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The Unknown Effects of Drunk Driving Chelsea Barnes.

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1 The Unknown Effects of Drunk Driving Chelsea Barnes

2 The Unknown In 1967, my grandfather, Archie Locklear, was killed in a car accident involving a drunk driver. He left behind a six year old little girl (who would become my mother), and a loving wife (my grandmother). Because of this, I was never able to meet him.

3 Drunk driving- a dangerous road… The effects can be breathtaking, literally. Car accidents Injuries Fatalities Juvenile Detention Prison Attorney fees and court costs Probation

4 Why do teens drink and drive? Curiosity – Teenagers are at an age where nearly anything can seem cool. To fit in – “Everyone is doing it.” Stress and relationship issues- For some teens, alcohol can be seen as an escape from the worries of everyday life.

5 Think again…It Could Be YOU! Drunk driving is a serious problem. This year, 10,839 people will die in drunk-driving crashes - one every 50 minutes. One in three people will be involved in an alcohol-related crash in their lifetime. Every minute, one person is injured from an alcohol- related crash.

6 What if it affected you? Many people are not astonished by facts and figures: the numbers aren’t REAL enough for them. However, imagine if it was your sister, brother, mom, dad, grandmother, or grandfather… and think again. The stakes are REAL. This could be your family. Five members of this family were killed due to the irresponsible actions of a drunk driver.

7 The things you probably haven’t thought about… That dream school you just got accepted to? Think again. College acceptance can be lost due to drunk driving incidents. Finally got that license you waited 16 years for? Licenses are revoked everyday for drunk driving convictions. That scholarship you worked so hard for? Those get taken away too.

8 Drinking affects everybody, not just the drinker. You affect your family. They have to suffer from the consequences of your actions. And… they may even have to live without you. If you are involved in a car accident driving drunk, you can kill another human being: someone’s son, daughter, mom, or dad. Your actions can also negatively affect your friends. Can you imagine killing your best friend in an alcohol related crash?

9 Still need convincing??? Teen alcohol use kills about 6000 people each year, more than all illegal drugs combined. Car crashes are the leading cause of death for teens and one out of three of those is alcohol related.

10 What are we already doing? Organizations visit schools to encourage students not to drink and drive. There is an emphasis on the effects of teen drinking in both middle and high school health classrooms. Some media organizations are taking steps to prevent teenage drinking.

11 What else can we do??? Show the effects of drunk driving to teens (pictures, personal examples, etc.) Encourage the media to show the negative effects of drunk driving Insist that drinking is for 21 and older.. PREFERABLY NOT AT ALL Be the example. Don’t drink and drive. The effects can be devastating.

12 Sometimes the most valuable teacher is personal experience. However, a teen shouldn’t have to die to learn that drinking and driving is a horrible decision. Don’t learn the hard way. Take the advice of others who have seen the devastating effects of drunk driving.

13 + Look appealing?



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