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Machine Learning 4 Machine Learning 4 Hidden Markov Models.

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Presentation on theme: "Machine Learning 4 Machine Learning 4 Hidden Markov Models."— Presentation transcript:

1 Machine Learning 4 Machine Learning 4 Hidden Markov Models

2 The Problem to Be Solved

3 More Specifically Given a sequence of acoustic observations Most probable sequence of words Corresponding to speaker’s intent

4 Two Items Sequence The signal is observable, the output is not.

5 Framed a Different Way: The Ice Cream Task A climatologist in 2799 wants to reconstruct the weather in Baltimore during 2012 Baltimore is now under water Jacob Eisner, who lived in Baltimore in the early 21 st century kept a diary. His diary, through much historical drama, became the property of the Missouri Historical Society, a short walk from Washington University where the climatologist works. This diary, besides containing lots of dreary stuff about emotional states, contains a record of how many ice cream cones Jason ate each day that summer. What was the sequence of hot and cold days during the eventful summer of 2012?

6 Note two items: Sequence: ice cream comes Observation: sequence of ice cream cones Hidden: sequence of hot and cold days We presume: There is a probabilistic relationship between the sequence of ice cones and the sequence of hot and cold days

7 Dr. Eisner 2012 (not eating ice cream)

8 Dr. Markov circa 1900 (not eating ice cream either)

9 Model of Newspaper Vending Machine as FSA

10 Markov Chains Each a ij is an index into a table Gives transition probabilities

11 Weather Model from Luger (p. 375) S1 = sunny, s2 = cloudy, s3 = foggy, s4 = rainy

12 Invented Gender/Handedness data Male (M)Female (F)Total Left (L)5813 Right (R)347 Total81220

13 As a Hidden Markov Model

14 P(LLL)

15 (!) There must be a better way P(LLL) = (.625 * 625 *.625 *.4 *.4 *.4) + (.625 *.625 *.667 *.4 *.4 *.6) + (.625 *.667 *.625 *.4 *.6 *.4) (.625 *.667 *.667 *.4 *.6 *.6) + (.667 *.625 *.625 *.6 *.4 *.4) + (.667 *.625 *.625 *.6 *.4 *.6) + (.667 *.667 *.625 *.6 *.6 *.4) + (.667 *.667 *.667 *.6 *.6 *.6) =.015625 +.0250125 +.0250125 +.02669334 +.0250125 +.03751875 +.04004001 +.064096048 =.259010648

16 The Ice Cream HMM

17 A: priors matrix StartHotCold Start Hot Cold B: likelihoods matrix 1 Cone2 Cones3 Cones Hot.2.4 Cold.5.4.1 Ice Cream Task Rows labeled by prior state/conditioning event

18 A: priors matrix startfemalemale start female male B: likelihoods matrix leftright Female.67.33 Male.625.375 Gender Task Rows labeled by prior state/conditioning event

19 Forward Algorithm

20 Forward Trellis b j (o t ).0464

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