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Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup GeoRSS leveraging the RSS ecosystem Mikel Maron worldKit / OpenStreetMap / GeoRSS

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Presentation on theme: "Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup GeoRSS leveraging the RSS ecosystem Mikel Maron worldKit / OpenStreetMap / GeoRSS"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup GeoRSS leveraging the RSS ecosystem Mikel Maron worldKit / OpenStreetMap / GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup, October 20, 2006

2 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup GeoRSS? not a complicated tech ¡an agreement! we want to share place

3 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup the archetypical mashup

4 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup Where's the data in the mashup?

5 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup RSS? “the unix pipe of the internet”

6 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup In the Wilds

7 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup OGC lightweight standard W3C Incubator

8 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup

9 Other Properties elev floor radius featuretypetag featurename relationshiptag

10 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup GML and Simple 45.256 -71.92 45.256 -71.92

11 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup GeoRSS Simple M 3.2, Mona Passage urn:uuid:1225c695-cfb8-4ebb-aaa80da344efa6a 2005-08-17T07:02:32Z We just had a big one. 45.256 -71.92

12 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup Simple Line, Polygon, Box 45.256 -110.45 46.46 -109.48 43.84 -109.86 45.256 -110.45 46.46 -109.48 43.84 -109.86 45.256 -110.45 42.943 -71.032 43.039 -69.856

13 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup M 3.2, Mona Passage urn:uuid:1225c695-cfb8-4ebb-aa80da344efa6a 2005-08-17T07:02:32Z We just had a big one. 45.256 -71.92 GeoRSS GML Point

14 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup GML Line, Polygon, Box 45.256 -110.45 46.46 -109.48 43.84 -109.86 45.256 -110.45 46.46 -109.48 43.84 -109.86 45.256 -110.45 42.943 -71.032 43.039 -69.856

15 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup Feed Format Neutral RSS1.0 / RDF / RSS 2.0 / Atom / Microformat Simple / GML / W3C

16 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup What can you do with it?

17 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup USGS Earthquake GeoRSS feed

18 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup EC JRC Tsunami Simulator

19 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup GDACS

20 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup Scattershot of Potentials Monitoring Geographic Wikis Distribution Channel for Map Changes Mobile Sensors GIS Time Navigation Tear down the walls

21 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup Support...

22 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup Commercial GIS ESRI CadCorp MapInfo

23 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup Open Source Support clients: MapBuilder, OpenLayers, worldKit, WorldWind plugin libraries: Mapstraction, SPARQL geo extensions, Java Rome servers: GeoServer projects: GeoBliki, FoFRedux, GeoPress wouldbenice: GDAL/OGR, GPSBabel

24 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup Yahoo! flickr maps api Upcoming Weather Traffic

25 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup Microsoft Version 3 of the Virtual Earth Map Control Publish, Search, and Subscribe to GeoRSS GML

26 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup Google Tools to transform GeoRSS -> KML And extensions to view GeoRSS in Gmaps API

27 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup More Web 2.0 Nestoria Ning Platial Tagzania TripTracker (

28 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup Aggregation!

29 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup

30 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup little weather map

31 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup How's the weather for Islington house hunting?

32 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup OSM and Geonames Activity

33 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup geographic feed search

34 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup GeoRSS export

35 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup GeoPress

36 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup automagicly aggregated

37 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup

38 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup Loads of potential, but stubs What can these do? How will practices be collected? Folksonomic Properties

39 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup Sample Image 30 110 45 115 image-extent Image Overlays

40 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup Confusion of Multiple Flavors, Namespaces W3C vs Simple vs GML Geo “RSS” What's the Point, GeoRSS?

41 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup How does GeoRSS stay open as interest gains and implementations multiply? How to govern openness? How does a “community standard” stay accessible within membership based standards bodies? Microformats model? An Open Standards Process?

42 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup Sensors.. ObsRSS Transport Data Lightweight Geospatial Catalog Spec Can a GeoRSS-like process be applied to other heavy weight standards?

43 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup Is a Microformat serialization of GeoRSS appropriate? What is the content? hAtom is silly Human Readable? Reusing HTML? Speaking of Microformats

44 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup With huge spreads of GeoRSS being published (flickr, weather, for example) What's the best way to aggregate a GeoRSS search result? How to advertise feeds? A9 OpenSearch? Catalogs bbox is enough for querying? WFS Basic Aggregation and Querying

45 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup Thanks! Mikel Maron worldKit / OpenStreetMap / GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashups, October 20, 2006

46 Mikel Maron GeoRSS UK Geospatial Mashup

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