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Jeopardy MilkCheeseCooking Everything Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy Cream/ Substitution.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy MilkCheeseCooking Everything Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy Cream/ Substitution."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy MilkCheeseCooking Everything Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy Cream/ Substitution

3 $100 Question from Milk Which milk contains the highest amount of fat?

4 $100 Answer from Milk Whole Milk

5 $200 Question from Milk What is it called when heat is added to kill harmful bacteria?

6 $200 Answer from Milk Pastuerization

7 $300 Question from Milk What vitamin has been fortified in some milk?

8 $300 Answer from Milk Vitamin D

9 $400 Question from Milk What is evaporated milk?

10 $400 Answer from Milk Milk that contains half the amount of water as regular milk

11 $500 Question from Milk What is milk made up of?

12 $500 Answer from Milk Water & Solid

13 $100 Question from Cheese What part of milk is cheese made out of?

14 $100 Answer from Cheese Curds

15 $200 Question from Cheese What are the 2 types of cheese?

16 $200 Answer from Cheese Aged/Ripened or Fresh/Unriped

17 $300 Question from Cheese Which type of cheese is highly perishable?

18 $300 Answer from Cheese Fresh Cheese

19 $400 Question from Cheese What is the thin, bluish liquid formed when an enzyme is added to milk?

20 $400 Answer from Cheese Whey

21 $500 Question from Cheese What is a pull date?

22 $500 Answer from Cheese Date on container, indicates that milk should stay fresh 5-7 days after the date on the carton

23 $100 Question from Cooking What temperature should always be used when cooking with dairy products?

24 $100 Answer from Cooking Low-Medium

25 $200 Question from Cooking How can the rubbery skin that may form on milk or cream when cooking be avoided?

26 $200 Answer from Cooking Use a lid or stir

27 $300 Question from Cooking What does homogenized mean?

28 $300 Answer from Cooking Milk that has been pasteurized & mechanically treated to breakup butterfat & distribute them evenly

29 $400 Question from Cooking What is it called when milk overheats and burns?

30 $400 Answer from Cooking Scorching

31 $500 Question from Cooking How can a person prevent curdling from happening?

32 $500 Answer from Cooking Use low heat and stir

33 $100 Question from Cream What is cream?

34 $100 Answer from Cream Fatty part of the milk

35 $200 Question from Cream Which cream contains the highest amount of fat?

36 $200 Answer from Cream Heavy whipping cream

37 $300 Question from Cream Which cream contains the least amount of fat?

38 $300 Answer from Cream Half & half

39 $400 Question from Substitutions What milk substitution provides the same nutrients as dairy milk?

40 $400 Answer from Substitution Soymilk

41 $500 Question from Substitution How can a substitution for whipped cream be purchased?

42 $500 Answer from Substitution Aerosol cans, dry mixes, or frozen tubs

43 $100 Question from Everything How is butter formed? From what?

44 $100 Answer from Everything Beating cream until butter and buttermilk separate

45 $200 Question from Everything Who or what requires that milk be pasteurized?

46 $200 Answer from Everything Federal Government USDA

47 $300 Question from Everything Grading of milk is related to what?

48 $300 Answer from Everything Degree of sanitation

49 $400 Question from Everything Why is whipped butter not recommended for baking?

50 $400 Answer from Everything The added air changes density

51 $500 Question from Everything Name 3 things that milk does for the body.

52 $500 Answer from Everything Protein to Build & Repair Carbohydrates for Energy & Warmth Carries Fat Soluable Vitamins Vitamins A, D, B2 Calcium & Phosphorus

53 Final Jeopardy What percentage of water and solids does milk contain?

54 Final Jeopardy Answer 87% Water 13% Solids

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