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Non-places: An Introduction to Supermodernity Marc Augé.

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Presentation on theme: "Non-places: An Introduction to Supermodernity Marc Augé."— Presentation transcript:

1 Non-places: An Introduction to Supermodernity Marc Augé

2 Non-places Theory of place and identity in era of globalization (supermodernity) Distinguishes between “anthropological place” and “non-places” Supermodernity bypasses anthropological place and creates non-places

3 Anthropological place Places of identity, of relations and of history Stable places; foster individual and group identity Continuity between past and present Importance of tradition and ritual

4 Anthropological places Rural villages and communities Central meeting places, e.g. market square Religious rituals (e.g. procession of Corpus Christi) Monuments (war memorials)

5 Anthropological place Rooted in the local Familiar Augé: these local places are becoming hollowed out in supermodernity

6 Non-places “spaces formed in relation to certain ends (transport, transit, commerce, leisure), and the relations that individuals have with these spaces.” (Augé, 76)

7 Non-places Supermarkets Industrial zones Motorways

8 Associated words: Transit, interchange, passenger, destination, housing estate

9 Non-places: “where people are born in the clinic and die in hospital, where transit points and temporary abodes are proliferating under luxurious or inhuman conditions […]; where a dense network of means of transport which are also inhabited spaces is developing; […]; a world thus surrendered to solitary individuality, to the fleeting, the temporary and ephemeral”. Augé, 63

10 Non-places “non-places are the real measure of our time” (Augé, 64) Travel, mobility – act of passing through: the motorway People in “non-places” are like “tourists”, “visitors

11 Non-places Solitary and anonymous Spectators of landscape v being anchored in the landscape Ghostly figures

12 Non-places “in the supermodern non-place people are always and never at home.” Augé, 87

13 The motorway

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