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Governmental Relations and General Counsel February 6, 2008 Planning Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Governmental Relations and General Counsel February 6, 2008 Planning Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Governmental Relations and General Counsel February 6, 2008 Planning Presentation

2 Organizational Chart Miles Postema General Counsel Sharon Hopper LR/EO Secretary Cynthia Bauman Paralegal Richelle Boerma Legal Secretary Geri Johnson Govt. Relations Asst. Deb Yost Executive Secretary Vacant Assistant General Counsel Pamela Meadows Director of Equal Opportunity Steve Stratton Director of Labor Relations Vacant Director of Govt. Relations Ken Plas Staff Attorney

3 Successes Completed bargaining for successor AFSCME and POLC II collective bargaining agreements. Provided training on Bullard-Plawecki Act and Public Employment Relations Act. Reviewed 4295 applicants for 191 positions.

4 Successes Trained over 104 students in Creating a Respectful Workplace. Reviewed 25 hiring process exceptions. Resolved 8 complaints alleging harassment and/or discrimination. Trained CAHS clinical instructor staff regarding FERPA.

5 Successes Maintained job responsibilities of the Director of Equal Opportunity in absence of personnel. Responded to 36 FOIA requests. Responded to 26 subpoenas.

6 Successes Reviewed 107 contracts (26 more than last year) Legal guidance to Student Affairs on student due process and disciplinary matters. Conducted a session at Summer University regarding Proposition 2.

7 Successes Ferris Summer University

8 Successes Hosted Rep. George Cushingberry for community-wide forum to discuss status of the state budget. Hosted chiefs of staff of several area state representatives on campus to enhance their awareness of FSU.

9 Successes Began distribution of “Legislative Links”. Instituted successful community-wide ice cream social celebration.

10 Successes Rep. George Cushingberry

11 Successes

12 Ice Cream Social August 30, 2008

13 Successes


15 Goals Finalize tentative agreement with POLC I for successor collective bargaining agreement Commence and complete negotiations for successor collective bargaining agreements with CTA. Develop and implement joint labor/ management training on labor relations issues.

16 Goals Develop and implement supervisory training. Revise division web site. Complete search for Director of Equal Opportunity and support assimilation into the campus community.

17 Goals Develop and implement training for entire campus workforce on creating and maintaining a respectful workplace. Update employment recruitment CD. Update and develop recruitment resources.

18 Goals Continue to provide assertive and strong response to all claims and litigation. Provide training opportunities on a wide variety of legal topics.

19 Goals Utilize Capwiz software program so that faculty, staff, students and alumni have an opportunity to advocate for the University. Host Lansing Legislative Luncheon in the spring.

20 Goals

21 Questions? The End

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