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Tuesday, July 17, 2012 Bienvenidos and Welcome The Influence of Hispanic Voters on This Year’s National Elections Unparalleled reach to the US Hispanic.

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday, July 17, 2012 Bienvenidos and Welcome The Influence of Hispanic Voters on This Year’s National Elections Unparalleled reach to the US Hispanic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday, July 17, 2012 Bienvenidos and Welcome The Influence of Hispanic Voters on This Year’s National Elections Unparalleled reach to the US Hispanic Media and beyond #bwchat

2 Moderators Pilar Portela - Media Relations Supervisor & LatinoWire Media Representative Danny Selnick - Vice President, LatinoWire & Public Policy Services #bwchat

3 Join the Twitter conversation Use Hashtag #bwchat Unparalleled reach to the US Hispanic Media and beyond

4 More exciting LatinoWire Webinars planned for the next coming months! Unparalleled reach to the US Hispanic Media and beyond

5 Speakers Dr. Federico Subervi - Professor and Director of the Center for the Study of Latino Media & Markets at the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Texas State University- San Marcos Dr. Gabriel R. Sanchez - Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of New Mexico and Research Director, Latino Decisions

6 Latinos and the 2012 Election: Immigration’s Impact on the Cohesiveness and Enthusiasm of Latino Voters Gabriel Sanchez, Ph.D. Associate Prof. Political Science, University of New Mexico Director of Research, Latino Decisions

7 It is critical to understand that there are some important sources of variation within the Latino population: –Generational Status and Language Use –Region and National Origin –Religion and Religiosity However, shared cultural heritage and socio-political status often leads to political cohesiveness among Latinos. More Similarities or Differences?

8 Current Climate & Latino Cohesiveness Source: impreMedia-Latino Decisions tracking poll, June 2011 Nationally, we find similarities across generation Does anti-immigrant, or anti-Hispanic sentiment exist today in politics?

9 Immigration Climate and Political Unity Source: Latino Decisions/America’s Voice June 12-21, 2012 Battleground Poll

10 Immigration Policy Matters We observed a similar positive “bump” for Dem House candidates

11 How enthusiastic are you about voting in the November 2012 election? Influence on Latino Enthusiasm

12 Finally, Check Out Latino Vote Map

13 EconomicMoral U.S. born7516 Foreign7611 Catholic7413 Protestant7520 Weekly7313 Born again7514 Great deal guidance7512 Politics is more about economic issues such as jobs, taxes, gas prices and the minimum wage; OR politics is more about moral issues such as abortion, family values, and same-sex marraige What is Politics really about? Election 2012

14 Latinos & Politics New & information challenges for mobilization Federico Subervi, Ph.D. Professor & Director of the Center for the Study of Latino Media & Markets School of Journalism & Mass Communication, Texas State University-San Marcos 512-250-0487 home office

15 How to mobilize voters: Provide a constant flow of politically “relevant” and “incentivizing” news and information.

16 What is the Current State of News and Information Options?

17 very scarce in general market English-language media more available in some, but not all SL media: gaps in daily print and radio some newsletters and e-mail information deliveries

18 New options: nichos digitales

19 Specific Latino-focused Outreach Efforts

20 non-partisan registration & get out the vote efforts

21 partisan propaganda via various platforms & media

22 What’s still missing? Photo source: Power Media Group

23 Latinos & Politics New & information challenges for mobilization Federico Subervi, Ph.D. Professor & Director of the Center for the Study of Latino Media & Markets School of Journalism & Mass Communication, Texas State University-San Marcos 512-250-0487 home office

24 Dr. Federico Subervi Dr. Gabriel R. Sanchez QUESTION AND ANSWER

25 Speaker Contact Information Gabriel Sanchez, Ph.D. -- Federico Subervi, Ph.D – 512-250-0487 home office

26 Closing Remarks Unparalleled reach to the US Hispanic Media and beyond #bwchat

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