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1 Definition: Permaculture (permanent – culture) is a creative and artful way of living, where people and nature are all preserved and enhanced by: thoughtful.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Definition: Permaculture (permanent – culture) is a creative and artful way of living, where people and nature are all preserved and enhanced by: thoughtful."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Definition: Permaculture (permanent – culture) is a creative and artful way of living, where people and nature are all preserved and enhanced by: thoughtful planning, the careful use of resources, and a respectful approach to life. Thus embraced, these attributes create an environment where all may thrive for untold generations.

2 2 Within a Permaculture designed system: wastes become resources productivity and yields increase work is minimized and the environment is restored. History and logic demonstrate: To have a ‘permanent-culture’ you must have a ‘permanent-agriculture’.

3 3 Humus content of native prairie soils? 10-13% Humus content necessary to sustain soil life? 3% Humus content of commercially farmed soils? 6 And What of Carbon Cycles?

4 4 11 Humus = Sponge Was 13% …now it’s 1%

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8 8 About 2 inches of soil blew away from cropland in Kansas during the winter of 1995-96. That's the equivalent of 263 tons of topsoil per acre. (6 semi-truck loads / acre) March 20, 2006 The Cornell University Chronicle

9 9 “Collapse” by Jared Diamond

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14 14 24 The 4-Headed Dragon on Industrial Agriculture 1.Soil Depletion and Loss 2.Alteration of Hydrological Cycles – Desertification 3.Contributing to CO2 + Little Carbon Sequestration 4.Pollution of Streams and Aquifers (nitrogen & …cides) A Fifth Crisis Looming…

15 15 Over a third of all the oil and gas consumed in the U.S. is used for food production (from seed to plate). The food on the average American plate traveled over 1500 miles to get there. It takes 10 cal. of oil To produce 1 cal. of food

16 16 August 2005

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18 18 Consumption over last 100 Years WE have used up about:  Half the topsoil  Half the oil  Half the rainforests  Third of all natural gas  Third of all coal

19 19 Goal of Permaculture Design Reverses the CONSUMPTION model into a CREATION model. Build the topsoil Build the topsoil Produce the energy we consume Produce the energy we consume Re-Grow the rainforests (and others) Re-Grow the rainforests (and others) Create sustainable communities and cities Create sustainable communities and cities Possibly Retard/Reverse global warming Possibly Retard/Reverse global warming Improve everyone's standard of living (quality of life) Improve everyone's standard of living (quality of life)

20 20 “The systems by which we live today are simply, non-sustainable.” Bill Mollison Bill Mollison David Holmgren 1978

21 21 Permaculture is really about relationship, our relationship as humans to the world around us. The Question Is… Will (do) we work with the natural abundance and flows of our world and universe… …or will (do) we ignore these? Permaculture Ethic 1.Care of Earth (life) 2.Care of People (everywhere) 3.Share all Surplus (no waste or pollution)

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23 23 Chicken Tractor

24 24 How a Swale Holds Water on the Landscape

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28 28 Mark & Jen Shepard’s farm 14 years ago when purchased.

29 29 Henry Brockman Eureka, IL Successful organic vegetable farmer on 10 acres. 15 Years. “It’s About Relationship”

30 30 Kris & Marty Travis Spence Farm, Fairbury, IL

31 31 Harvest an average of $25,000 worth of: -Lambsquarter -Ramps (wild leeks) -Wildflower Seed -Red Amaranth (pigweed) …each year. All growing wild on their farm.

32 32 Rickard Farm – Ohio Rotational grazing doubled grass production and restored health to soil.

33 33 Jon Haeme’s Strawbale Home Consumes 90% less energy (from the grid or LP gas) compared to the average American home

34 34 The Haeme’s Strawbale Home The walls are almost two feet thick and have a rounded feel to them. The home is incredibly energy- efficient with its south-facing windows that let in light and heat in the winter.

35 35 Harvesting rain water in our new Rain Gardens Bill and Becky Wilson Home of Midwest Permaculture

36 36 Save Perspective as Previous Picture – Year 1 68

37 37 69

38 38 Planted on this berm: Gooseberry, Currants, Raspberry, Strawberry, Onion, Green Beans, White Clover and Comfrey. 70

39 39 How many gallons of water come off of a 2,000 sq.ft. home during a 1” (inch) rain?

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44 44 Permaculture Greenhouses that grow food 365 days/year on renewable energy.

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46 46 Wayne Weiseman in Kano, Nigeria, Feb.2007

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48 48 - Permaculture Design Seeks to - Provide for Our Current Needs - Permaculture Design Seeks to - Provide for Our Current Needs Bring Decency and Dignity to all People Assure Abundance for Future Generations Repair the Damage to our Planet Reverse/Retard Global Warming

49 49 The Good News Is: Nature will work with us. What services are these trees providing? Harvesting sunlight & CO2 Replenishing the atmosphere with H2O and Oxygen Holding water on the Landscape Building soil Creating habitat for many other life forms Moderating heat and cold Cooperating with other species Self-replicating More… 64

50 50 The Question Is: Will we work with nature?

51 51 Permaculture is about Relationship Sun & Soil Sun & Soil Water & Air Water & Air Plants & Animals Plants & Animals Ourselves and Others Ourselves and Others We can create abundance for all.

52 52 “For what is the use of a home, if you haven’t got a tolerable planet to put it on?” H.D. Thoreau

53 53 ‘…a new reverence for life…’ Care of People --- Care of Planet --- The dream of the heart… George Washington Carver It time for us to step forward from adolescents to adulthood.

54 54 Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening. Live like it's Heaven on Earth. Each of us can be a part of a change that is possible… Bill Wilson – ©

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