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NJ/Eastern PA/DE HERC Director’s Report. Mission Statement Through the sharing of information and resources, the NJ/Eastern PA/DE HERC aims to support.

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Presentation on theme: "NJ/Eastern PA/DE HERC Director’s Report. Mission Statement Through the sharing of information and resources, the NJ/Eastern PA/DE HERC aims to support."— Presentation transcript:

1 NJ/Eastern PA/DE HERC Director’s Report

2 Mission Statement Through the sharing of information and resources, the NJ/Eastern PA/DE HERC aims to support member institutions in attracting outstanding faculty, administrators, and staff. The Metro New York & Southern Connecticut HERC supports the efforts of each of its member institutions to recruit and retain outstanding and diverse faculty, administrators, and staff through the sharing of information and resources.

3 NJ/Eastern PA/DE Website Over 1,000 jobs Over 10,000 registered users About 1 million hits

4 Website Data Data for NJ/Eastern PA/DE HERC Website

5 National HERC Diversity Data Increasing the diversity of faculty and staff is of critical importance to HERC members. The diversity outreach and advertising we do has paid off. HERC jobseekers significantly outpace national demographic averages for faculty on both gender and ethnicity.

6 Race & Ethnicity Distribution 2005 American Community Survey United StatesFaculty in US 2005 Chronicle of Higher Ed. 49,000 HERC Jobseekers 2008 Registered Jobseeker Survey

7 Gender Distribution 2005 American Community Survey United StatesFaculty in US 2005 Chronicle of Higher Education 49,000 HERC Jobseekers 2008 Registered Jobseeker Survey

8 National HERC Advertising in Discipline Journals & Websites MLA H-NET APA Science Nature Nursing Spectrum NSBE IEEE NSWE JOE APSA AACU National Black MBAs SACNAS

9 HERC Resume Database

10 National HERC Webinar Series Understanding The Jobseeker Of Today – well received at the New England HERC assembly in Oct. ‘09! Join us for a Webinar on April 20th This program,ORG-PROGRAM-64362, has been approved for 1 (General ) recertification credit hours toward PHR, SPHR and GPHR recertification through the HR Certification Institute. Presenters: Valerie Sutton, Director of Career Services Laura Malisheski, Assistant Director for PHD Advising Office of Career Services, Harvard University

11 HERC Webinar Series – Proposed Webinars Compliance with the Workforce Reduction Act – Avoiding Pitfalls. Presenter: David McAllister, Esq., Reed Smith LLP Avoiding accessibility complaints and litigation. Webinar for Jobseekers

12 HERC Documents Library HERC Meeting, October 6, 2009 NJ/Eastern PA/DE HERC Director's Report "Don't Panic, Participate - a common sense approach to social networking and social media" with Michael Stoner "Don't Panic, Participate - a common sense approach to social networking and social media" with Michael Stoner (video) "Family Friendly Policies Best Practices - panel discussion with representatives from member campuses" (video) HERC Meeting, June 11, 2009 NJ/Eastern PA/DE HERC Director's Report "Tapping Talent Across the Four Generations" with Tim Donahue: Agenda for Excellence - Executive Summary Agenda for Excellence - Full Report Higher Education Demographics "Tapping Talent Across the Four Generations" with Tim Donahue Why Graduate Students Reject the Fast Track American Council on Education - The Sloan Foundation 2006 and 2008 award winners for creating career flexibility in higher education. Diversity Conference, November 7, 2008 Conference Program MChilders - Elements of a Comprehensive Approach MChilders - Mentoring Minority Faculty KMcMahon-Klosterman - Disability as Diversity Outline KMcMahon-Klosterman - First Memory JAlger - Diversity Initiatives and the Law (Student Programs) JAlger - Dealing with Diversity in the 21st Century-Affirmative Action in Employment DRuth - Advancing Women Students and Faculty in Science and Engineering-New Strategies and Old Ones That Work HERC Meeting, June 17, 2008 - Future Trends in Staffing: Dot Jobs, Staffing Blogs, Networking Applications and More with

13 HERC Meeting of Academic Vice Presidents

14 Dual Career Symposium Harvard University Office of Faculty Development & Diversity May 5, 2010 Cambridge, MA

15 Fall NJ/Eastern PA/DE HERC meeting TBA

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