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Latinos, Native Americans, and Women Fight For Equality “The MAN” was an insult minorities and young hippies used for old people in places of POWER Freddie.

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Presentation on theme: "Latinos, Native Americans, and Women Fight For Equality “The MAN” was an insult minorities and young hippies used for old people in places of POWER Freddie."— Presentation transcript:

1 Latinos, Native Americans, and Women Fight For Equality “The MAN” was an insult minorities and young hippies used for old people in places of POWER Freddie Prinze Coolist Guitarist EVER!! 1. Do you know this guy?

2 What did Latinos want? Demand that schools offer Spanish-speaking children classes taught in their own language as well as programs about their culture – Bilingual Education Act 1968 Get Latinos elected to Congress through the efforts of La Raza Unida LULAC 1929-fight segregation and other forms of discrimination

3 Who was a leader?  "Sí, se puede"?  Cesar Chavez  United Farm Workers Organizing Committee in 1966 – to seek higher wages and better working conditions for Mexican-American migrant farm workers in California

4  UFW, was important because ◦ Grassroots Organization ◦ He worked in the fields with the Latino workers ◦ Non Violent Boycotts but refused to be pushed around.

5 What was the main objective of the American Indian Movement (AIM) of the 1970’s?  Return Native American lands, burial grounds, and fishing and timber rights  25-50% of Native women getting government medical care were sterilized w/o their knowledge or permission  BIA stole $137,000,000,000 in funds

6 What did AIM do to bring attention to treaty abuses?  Trail of Broken Treaties- march on Washington, D.C.  Took hostages/seized village at Wounded Knee, SD  Took Alcatraz Island and refused to leave until old treaties honored




10  1972 Indian Education Act  1975 Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act  Several old treaty violations went to court and Natives got land back

11 Name 2 factors that helped launch the women’s movement. -women’s entry into the workplace -women’ involvement in the civil rights and antiwar movements


13 What was the message of The Feminine Mystique?  That many women felt unfulfilled and were dissatisfied with their status in society.

14 What was the significance of The Feminine Mystique?  It helped galvanize women across the country and fuel the women’s movement.

15  National Women’s Political Caucus  Title IX  Roe V. Wade  ERA

16  Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.  Congress passed such an Amendment and most states ratified it, but at the last minute in 1982 it was stopped by a coalition of conservatives led by Phyllis Schlafly and ERA never passed. Go to 3:00

17  National Organization for Women ◦ Free child care ◦ Equal Rights Amendment ◦ No More “Glass Ceiling”: An invisible but very real, resistance to promoting women into top positions.


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