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AHP Champion Award 2007. In 2007, AHP presents the AHP Champion Award to individuals for their distinguished service to the association and its growth.

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Presentation on theme: "AHP Champion Award 2007. In 2007, AHP presents the AHP Champion Award to individuals for their distinguished service to the association and its growth."— Presentation transcript:

1 AHP Champion Award 2007

2 In 2007, AHP presents the AHP Champion Award to individuals for their distinguished service to the association and its growth. Collectively, the winners become the AHP Circle of Champions. The recipients of this award are individuals who were instrumental in the development and growth of American Horse Publications. Each recipient receives a commemorative pin, individual plaque, and their names honored online at the AHP web site.

3 The Executive Committee presented its recommendations for nominees at its February Board Meeting, where the Board approved awarding the inaugural AHP Champion Award to the six individuals who were present at the organizational meeting of American Horse Publications held on September 23, 1969.

4 The man elected as AHP chairman at that meeting would later serve as the first president of American Horse Publications and it is Arnold Kirkpatrick that we honor first tonight. We owe a debt to Arnold and the people who started AHP. It was their foresight and generosity that has brought us to where we are today.

5 Arnold Kirkpatrick Thoroughbred Record 1970 - 1971 AHP President It was the late 1960s and times were changing. Technology was on a roll. The world was becoming Technicolor. And, Arnold Kirkpatrick was publisher, editor and part owner of the Thoroughbred Record. He and his horse publishing colleagues were beginning to realize that together they could accomplish more than if they were against each other. And the seed of an idea was planted that would become American Horse Publications in 1970.

6 Modeled after the American Horse Council, the impetus for starting AHP was two-fold. First, the quality of horse publications wasn’t where it needed to be, so the AHP could get seminars going to improve graphics. Second, the publications didn’t have individual circulation numbers that would attract national advertisers, but if they combined circulations they might be able to offer deals for national advertisers. “Never did we dream that AHP would become what it has today,” said Arnold, first president of AHP. “Those that came after us have really driven it to become a high quality, professional organization. I can’t tell you how proud I am of AHP. It is an organization of substance and worth, yet still retains the fun we had starting it, and we had a good time.”

7 Arnold now owns his own real estate company in Lexington, Kentucky. He continues to consult, appraise, do bloodstock work, and, in general, anything equine related. “Many of the people I met through AHP remain good friends today.”

8 Lucille Shuler Arabian Horse World The late Lucille Shuler was the founding editor of Arabian Horse World Magazine. She and her husband, Jay, purchased Pacific Arabian Life in 1960 and changed the name to Arabian Horse World. The Schulers moved from New York to California in the late 1960s. Mary-Jane Parkinson, a longtime writer for the magazine, recalls Lucille as an energetic and humorous individual who built the magazine into a very successful business.

9 Lucille and Jay sold the magazine to their daughter, Jan, and Nat Gorham in the early 80s who later sold it to PRIMEDIA. For 47 years, Arabian Horse World has chronicled the Arabian breed, its major bloodlines, shows, breeders and newsmaking events. The magazine is targeted to all Arabian horse breeders, professionals, and amateur showmen, and individual owners for whom Arabian horses are both a pleasure and a passion. Only a few publications that exist today have served the equine industry continually since the inception of AHP. Lucille would be proud to know the publication she gave birth to is one of them.

10 Melvin M. Peavey Horse World Melvin Peavey was the publisher of Horse World when it was located in Lexington, Kentucky. The publication was established in 1932 and focused on the American Saddlebred breed. Melvin was an inaugural officer of AHP, serving as the association’s first Secretary/Treasurer until his resignation.

11 Don Valliere Turf & Sport Digest Don Valliere served as publicity director for the Ontario Jockey Club and as the Executive Secretary of the Jockey Club of Canada. He is known for his handicapping skills and organizing the Horseplayers Club, which he founded. He conducted seminars to teach thousands of racing fans how to win at the races. In 1980, he demonstrated his skills by winning the Ontario Handicapping Challenge against the best in Canada.

12 He founded the magazine Canadian Horse (now Canadian Thoroughbred) and was editor of Turf and Sport Digest, Gambling Quarterly, and Systems and Methods. He was the author of Betting Winners: A Guide for the Harness Fan. He also managed Fort Erie Race Track in Ontario. He died at age 72 in 2004 and the Fort Erie track now hosts the Don Valliere Memorial for 3-year-olds and up.

13 Alexander Mackay-Smith The Chronicle of the Horse Indomitable, eclectic, kind and patient are just some of the words used to describe the unique character of Alexander Mackay-Smith (1903-1998). One of the most prolific writers on equine sports in the last century, Mr. Mackay-Smith is remembered as a visionary–able not only to conceive of ideas but also to bring them to fruition. Photo Courtesy – Marilyn Mackay-Smith

14 In 2002, Mr. Mackay-Smith's broad contributions to the whole of the equine industry were recognized when he was awarded the inaugural Equine Industry Vision Award–created to showcase innovation, ingenuity and service throughout the horse world and presented by Pfizer Animal Health and American Horse Publications. Alexander Mackay-Smith's achievements as an innovator and historian are numerous, but his role as editor of The Chronicle of the Horse for almost 25 years, marks him as a leader in the early years of equine publishing. He is an inspiration to all of us who continue to grow this industry for he is a role model for each of us to emulate. He envisioned the spirit of dedication and passion for horses, a spirit that AHP members must keep alive in memory of a true visionary.

15 Snowden Carter Maryland Horse 1973 – 1974 AHP President A lifelong horseman, Wilton Snowden (Nick) Carter rode and participated in local horse shows in his youth, owned race horses since the early 1950s, was an enthusiastic participant in the Howard County Hunt Club, and continued to ride for pleasure until well into his 70s. Snowden acquired the nickname Nick after the fictional character Nick Carter when he went to work for the Baltimore Sun in 1944 as a police reporter and was twice arrested in the line of duty while “getting the story.”

16 In 1946, he switched to covering racing. He won the Thoroughbred Racing Association’s award (forerunner of the Eclipse award) for best newspaper story on racing in 1956. Snowden became editor of The Maryland Horse magazine in 1961 and general manager of the Maryland Horse Breeders Association in 1962, where he helped launch the Maryland Fund. After he retired, he wrote the Maryland breeding column for the Daily Racing Form for more than 10 years. Snowden died on February 3, 2005. His daughter, Lucy Acton, editor of Mid-Atlantic Thoroughbred, continues her father’s legacy and involvement in AHP. “While I look back on my years as a writer and horse magazine editor, I can still feel the thrill of the game.”

17 AHP Circle of Champions Arnold Kirkpatrick ~ Thoroughbred Record Lucille Shuler ~ Arabian Horse World Melvin Peavey ~ Horse World Don Valliere ~ Turf & Sport Digest Alexander Mackay-Smith ~ The Chronicle of the Horse Snowden Carter ~ Maryland Horse

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