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September 10, 2014 1C. Meadows/K. Erwin.  Welcome  Introductions 2C. Meadows/K. Erwin.

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Presentation on theme: "September 10, 2014 1C. Meadows/K. Erwin.  Welcome  Introductions 2C. Meadows/K. Erwin."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 10, 2014 1C. Meadows/K. Erwin

2  Welcome  Introductions 2C. Meadows/K. Erwin

3  Quality is critical.  DHCs report on school/district level health data to the local board.  Aggregate data for the state will soon be available in Open House on the KDE Web site.  Data requests for more granular data may be made using the KDE Data Request Web site. 3C. Meadows/K. Erwin

4  Chronic absenteeism is not just truancy. It counts all days that students are absent from school, unexcused or excused. ▶ Health coordinators are part of the team to address chronic absences, keep students in school and have a positive impact on student achievement ▶ *Discuss NAEP data on handout. C. Meadows/K. Erwin4

5  Health records MUST be separate from the education records in the Cumulative Health Folder.  What is in the student’s folder?  See page 6, (c) and (d) - make a list  Retain records for six (6) years after the student leaves the school. (KY K-12 State Records Retention Schedule, 2014.) 5C. Meadows/K. Erwin

6  See copy in your packet. Language with strikethroughs deleted. Language added is underlined.  Electronic Medical Records – we have entered the 21 st Century.  Joint letter from DPH/KDE – Electronic copies of immunizations from physician's offices should be accepted. 6C. Meadows/K. Erwin

7  Continuous health supervision for ALL students is required.  DHC MUST be appointed by the superintendent with the responsibility of coordinating school health services.  Emergency care procedures SHALL include a health facility where a student can recline, in private.  The space must meet minimum standards in 702 KAR 4:170 for a First Aid/Health Room 7C. Meadows/K. Erwin

8 Specifications for the First Aid/Health Room are as follows:  Minimum area 200 Sq Feet  Direct visual supervision through half-glass door and sidelight from reception area  Handicapped accessible toilet  Base cabinet with sink  Filing cabinet with lock 8C. Meadows/K. Erwin

9  Space for at least one cot  Student privacy  Storage cabinet or drawer with lock for medications  Separate refrigerator for mediations, supplies  Data outlets for internet access and networking (Lync for video conferences)  Telephone and computer C. Meadows/K. Erwin9

10 One current copy each: ◦ KDE Health Services Reference Guide – HSRG (electronic), ◦ Medication Administration Training Manual ◦ School Nurse Resource Manual (received today – 1 per district) C. Meadows/K. Erwin10

11  The school employee who has been trained and delegated to administer or assist with administration of glucagon, insulin or seizure rescue medications must be available on site during school hours or school-related activities.  The employee certified in a standard First Aid course that includes CPR for infants and children must be on site during school hours.  This service must be provided for students who are participating OR observing. 11C. Meadows/K. Erwin

12  Students can possess supplies and equipment necessary to perform self administration while in school or during school-related activities.  Students must be able to lie down in a private area (First Aid Room) when they are ill. (FERPA)  Students must be covered during school hours and school activities. 12C. Meadows/K. Erwin

13 ▶ Requires proof of completed training course provided by KDE (Medication Administration Training Course) or allowed under KRS 158.838 (1) (c ) (Diabetes Training) 13C. Meadows/K. Erwin

14  (2) ( c ) Non-licensed health technician added to be able to deliver health services. Must meet same requirements as non- licensed school employee C. Meadows/K. Erwin14

15 (1) (a) (2)lnsulin administration is now included (3)Caution - Versed (Medazolam) is not FDA approved for seizures (b) Insulin administration must include instruction on signs and symptoms of hypo and hyperglycemia (c) School district may choose which training program they will use for training staff in insulin administration. C. Meadows/K. Erwin15

16  (4) “Exempt from liability” clause for administering any medication in this statute  (5) Permission to administer any medication effective only for current school year  (7) Student must be allowed to perform blood glucose checks and self administer insulin or treat hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia in the school setting and at school-related activities. They may be permitted to self-carry necessary supplies and equipment, and must be granted a private area to perform diabetes tasks, if requested. C. Meadows/K. Erwin16

17  (8) (a) Guidance for schools to determine where the student may receive the best health care related to the student’s health condition  (b) School personnel cannot force a parent or guardian to be present to provide care to student at school or at school-related activities  (9) These requirements (1)-(8) only apply to schools that have a student enrolled who has a seizure disorder or diabetes mellitus C. Meadows/K. Erwin17

18 (10) Non-licensed school personnel must consent to be delegated task to administer insulin or seizure medication C. Meadows/K. Erwin18

19  Please consider documenting medication administration of insulin in IC-particularly administration of Glucagon  Document medication errors, voluntary reporting at EOY C. Meadows/K. Erwin19

20 C. Meadows/K. Erwin20

21  Karen Erwin (see business cards in folder)  Lori Davis C. Meadows/K. Erwin21

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