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“O, Horror! Horror! Horror!” Blood flows, but nobody knows…

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1 “O, Horror! Horror! Horror!” Blood flows, but nobody knows…
Act II Macbeth “O, Horror! Horror! Horror!” Blood flows, but nobody knows…

2 Act II - Macbeth IIi – Macbeth’s castle Banquo/Macbeth say goodnight
Macbeth contemplates murder – “Is this a dagger I see before me?” IIii – Murder Immediate guilt – 1. Identify lines that illustrate the awful, guilty feelings of Macbeth Dagger planting/Blood washing

3 IIiii – Knocking Comic reliever – 2. What “relief” is offered by the porter? (In other words, what’s so funny about what he says?) Macduff arrives and discovers murder – “O Horror! Horror! Horror!” Lady M – “What, in our house?” Macbeth kills guards. “Sorry” Malcolm and Donaldbain decide to go to England and Ireland. 3. Why? (Answer and write the quote.) 4. How does this benefit Macbeth?

4 IIiv – Ross and Macduff 5. Who is suspicion cast upon? 6. Where’s Ross going? 7. Where’s Macduff going?

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