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1-1 Welcome to: CSC225 Introduction to Computer Organization Paul Hatalsky.

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Presentation on theme: "1-1 Welcome to: CSC225 Introduction to Computer Organization Paul Hatalsky."— Presentation transcript:

1 1-1 Welcome to: CSC225 Introduction to Computer Organization Paul Hatalsky

2 1-2 Where this class fits in Transistors Logic Implementation Computer Organization Instruction Set Architectures Input/Output Interfaces Assembly Programming Compiler High-Level Language 101,102,103, etc. 129 229 225 430,431 315

3 1-3 Introduction to the World of Computing Computer: magical electronic genius? NO! Electronic idiot! Does exactly what we tell it to, nothing more. Goal of the course: You will be able to write programs in C and understand much of what’s going on underneath. Approach: Build understanding from the bottom up on the LC-3!

4 1-4 Why are we learning this stuff??? Abstraction – Seeing through it We usually don’t need to worry about details… Can drive a car without knowing how the internal combustion engine works. …until something goes wrong! Where’s the dipstick? What’s a spark plug? Important to understand the components and how they work together, especially in embedded design Hardware vs. Software It’s not either/or – both are components of a computer system. Even if you specialize in one, you should understand capabilities and limitations of both. Because we should know. Right? Because it will be useful, right?

5 This is the LC-3! 1-5

6 1-6 Will learning the LC-3 teach me anything about a real computer? All computers, given enough time and memory, are capable of computing exactly the same things. == Smartphone Workstation Supercomputer

7 1-7 Course Outline Bits and Bytes How do we represent information using electrical signals? Digital Logic How do we build circuits to process information? Processor and Instruction Set How do we build a processor out of logic elements? What operations (instructions) will we implement? Assembly Language Programming How do we use processor instructions to implement algorithms? How do we write modular, reusable code? (subroutines) I/O, Traps, and Interrupts How does processor communicate with outside world? C Programming How do we write programs in C? How do we implement high-level programming constructs?

8 1-8 Welcome! Class Organization See Schedule Grading See Sylabus

9 1-9 Policies Late Policy – No late labs. Turn in what you have. Plagiarism Lab write-ups are individual (unless I specifically allow partners) You may not look at someone’s working code. No one else may type anything into the code. Discuss concepts and implementation strategies all that you want.

10 1-10 Policies Homework Work together if you wish, but TRY the problem yourself before you get help. Good way to study for tests. At least one question per midterm will come directly from the homework. Exams 2 Midterms – 1 side of 1 page (8.5 x 11) handwritten notes 1 Written Final – 2 sides of one page of handwritten notes

11 Questions??? 1-11 Let’s talk about binary and hexadecimal… 1001 1101 0010 0101 9D25

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