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10/4/2001Internet2 P2P: Views and Perspectives in Higher Education Ana Preston University of Tennessee Linda Roos OARnet Internet2 Virtual Member Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "10/4/2001Internet2 P2P: Views and Perspectives in Higher Education Ana Preston University of Tennessee Linda Roos OARnet Internet2 Virtual Member Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 10/4/2001Internet2 P2P: Views and Perspectives in Higher Education Ana Preston University of Tennessee Linda Roos OARnet Internet2 Virtual Member Meeting October 4, 2001 – 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. EDT

2 Internet2 Virtual Member Meeting10/4/2001 For today (all times EDT) Ana Preston, U Tennessee (11:30-11:40 a.m.) The Why behind “Collaborative Computing in Higher Ed: P2P and Beyond” David Futey, Stanford U. (11:40-11:50 a.m.) An Overview of P2P: Historical overview of P2P and issues Andy Oram, O'Reilly and Associates (11:50-12:05 p.m.) Research Possibilities to pursue in peer-to-peer networking Perry Brunelli, U Wisconsin (12:05-12:15 p.m.) FLOWSCAN update Steve Wallace, Indiana U (12:15-12:25 p.m.) The Gratification Threshold Linda Roos, OARnet (12:25-12:30 p.m. ) Q&A and closing

3 Internet2 Virtual Member Meeting10/4/2001 Higher Ed and P2P: 1999/mid-2000 May: Napster is born December: RIAA files suit against Napster Jan-Feb: Some universities begin blocking Napster access May-August: Metallica suit: Indiana U. Napster blocked on a well known port basis ‘Students against Censorship’ started by IU students Blocking: “Punishing the traffic of one application, using the rough technology we currently have available, accelerates users migrating to new apps more difficult to identify.” S teve Wallace, Indiana University Discussions on ResNet listserv appear Control and traffic monitoring/shaping http://LISTSERV.ND.EDU/archives/resnet-l.html

4 Internet2 Virtual Member Meeting10/4/2001 mid-2000 to 2001 Discussions on Educause’s CIO listserv (to block or not to block?) and articles on Chronicle of Higher Ed (Septemberish) Taming the bandwidth hogs…how can your campus do it (Fall 00 I2 MM) p2p list: 2000 concerns: liability and network performance. 2001 -- Significant: Feb. O’Reilly P2P conference: < 900 participants but <=10 universities “to explore the technical and business dimensions of the P2P space… Spring I2MM: - P2P thunderdome: The Impact of p2p apps on campuses - The Old is New Again: or is it SETI@home, folding@home, SETI@homefolding@home

5 Internet2 Virtual Member Meeting10/4/2001 2001 continued Pig-latin encoders (e.g. Aimster) changing song titles, new and better implementations of Gnutella and so on… April/May: The future of P2P applications What policy (including legal) steps will be necessary to ensure campus bandwidth is used for its primary purposes - research, teaching and learning. (panel at Networking 2001 –April) How will this be accomplished? reactive overtones 8th NLANR/I2 Joint Techs P2P in the research and education community Proactive approach to the P2P environment We will do a workshop! Napster shuts down (early summer)

6 Internet2 Virtual Member Meeting10/4/2001 2001: NOW (September) “Managing Students Insatiable Demand for Bandwidth.” (Chronicle of Higher Education live discussion 9/27/01) “In this new round of bandwidth battles, Napster is a distant memory.” (The Chronicle, 09/28/01) Digital video/movie files of 200-800MB downloaded with KaZaA or similar P2P file sharing applications Universities opting for user education and cooperation, bandwidth limiting, adding capacity, additional fees to cover bandwidth costs Plus almost monthly conferences on P2P in the enterprise, P2P computing, etc. Acknowledgement of synergies and commonalities

7 Internet2 Virtual Member Meeting10/4/2001 P2P list Archives at To subscribe, send email to In body of message, type: subscribe p2p

8 Internet2 Virtual Member Meeting10/4/2001 Recap It used to just be blocking vs. not blocking Traffic characterization: what % is media content (audio/video) vs. real research and educational traffic? Metering and allocation fair use of resources But what works? Best practices in resource management (in this case bandwidth) and understanding legal responsibilities (NetPD and what you really are “responsible” for – DMCA) And also: p2p is changing the Internet but still in early stages and apps need work…

9 Internet2 Virtual Member Meeting10/4/2001 We need to do something…. P2P is here to stay What P2P is and is not To explore the technical and future dimension of this fast-growing space and the opportunities and challenges for higher education P2P and like models for applications in research, science and education What are the issues at stake?

10 Internet2 Virtual Member Meeting10/4/2001 What if we had a workshop? P2P application developers, users and us (??) in the same room to share experiences and challenges. Exploration into how universities can integrate and perhaps even innovate with this "revolution,” while providing vehicle (or models, ideas, and such) through which universities can benefit. Advantages of P2P models for applications in research, learning and teaching. To explore the issues and challenges that come up when creating P2P/distributed computing systems: discovery, resource management, allocation, security, authentication, end to end, addressing….

11 Internet2 Virtual Member Meeting10/4/2001 1 st Workshop on P2P & Higher Ed Collaborative Computing in Higher Education: Peer-to-Peer and Beyond Tentative program: Re-mark your calendars! January 30 – 31, 2002 Tempe, Arizona Thanks to SURA, Internet2, Joint Techs, program committee, speakers and participants!

12 Internet2 Virtual Member Meeting10/4/2001 A very special thank you PROGRAM COMMITTEE Ana Preston, University of TN Linda Roos, OARnet George Brett, Internet2 Perry Brunelli, Univ. Wisconsin-Madison Laurie Burns, Internet2 James Deaton, ONEnet Sue Fratkin, SURA Doyle Friskney, Univ. Kentucky David Futey, Stanford University William Green, Univ. Texas - Austin Chris Rapier, Pittsburg Supercomputing Center/NLANR Joe St Sauver, Univ. Oregon Jerry Sobieski, Univ. Maryland Steve Wallace, Indiana Univ. David Wiley, Utah State Univ I2/NLANR Joint Techs

13 Internet2 Virtual Member Meeting10/4/2001 Today’s Awesome Lineup David Futey, Stanford U (11:40-11:50 a.m.) An Overview of P2P: Historical overview of P2P and issues Andy Oram, O'Reilly and Associates (11:50-12:05 p.m.) Research possibilities to pursue in peer-to-peer networking Perry Brunelli, U Wisconsin (12:05-12:15 p.m.) FLOWSCAN update Steve Wallace, Indiana U (12:15-12:25 p.m.) The Gratification Threshold

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