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Theory Into Practice: “Connecting with Latino Learners” By Kathleen Cotta.

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Presentation on theme: "Theory Into Practice: “Connecting with Latino Learners” By Kathleen Cotta."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theory Into Practice: “Connecting with Latino Learners” By Kathleen Cotta

2 Theory 1. Students should build on “funds of knowledge” – Content-Area Cognates – Graphic Organizers – Incorporating Multiple Modalities – Language Face-to-Face

3 Content-Area Cognates 1. What is a cognate? 2. Can be used in all content areas – Ex: geometry, geography/history, English subject 3. Older ELL students more likely to apply Spanish vocab to English vocab 4. Warning: False Cognates

4 Graphic Organizers 1. Text structures often overlooked – Chronological sequence – Compare and contrast – Cause and effect 2. Good for visualization 3. Help cognition – access knowledge quickly – tap into prior knowledge – discern relationships – establish a hierarchy among concepts – review information 4. Types of Organizers – Flow Charts – Cycle Charts

5 Incorporating Multiple Modalities 1. Students may not have adequate background knowledge on topics – Ex: US History 2. Visual/Audio aids -English captions 3. Variety of texts and genres

6 Language Face-to-Face 1. Engaging with peers face- to-face develops oral and written skills 2. Types of exercises: – Student Teams Achievement Division – Teams-Games-Tournament – Jigsaw 3. Why this is helpful – Work together – All held accountable – Makes the task easier – Students assume roles

7 Final Notes 1. Remember: rely on funds of knowledge 2. Why this theory is necessary 3. How it relates to my topic 4. How it relates to all topics

8 Article Citation Rubinstein-Ávila, Eliane. "Connecting with Latino Learners." Helping Struggling Students 63.5 Feb. (2006): 38-43. ERIC (originally); Web. 20 June 2011..

9 Photo Credits projects.html projects.html edge edge ml ml http://vocablog- linguistic.html http://vocablog- linguistic.html

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