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Methods for Writing the Introductory Paragraph Essay of Opinion Lee Brandon’s, Paragraphs and Essays.

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Presentation on theme: "Methods for Writing the Introductory Paragraph Essay of Opinion Lee Brandon’s, Paragraphs and Essays."— Presentation transcript:

1 Methods for Writing the Introductory Paragraph Essay of Opinion Lee Brandon’s, Paragraphs and Essays

2 Traditional Format Common Knowledge – General information about your subject Central Idea – The core issue relating to your general subject Thesis – Topic, position, and reasons in one sentence.

3 Background Provide background information on your subject. Grab the reader by giving them the necessary information they need to understand the motivation for your thesis or paper.

4 Background In one four-year period in California (1995-98), 15,363 people were injured and 5,954 were killed by drunk drivers. Each year, the same kinds of figures come from all our states. The state laws vary. The federal government does virtually nothing. Drunk driving has reached the point of being a national problem. This slaughter of innocent citizens should be stopped by passing federal legislation with strong provisions. (Reasons not included in the thesis.)

5 Direct Statement of Thesis Open with an opinion related to the issue that will be examined in your paper. This opinion should be broad. Begin to tighten your opinion, finally ending with your specific position or thesis.

6 Direct Statement of Thesis Anyone on the road in any city near midnight on Friday and Saturday is among dangerous people. They are not the product of the witching hour; they are the product of the “happy hour.” They are called drunk drivers. These threats to our lives and limbs need to be controlled by federal laws with strong provisions. (Reasons not included)

7 Definition Define a key term or the issue. You can use a dictionary definition or be more creative. From the definition, you narrow down to your position.

8 Definition Here’s a recipe. Take two thousand pounds of plastic, rubber, and steel, pour in ten gallons of gas, and start the engine. Then take one human being of two hundred pounds of flesh, blood, and bones, pour in two glasses of beer in one hour, and put him or her behind the wheel. Mix the two together, and the result may be a drunken driver ready to cause death and destruction. This problem can and should be controlled by federal legislation and strong provisions.

9 Quotation Open with a quotation from an authority, expert, or celebrity. By beginning with a statement from someone of importance, you make your argument more credible. You also are able to grab the attention of the reader.

10 Quotation The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has stated that 50 percent of all fatal accidents involve intoxicated drivers and that “75 percent of those drivers have a Blood Alcohol Content of.10 percent or greater.” That kind of information is widely known, yet the damage on the highways continues. This problem of drunk driving should be addressed by a federal law with strict provisions.

11 Shocking Statement & Question Open with a shocking statement. Follow-up the shocking statement, with a question connecting it to your thesis.

12 Shocking Statement & Question Almost 60,000 Americans were killed in Vietnam War. What other war kills more than that number every four years? Give up? It is the war with drunk drivers. The war in Vietnam ended about three decades ago, but our DUI war goes on, and the drunks are winning. This deadly conflict should be controlled by a federal law with strong provisions.

13 Question & Definition Open with a question about the general subject. Answer the question with a definition Possibly follow-up with another question Address the question Connect the questions to the thesis – the thesis should be your proposed answer.

14 Question & Definition What is a drunk driver? In California it’s a person with a blood alcohol level of.08 percent or more who is operating a motor vehicle. What do those drivers do? Some of them kill. Every year more than 16,000 people nationwide die. Those are easy questions. The difficult one is, what can be done? One answer is clear: Drunk drivers should be controlled by federal laws with strong provisions.

15 ASSIGNMENT Using at least two of these methods, write two possible introductory paragraphs. I will grade both. Based on my comments, suggestions, and corrections, you will then choose one method and write a polished introduction for your essay of opinion.

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