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2010 Census and the NEW American FactFinder Accessing 2010 Census Statistics Hawaii Jerry Wong Information Services Specialist Los Angeles Regional Office.

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Presentation on theme: "2010 Census and the NEW American FactFinder Accessing 2010 Census Statistics Hawaii Jerry Wong Information Services Specialist Los Angeles Regional Office."— Presentation transcript:

1 2010 Census and the NEW American FactFinder Accessing 2010 Census Statistics Hawaii Jerry Wong Information Services Specialist Los Angeles Regional Office U.S. Census Bureau

2  Congressionally Mandated by Article1, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution  First Census was conducted in 1790  Why Do We Conduct the Census?  Congressional Apportionment  Redistricting  Data is Used to Allocate Billions of Dollars in Federal Funds Decennial Census Population & Housing Count

3 Age Sex Relationship Hispanic Origin Race Number of People Living in Housing Unit Tenure (Rent or Own) 2010 Census Data

4 2010 Census Data Products and Release Schedule Planned Release Date Data ProductsData Being Released Lowest Level Geography Feb – Mar 2011 2010 Redistricting Data (P.L. 94-171) Total Population Population 18 Years and Over Race & Hispanic/Latino Housing Counts by Occupancy Status (Occupied/Vacant) Blocks May 2011Demographic Profile (DP-1) Selected population and housing characteristics Includes Congressional Districts of the 111th Congress Places/Functioning Minor Civil Divison Census Tracts June – Aug 2011 Summary File 1 Population Counts for 63 Race Categories & Hispanic/Latino Population Counts for Many Detailed Race & Hispanic Latino Categories, and American Indian and Alaska Native tribes Selected Population & Housing Characteristics Blocks Census Tracts Blocks/Census Tract Dec 2011 – Apr 2012 Summary File 2 Population & Housing Characteristics Iterated for Detailed Race Hispanic/Latino American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes Census Tracts

5 2010 Redistricting Data (Public Law 94-171) QT-PL Race, Hispanic or Latino, Age, and Housing Occupancy: 2010 H1 Occupancy Status P1 Race P2 Hispanic or Latino, and Not Hispanic or Latino by Race P3 Race for the Population 18 Years and Over P4 Hispanic or Latino, and Not Hispanic or Latino by Race for the Population 18 Years and Over G001 Geographic Identifiers GCT-1 Geographic Comparison Table Race and Hispanic Origin or Latino 2010 (9 tables) GCT-2 Population and Housing Occupancy Status 2010 (9 tables) National Redistricting File (27 tables)

6 Geographic Comparison Table: GCT-PL1

7 2010 Demographic Profiles Provides selected population and housing characteristics

8 2010 Summary File 1 (SF-1) More detail than the Demographic Profile Similar content as Census 2000 Summary File 1 Cross tabulations of age, sex, households, families, relationship to householder, characteristics of owners and renters, detailed race and Hispanic or Latino origin groups and group quarters

9 Summary File 1 Tables “P” tables: Population Subjects available down to the block level “PCT” tables: Population Subjects available down to the census tract level “PCO” tables: Population Subjects available down to the county level “H” tables: Housing Subjects available down to the block level “HCT” tables: Housing Subjects available down to the census tract level

10 Race and Hispanic or Latino Origin  Detailed Black or African American, American Indian and Alaska Native tribes, Asian, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, and Hispanic or Latino groups (PCT1- PCT11) – tract level Selected tables iterated by: A. White alone B. Black or African American alone C. American Indian and Alaska Native alone D. Asian alone E. Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone F. Some Other Race alone G. Two or More Races H. Hispanic or Latino I. White alone, not Hispanic or Latino

11 Relationship to Householder Relationship (P29*) –block level: * Repeated by 9 Race/Hispanic groups Biological child Adopted child Stepchild Grandchild Brother or sister Parent Parent-in-law Son-in-law or daughter-in-law

12 Household Type and Membership Own children (P19) and related children under 18 years old (P21) – block level People under 18 years, 60+, 65+, 75+ (P20, P24 –P26) – block level Nonrelatives (P27) – block level Household size (P28*) – block level Average household size (P17*) – block level * Repeated by 9 Race/Hispanic groups

13 Families Average family size (P37*) –block level Family type by presence of Own children under 18 years old (P38*) –block level Related children under 18 years old(P39*) – block level Grandchildren living with grandparent householder (P41) –block level * Repeated by 9 Race/Hispanic groups

14 Census 2000: Summary File 1 and 2 Age Sex Relationship Hispanic Origin Race Number of People Living in Housing Unit Tenure (Rent/Own) Census 2010: Summary File 1 and 2 Age Sex Relationship Hispanic Origin Race Number of People Living in Housing Unit Tenure (Rent/Own) Census 2000: Summary File 3 & 4 Demographic Characteristics Housing Characteristics Social Characteristics Economic Characteristics American Community Survey Demographic Characteristics Housing Characteristics Social Characteristics Economic Characteristics Census 2000, Census 2010 & American Community Survey (ACS) Census 2000, Census 2010 & American Community Survey (ACS) Compare Blue with Blue and Red with Red

15 Hierarchy of Census Geography

16 Changes in Hawaii Census Geography for 2010

17 2010 Census Tract Criteria New Census Tracts Coding Series 9400-9499 Any tract with a majority of population and/or area on Hawaiian Home Lands 9800-9899 Special Land Use tracts 9900-9999 Water Census Tracts

18 9400-9499 Any tract with a majority of population and/or area on Hawaiian Home Lands

19 9800-9899 Special Land Use tracts

20 New Census Designated Places for 2010 Hawaii County Discovery Harbour Waiohinu Honolulu County East Honolulu* Kalaeloa Kapolei Ko Olina Mililani Mauka Ocean Pointe* Urban Honolulu* Waikele West Loch Estate Kauai County Haena Wainiha Maui County Keokea Kula Launiupoko Mahinahina* Makena* Manele Olinda Olowalu Ualapu’e Wailea*



23 Guidelines provided by U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) –Social definition of race recognized in U.S. –Not biological or anthropological definitions Uses of the data –Meet legislative redistricting requirements –Monitor compliance with Voting Rights Act –Assess home mortgage lending patterns of financial institutions to meet credit needs of minorities –Assess racial disparities in health 23 Race and Ethnicity Data

24  OMB Ethnicity Categories –Hispanic or Latino –Not Hispanic or Latino  Race & Ethnicity are considered separate concepts  Those who identify as either ethnicity category above may be of any race(s). 24 OMB Ethnicity Standards

25 OMB’s 1997 standards on Race include:  5 minimum categories for data on race  Multiple race reporting is accepted 25 OMB Race Categories

26  Race Alone – Includes people who indicated only one race – For example, people who identified as “Asian and no other race” are included in the Asian Alone category  Two or More Races – Includes people who reported more than one race – 57 combinations of the major race groups Race Data Tabulation Concepts

27 Hawaii Population by Race & Hispanic RACENumber% of Total Population Total Population 1,360,301 100.0 White 336,599 24.7 Black or African American 21,424 1.6 American Indian/Alaska Native 4,164 0.3 Asian 525,078 38.6 Native Hawaiian & Other Pacific Islander 135,422 10.0 Some Other Race 16,985 1.2 Two or more races 320,629 23.6 HISPANIC OR LATINO AND RACE Number% of Total Population Total Population 1,360,301 100.0 Hispanic or Latino (of any race) 120,842 8.9 White Not Hispanic 309,343 22.7 Black or African American Not Hispanic 19,904 1.5 American Indian/Alaska Native Not Hispanic 2,823 0.2 Asian Not Hispanic 513,294 37.7 Native Hawaiian & Other Pacific Islander Not Hispanic 128,222 9.4 Some Other Race Not Hispanic1,888 0.1 Two or more races Not Hispanic 263,985 19.4

28 Hawaii Population by Race alone and Race alone or in combination Race alone Race alone or in combination with one or more other races Total Population 1,360,301 Race Responses --- 1,807,596 White 336,599 564,323 Black or African American 21,424 38,820 American Indian/Alaska Native 4,164 33,470 Asian 525,078 780,968 Native Hawaiian & Other Pacific Islander 135,422 355,816 Some Other Race 16,985 34,199 Two or more races 320,629 ---

29 2010 Census Data Products are Available Through the American FactFinder (AFF) on

30 Click

31 Different Options to Conduct Your Search

32 Note: You are on the Main Page and the Your Selections box is empty

33 Using Quick Start, Enter Honolulu County, Hawaii in the Geography Box, then click GO

34 Note: As you start typing, a drop down menu appears with possible geography options. You may select one of the options by clicking on it.

35 You are now on the Search page, Honolulu County is in Your Selections box and all the tables available are listed under the Search Results

36 To View a Table: Double Click on the Link OR Check the Box next to the Table and Click “View”

37 …Or use Topics to narrow your Search

38 Filtering Tables by Topic People - Census 2010

39 Filtering Tables by Topic Housing - Census 2010

40 Filtering Tables by Topic Year - Census 2010

41 Filtering Tables by Topic Product Type - Census 2010

42 Filtering Tables by Topic Program - Census 2010 and Census 2000

43 Filtering Tables by Topic Data Set - Census 2010

44 Filtering Tables Population Groups

45 Before beginning a new search, Clear all selections from the Your Selections Box Click on MAIN to return to the Main Page

46 All Cities (Places) Within Honolulu County Begin Search by Clicking Geographies

47 A geographic overlay table will appear. Under Geographic Filter Options and Geographic Type Double Click on City or Town

48 Note: City or Town have been added to Your Geography Filters Under Geography Filter Options and Within State, Double Click on Hawaii

49 Note: Hawaii has been added to Your Geography Filters Scroll Down to All Places Fully or Partially Within Honolulu County. Check Box and click Add

50 Note: All Places Fully or Partially Within Honolulu County has been added to Your Selections box Close the Geography overlay table by Clicking the X

51 Your table options are listed under Search Results Use Topics to further narrow your search to find table

52 Exercise: For All Cities within Honolulu County, find the number of Housing Units that are occupied and the number that are vacant

53 Before beginning a new search, Clear all selections from the your Selections Box Click on MAIN to return to the Main Page

54 All Census Tracts Within Honolulu County Begin Search by Clicking Geographies

55 A geographic overlay table will appear. Under Geographic Filter Options and Geographic Type Double Click on Census Tract

56 Note: Census Tract has been added to Your Geography Filters Under Geography Filter Options and Within State, Double Click on Hawaii

57 Note: Hawaii has been added to Your Geography Filters Scroll Down to All Census Tracts Within Honolulu County

58 Note : All Census Tracts Within Honolulu County has been added to Your Selections box Close the Geography overlay table by Clicking the X

59 Your table options are listed under Search Results Use Topics to further narrow your search to find tables

60 Select a table: H1 and click View

61 Note: Always use Back to Search to return to previous screen Click on Modify Table

62 Click on Transpose Rows/Columns

63 Click on Download

64 Your Three Download Options are Displayed, Select One and Click OK


66 Mapping Data To map data, you must have a table containing at least two or more “like” geographies, ie..two cities, two counties, two states.

67 All Cities (Places) Within Honolulu County Begin Search by Clicking Geographies

68 A geographic overlay table will appear. Under Geographic Filter Options and Geographic Type Double Click on City or Town

69 Note: City or Town have been added to Your Geography Filters Under Geography Filter Options and Within State, Double Click on Hawaii

70 Note: Hawaii has been added to Your Geography Filters Scroll Down to All Places Fully or Partially Within Honolulu County, select and click add

71 Note: All Places Fully or Partially Within Honolulu County has been added to Your Selections box Close the Geography overlay table by Clicking the X

72 Your table options are listed under Search Results Under Topics, expand People and Double Click on Race & Ethnicity

73 Select Data Set 2010 Summary File 1

74 Select Table P13E

75 Double Click on Table P11 – Hispanic or Latino, and Not Hispanic or Latino by Race for the Population 18 Years and Over

76 Scroll Cursor Over the Row You Would Like to Map and Double Click on any of the Data Cells (in Blue Fonts)

77 Double Click on Show Map

78 Double Click on Table P11 – Hispanic or Latino, and Not Hispanic or Latino by Race for the Population 18 Years and Over

79 Mapping Tools Zoom to state – this becomes available when viewing the national map. 79

80 Mapping Tools Zoom to state Zoom in – choose and define an area to zoom with the mouse 80

81 Mapping Tools Zoom to state Zoom in Zoom out – choose and define an area to zoom with the mouse 81

82 Mapping Tools Zoom to state Zoom in Zoom out Pan – click and drag the map around 82

83 Mapping Tools Zoom to state Zoom in Zoom out Pan U.S. Map view- takes you to the Nation view 83

84 Mapping Tools Zoom to state Zoom in Zoom out Pan U.S. Map view Identify – double click a place on the map 84

85 Mapping Tools Zoom to state Zoom in Zoom out Pan U.S. Map view Identify Print – Opens a PDF allowing you to print or save the map 85

86 To Change Colors Click on the Drop Down Arrow, Select Color and Click OK

87 To Change Classes, Select User Defined, Enter the Values Range and Click GO

88 Check the Boxes to Select Boundaries and/or Labels and Click UPDATE


90 90 U.S. Census Bureau Partnership & Data Services Program 15350 Sherman Way, Suite 400 Van Nuys, CA 91406 (888) 806-6389 Toll Free (888) 806-6389 Toll Free L.A. Regional Website: L.A. Regional Website: Resources: Need Assistance?

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