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For phone access, click on phone icon below to get your unique PIN, and dial 1-866-915-8780 Latinos and Public Library Perceptions Edward Flores, PhD Candidate.

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Presentation on theme: "For phone access, click on phone icon below to get your unique PIN, and dial 1-866-915-8780 Latinos and Public Library Perceptions Edward Flores, PhD Candidate."— Presentation transcript:

1 For phone access, click on phone icon below to get your unique PIN, and dial 1-866-915-8780 Latinos and Public Library Perceptions Edward Flores, PhD Candidate USC/TRPI Fellow Harry Pachon, PhD President/CEO Tomas Rivera Policy Institute

2 For phone access, click on phone icon below to get your unique PIN, and dial 1-866-915-8780 Introduction Two Schools of Thought –Libraries as Integration into US society –Libraries Lack Spanish Language Access

3 For phone access, click on phone icon below to get your unique PIN, and dial 1-866-915-8780 Two Schools of Thought Library as Integration into US society 1920s Americanization 1960s War on Poverty

4 For phone access, click on phone icon below to get your unique PIN, and dial 1-866-915-8780 Two Schools of Thought Libraries Lack Spanish Language Access Cataloguing, subject headings Material, resources, staff Budgets

5 For phone access, click on phone icon below to get your unique PIN, and dial 1-866-915-8780 Latino Diaspora: 1970 9 States Where Latinos Outnumbered Blacks and Asians: 1970 Census

6 For phone access, click on phone icon below to get your unique PIN, and dial 1-866-915-8780 Latino Diaspora: 1990 13 States Where Latinos Outnumbered Blacks and Asians: 1990 Census

7 For phone access, click on phone icon below to get your unique PIN, and dial 1-866-915-8780 Latino Diaspora: 2000 23 States Where Latinos Outnumbered Blacks and Asians: 2000 Census

8 For phone access, click on phone icon below to get your unique PIN, and dial 1-866-915-8780

9 Data and Methods Data Collection Weighting

10 For phone access, click on phone icon below to get your unique PIN, and dial 1-866-915-8780 Data Collection Telephone Surveys, March - May 2008 2,860 Adult Respondents 6 States (California, Florida, Texas, New York, North Carolina, Nevada) 70% of US-Latino Population in 6 states

11 For phone access, click on phone icon below to get your unique PIN, and dial 1-866-915-8780 Weighting Sex, Age, Income, Nativity, State 4 Traditional Immigration States (97%) 2 New Destination States (3%)

12 For phone access, click on phone icon below to get your unique PIN, and dial 1-866-915-8780 Findings Percent Visited Library Gen. Pop. 63% Latino 49% Our Latino sample unweighted 49% Weighted 53%

13 For phone access, click on phone icon below to get your unique PIN, and dial 1-866-915-8780 Findings (cont’d) Satisfaction Gen. Pop. 70% Our sample 70-80% More Satisfaction with English than Spanish Materials

14 For phone access, click on phone icon below to get your unique PIN, and dial 1-866-915-8780 Satisfaction English books (93.3%) CDs (87.2%) movies (85.8%) newspapers/brochures/m agazines (89.8%) children’s books (91.9%) children’s movies (86.9%) Spanish books (74.0%) CDs (65.5%) movies (63.5%) newspapers/brochures/m agazines (78.2%) children’s books (76.5%) children’s movies (66.9%)

15 For phone access, click on phone icon below to get your unique PIN, and dial 1-866-915-8780 Demographics Sex Visited in the Past Year –Female- 60% –Male- 48% Education Never Been to Library –< High School- 46.8%

16 For phone access, click on phone icon below to get your unique PIN, and dial 1-866-915-8780 Demographics Immigrant Generation Percent Never Visited Library –First Gen- 30.2% –Second Gen- 14.1% –Third Gen- 12.8%

17 For phone access, click on phone icon below to get your unique PIN, and dial 1-866-915-8780 Demographics "Traditional Immigration" states Once or twice a year- 13.5% Every other month- 9.9% Monthly- 16.7% Weekly- 11.6% Daily- 1.0% "New Destination" states Once or twice a year- 12.1% Every other month- 9.4% Monthly- 17.4% Weekly- 10.2% Daily- 1.9%

18 For phone access, click on phone icon below to get your unique PIN, and dial 1-866-915-8780 Demographics New Destination states –Never went- 30.0% –Visited but not in past year- 19.1% Traditional Immigration states –Never went- 22.1% –Visited but not in past year- 25.3%

19 For phone access, click on phone icon below to get your unique PIN, and dial 1-866-915-8780 Baseline Regression Significant Factors Sex (b=.48, p<.001) Age ("55 and over" b=-.22, p<.10) Income ("$65k and over" b=-.27, p<.01) Education (b=.14, p<.001) English Fluency (b=.23, p<.001)

20 For phone access, click on phone icon below to get your unique PIN, and dial 1-866-915-8780 Baseline Regression (cont’d) Insignificant Factors Type of State Generation Citizenship Years in the United States Spanish-speaking dominant Spanish-reading dominant

21 For phone access, click on phone icon below to get your unique PIN, and dial 1-866-915-8780 Perceptions of the library Strong relationships with library visits Staff is not helpful (b=-.25, p<.001) Staff treats everybody fairly and equally (b=.21, p<.001) Weak relationships with library visits Staff could not speak Spanish (b=-.09, p<.10) They do not have enough resources in Spanish (n.s.)

22 For phone access, click on phone icon below to get your unique PIN, and dial 1-866-915-8780 Reasons for Attending Borrowing movies (b=.46, p<.001) Borrowing music (b=.41, p<.001) Learning English (b=.30, p<.001) Relaxing/ quiet time (b=.30, p<.001) Reading or borrowing books (b=.28, p<.001) Using a computer (b=.26, p<.001) Taking children (b=.22, p<.01)

23 For phone access, click on phone icon below to get your unique PIN, and dial 1-866-915-8780 Suggestions Information on jobs (b=-.29, p<.001) Longer hours (b=-.24, p<.001) English materials more strongly related with library visits than Spanish materials Materials for children in English (b=-.21, p<.01) Materials for children in Spanish (b=-.11, p<.01) Books/CDs/DVDs/VHS in English (b=-.11, p<.01) Books/CDs/DVDs/VHS in Spanish (n.s.) Bilingual staff is not at all correlated with library visits (n.s.)

24 For phone access, click on phone icon below to get your unique PIN, and dial 1-866-915-8780 Conclusion Demographics Demographics matter as with general population Latino attendance affected by generation as well Generation not relevant after controlling for demographic differences Measures of 'acculturation' not relevant after controls, either English language fluency is strong predictor

25 For phone access, click on phone icon below to get your unique PIN, and dial 1-866-915-8780 Conclusion (cont’d) Survey questions Staff treatment influences library visits more than bilingual staff or materials Learning English also influences library visits English Materials, especially children's materials, more significant However, most Spanish materials still significant

26 For phone access, click on phone icon below to get your unique PIN, and dial 1-866-915-8780 Conclusion (cont’d) American library as a pillar of civic integration Latino perceptions generally positive Staff treatment important English language learning influential in visits However, Spanish language materials still needed

27 For phone access, click on phone icon below to get your unique PIN, and dial 1-866-915-8780 Looking forward Read more about what’s happening on BlogJunction Subscribe to our monthly newsletter Crossroads Want more info on what’s coming to the next WebJunction? Keep checking the Looking Forward page for updates: For questions, email

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