time (this is Measurement) A metric is calculated using combinations of measurements 54

55 How you are affected by a ‘Metrics Program’ Initial estimations for the Project  Project Managers, Team Leaders During Project’s life  Everyone is required to record or be able to provide data on actual tasks/activities At the End of the Project  Project Managers, Team Leaders 55

56 Initial Estimates When new project is started, you need to plan its activities in details and Set up Initial Estimates They are needed for tracking purposes when actual values will be available Examples here:  Total Effort  Schedule data  Size of the Team  Number of Requirements to be delivered  Size of Code to be developed 56

57 During the Project During project’s life you need to collect DCI’s at the predefined milestones within project You need to compare Actual Values with ones you’ve estimated, in other words:  You need to calculate some Metrics to find out any critical deviations (probably forcing you to revise your plans) SQA Auditor reviews the results at milestones Modelling task is applicable:  you enter actual performance values  spreadsheet tells you predictable values for the ending of the project assuming the prevailing trend 57

58 At the End of the Project When project is finished, you need to actualize all values and only NOW metrics can be finalized They are compared with goals set before Having enough data, it will help you to plan your next projects (similar ones) 58

59 Metric Goals Goals are defined at 3 levels:  Company Department Project Company Goals, for example  make a profit  deliver on time Department Goals are more specific subsets of Company Goals, like  reduce number of post delivery defects  increase productivity Project Goals are numeric values describing how Department and Company Goals are met  ‘Productivity’  keep actual value around 22.58 relative performance points 59

60 Metric Goals – cont’d Metric Goals must be set for those Metrics providing significant importance for particular Department and Project type Metrics must be chosen to demonstrate ability to track if desired (quality) objectives are met, e.g.  Achieve 95% Defect Removal Efficiency Metric Goals map to Project and Company Goals (G-Q-M) Example Company Goal: Increase Product Quality  Dept. Goal: Find Defects in early stages of Life Cycle Project Goal: Increase % of Defects found in the Design phase up to 70% 60

61 Pārskats CMMI modelim Ievads CMMI CMMI pa līmeņiem Mērīšana un metrikas CMMI pasaulē Salīdzinājumi ar citiem modeļiem Bildes šajā nākamajā sadaļā ņemtas no SEI Process Maturity Profile 2008.gada septembra atskaites 61

62 62 CMMI pasaules valstīs, 2008

63 CMMI piešķirtie līmeņi 63

64 CMMI pa valstīm 64

65 Laiks starp līmeņiem 65

66 Pārskats CMMI modelim Ievads CMMI CMMI pa līmeņiem Mērīšana un metrikas CMMI pasaulē Salīdzinājumi ar citiem modeļiem 66

67 67 CMMI un ISO: kopīgais Ideoloģija balstīta uz procesiem Strukturizēta pieeja (vadlīnijas) procesu uzlabojumiem Jāveic datu vākšana un analīze  Analīze kļūst par pamatu turpmākai lēmumu pieņemšanai Sertifikācijai vajadzīgs ārējs audits Sertifikāts derīgs 3 gadus Objektīvs vērtējums

68 68 CMMI un ISO: atšķirīgais ISO Izmantots vairākās nozarēs Uzraudzības auditi Viens līmenis Vispārīgas minimālās prasības Biežāk pieprasīts Eiropā Ārējie auditori paši veic auditu CMMI Paredzēts tieši programmatūras ražošanai Nav uzraudzības auditu Pieci līmeņi Ļoti konkrētas prasības Biežāk pieprasīts ASV Ārējie auditori veic auditu kopā ar iekšējiem auditoriem

69 69 CMMI un ISO: kopsavilkums Nav pretrunā Atšķiras prasību detalizācija CMMI paredz stingrākas prasības programmatūras ražošanai ISO 9001:2000 sertificēta organizācija atbilst gandrīz visām CMMI 2. līmeņa prasībām un vairumam 3. līmeņa prasībām (dati no Cap Gemini, Ernst and Young) CMMI 3. līmeņa organizācija, veicot sīkus procesu papildinājumus, būtu gatava ISO 9001:2000 sertifikācijai

70 CMMI un SPICE Abiem 5 līmeņi CMMI modelis pieejams bez maksas SPICE ir par maksu (ISO 15504 standarts) CMMI modelim sponsors CMMI ir pieprasīts ASV SPICE vairāk pieprasīts Eiropā CMMI nonāca tirgū ātrāk par SPICE SCAMPI (novērtēšanas metode) der arī SPICE 70

71 CMMI un Six Sigma Kopīgi mērķi  Defektu samazināšana  Kvalitātes vadība  Procesu uzlabošana  Procesu kontrole Atšķirības  Six Sigma: Pielietojams jebkurā nozarē Balstīts uz datu analīzi Klientu orientēts  CMMI: Definēta procesu infrastruktūra Trūkst standarta metrikas 71

72 CMMI ieviešana

73 73 CMMI,,sertifikācija” Assessment Angliski pareizi Assessment, nevis certification Novērtēšanas metode (SCAMPI)  Standard CMM Appraisal Method for Process Improvement (SCAMPI) SCAMPI A Tikai SCAMPI A metodes rezultāts ir CMMI līmeņa novērtējums SCAMPI B C SCAMPI B un C metodes ir iekšējiem novērtējumiem Vada oficiāls SEI vadošais auditors (Lead Assessor) Auditoru komanda (6–10 cilv.)  Atlasīta  Apmācīta “Introduction to CMMI” (SEI oficiālie kursi) Rezultāti nosūtīti SEI  Viens novērtējums Viens novērtējums, nav uzraudzības auditu Sertifikāts derīgs 3 gadus

74 74 Vēl par SCAMPI Daudz sagatavošanas darbu Informācijas verificēšana (nevis meklēšana) Practice Implementation Indicator Database (PIID) Pierādījumu datubāze Practice Implementation Indicator Database (PIID)  Uzskaita procesu ieviešanas pierādījumus Organizācijas līmenis Nodaļu līmenis Projektu līmenis  Jāaizpilda pirms novērtēšanas procesa sākšanas Intervijas un dokumentu pārbaude  Skatās, vai informācija sakrīt

75 75 Piemērs: PIID ieraksts

76 76 Formālā uzņēmuma novērtēšana Priekšnosacījumi:  Apmācīta auditoru komanda Obligāta “Introduction to CMMI” kursa apmeklēšana  Aizpildīta Practice Implementation Indicator datubāze Dokumentu pārskati Intervijas  Projektu vadītāji  Nodaļu vadītāji  Dažādu grupu pārstāvi Informācijas apkopošana un rezultātu sagatavošana Neoficiālo rezultātu prezentēšana pa grupām Oficiālo rezultātu prezentēšana un līmeņu piešķiršana Noslēguma darbi  Nosūtīt novērtēšanas rezultātus SEI  Konfidenciālo informācijas dzēšana/iznīcināšana

77 Piemērs – 5.līmeņa novērtēšanas plāns Week 1Week 2 Day 1 SCAMPI Overview, Assessment Team PIID Readiness Review Day 1 Interview Middle Management Interview Project Manager 3 Verify and document evidence Day 2 Readiness Review, PIID completion Day 2 Interview Project Manager 4 Interview Technical Team 2 Verify and document evidence Day 3 Readiness Review, PIID completion Opening Meeting Data collection plannning Prepare interview scripts Day 3 Follow-up interviews Prepare preliminary findings Present preliminary findings Day 4 Interview Project Manager 1 Interview Project Manager 2 Verify and document evidence Day 4 Consolidate and prepare final findings presentation Present final findings Day 5 Interview Quality Manager Interview Quality Assurance Team Interview Technical Team 1 Verify and document evidence Day 5 Assessment wrap-up 77

78 78 Piemērs: Novērtējuma statistika (5.līmenis) Intervijas:  4 projektu vadītāji  3 vadības pārstāvi  15 programmatūras izstrādāji Ilgums2 nedēļas Auditori7 Apskatītie procesu apgabali21 Izpildīti mērķi76 Izpildītas prasības 426 Pierādījumi ~14000

79 79 Piemērs: procesu apgabala novērtējums Specific goals Establish estimates. Develop a project plan. Obtain commitment to the plan. Fully Satisfied Not Satisfied Not Applicable Not Rated NA X Project Planning  The purpose of Project Planning (PP) is to establish and maintain plans that define project activities.

80 80 Piemērs: Maturity Rating Chart PA Specific Goal Profile Process AreasGoal 1Goal 2Goal 3 Requirements Management Project Planning Supplier Agreement Management Project Monitoring and Control Configuration Management Product & Process Quality Assurance Measurement and Analysis NA Fully Satisfied Not Satisfied Not Applicable Not Rated NA X Maturity Level 2 - Managed Result – Maturity Level 1

81 81 Gala novērtējums

82 82 Jautājumi Renāte Guslens

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