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Constructionsite Environmental Considerations Ron Gatepain.

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1 constructionsite Environmental Considerations Ron Gatepain

2 constructionsite Other Considerations Green Belts Conservation Areas Tree Preservation Orders

3 constructionsite Green Belts Zones around a major settlement where only controlled development is permitted. The purpose is to prevent settlements from merging into one another, thus preserving the countryside for the benefit of the community and safeguarding agricultural land. Permission will only normally be granted for developments which are agricultural or recreational. The development of certain leisure activities can be approved particularly where it is within the 'footprint' of a previous site such as a quarry.

4 constructionsite Conservation Areas "areas of special architectural or historic interest the character and appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance". (Civic Amenities Act 1967)

5 constructionsite Designation covers more than just a building or property curtilage and most local authorities have designated Conservation Areas within their boundary. The purpose of designating a Conservation Area is to provide the Council with an additional measure of control over an area that they considered to be of special historic of architectural value.

6 constructionsite Tree Preservation Order (TPO) A TPO is made by a Local Planning Authority (usually a Local Council) to protect specific trees or a particular area, group or woodland from deliberate damage and destruction. TPOs can prevent the felling, lopping, topping, uprooting or otherwise wilful damaging of trees without the permission of the Local Planning Authority, although different TPOs have different degrees of protection.

7 constructionsite Trees in Conservation Areas Trees in Conservation Areas are generally treated in the same way as if they were protected by a Tree Preservation Order; ie it is necessary to obtain the Councils approval for works to trees in Conservation Areas before they are carried out. There are certain exceptions (where a tree is dead or in a dangerous condition) but it is advisable to seek the opinion of your Councils Tree Officer to ensure that proposed works are acceptable.

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