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Johann Gregor Mendel The Father of Genetics. Early Life Born July 22, 1822 In Heinzendorf, Austrian Silesia Now Hyncice, Czech Republic Cobbler’s son.

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Presentation on theme: "Johann Gregor Mendel The Father of Genetics. Early Life Born July 22, 1822 In Heinzendorf, Austrian Silesia Now Hyncice, Czech Republic Cobbler’s son."— Presentation transcript:

1 Johann Gregor Mendel The Father of Genetics

2 Early Life Born July 22, 1822 In Heinzendorf, Austrian Silesia Now Hyncice, Czech Republic Cobbler’s son Many siblings Bright child

3 His Training Entered Augustinian monastery in 1843 Brunn (Brno), Austria Classically trained for the priesthood Ordained in 1847 Failed as parish priest Potential recognized by Prelate

4 Further Training Prelate entered him at the U. of Vienna 1851-1854 Trained in mathematics and natural sciences Returned to Brunn to teach the boys in the secondary school 1854-1868

5 The monastery garden then……..

6 The monastery garden in Brno today

7 His Epic Experiments Monastery garden Pea plants Controlled crosses Recorded results Studied 7 traits 1856-1864 Reported to Brunn Natural History Society in 1865



10 “Experiments with Plant Hybrids” The Principle of Segregation Principle of Independent Assortment Law of Dominance Law of Unit Characters

11 An organism receives two characters (genes) for every trait One character comes from each parent

12 Law of Dominance In pairs of factors there may be different forms One form always makes its effect known over the other One is “dominant” while the other is “recessive”

13 Law of Segregation Pairs of factors are separated during the formation of gametes (sex cells) A sperm or an egg will carry just one factor (gene)

14 Law of Independent Assortment Characteristics are inherited independently from one another Where a blue eyed gene goes will not affect where a skin color gene goes Exception – gene linkage (genes closely located on same chromosome) Like passengers on the same bus!

15 Final Chapter Selected as abbot of monastery in 1868 Planned experiments put aside Unrecognized in his own day Recognized in 1900 by 3 independent researchers: Hugo DeVries, Carl Correns, and Erich von Tschermak Credited as discoverer of laws of heredity Died January 6, 1884


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