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Young People and Alcohol Di Robertson October 2007.

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1 Young People and Alcohol Di Robertson October 2007

2 The proportion of 11-15 year olds who drink has varied slightly over the last 5 years between 58-60%, but there was a clear drop from 58% in 2005 to 54% in 2006. However, the mean consumption of those who drink has doubled from 5 units a week in the early 1990s to 10 units in 2004. Young people drink mainly beer, cider, lager. Alcopops remain popular but consumption of them tends to drop with age. By the age of 13, the proportion of those who drink exceeds the proportion of teenagers who do not drink. Young people drink for a variety of reasons including: the wish to demonstrate maturity, have fun and test their limits. Although young people may drink in an uncontrolled way at times, most will not go on to develop serious alcohol problems. Context and Statistics

3 Common problems experienced are the result of severe intoxication such as accidents. There is an association between alcohol and crime or anti-social behaviour. 16% of school attendees, who had committed a crime, reported that they had been drinking prior to the crime. Children of problem drinkers can suffer from emotional and psychological problems. But how a young person responds to a parent’s drinking depends on factors such as the young person’s personality support systems both with and outside the family. Context and Statistics Continued

4 ESPAD School Survey 2003

5 Prevention and Education PSHE and Science Curriculum Alcohol Education starts in KS2 Awareness raising with parents Curriculum Guidance for Youth Services FRANK Peer education

6 Tell Us Survey 2007 This survey is carried out every two years with children in years 6,8 and 10 in a random selection of schools in each authority Local Authority National % % Have you ever had an alcoholic drink- a whole drink, not just a sip? (Tick one box only) No3942 Yes4948 Prefer not to say1210 In the last 4 weeks, how many times, if any, have you got drunk? (tick one box only) None 2023 Once/Twice912 Three or more157 Prefer not to say65 What do you think of the information and advice you get on the following things? (Year 8 & 10 only) (Tick one Box) Need more/ better advice Eating healthy Food1520 Alcohol2127 Smoking2526 Drugs2731 Sex and Relationships3137

7 Streetwise Alcohol Survey 2005 100 young people under 19 completed the survey Why do young people drink? 79% of young people stated they drank for fun 61% ‘to get drunk’ 42% drank to relax 38% to be more sociable 22% drank ‘to forget’ 20% drank ‘to cope with feelings’

8 Streetwise Survey (contd) 63% of young women and 47% of young men reported having sex under the influence of alcohol 46% of young women and 37% of young men had injured themselves under the influence of alcohol Overall 22% of young people admitted committing a crime under the influence of alcohol 49% of young people claimed they had been violent under the influence 73% of young men and 62% of young women aged 16 and 17 reported drinking in pubs

9 Particularly Vulnerable Groups of Young people Looked After Children Young Offenders Young People Not Attending School Homeless Young People Children of Problematic Alcohol or Drug Users Children who have been sexually exploited



12 Alcohol, Crime and Young People The 2003 Crime and Justice Survey further reveals that 82% of criminal damage incidents were committed on the spur of the moment and 40% had been committed when the perpetrator had consumed alcohol or alcohol and drugs. Criminal damage accounts for 14% of offences which young people are charged with who are engaged with the YOT. Residents who say that people being drunk or rowdy in public places is a very or fairly big problem dropped from 35% in 2005-06 to 34% in 2006-07 (Newcastle Residents Survey).

13 Calls to 101 2006-2007 Breakdown of types of calls to 101 in Newcastle No of incidents Noise Nuisance 3214 Intimidation and harassment 2916 Vehicle Related ASB 2349 Drunk or rowdy in public places 1847 Vandalism, grafitti and other deliberate damage 966 Out of Scope 905 Rubbish or litter 439 Street lighting 194 Substance Related ASB 156 Animal Problems 5 Firework related problems 2 Total 12993

14 A Review of the impact drugs and alcohol have on young people’s sexual behaviour. June 2007 Independent Advisory Group on Sexual Health and HIV Key Findings Alcohol consumption must be reduced if there is to be an effect on risk: by early intervention & by making it more difficult to purchase alcohol under age There is a lack of information about the effects of drugs and alcohol The positive media coverage of ‘celebrity’ behaviour involving sex, drugs and alcohol acts as an encouragement to young people Alcohol advertising is widely accessible to all who can read, merchandising for alcohol manufacturers sponsorships are available to small children Some alcohol advertising is targeting young people

15 Initial Child Protection Conferences where Substance Misuse is Factor

16 Early Intervention and Treatment Schools,Youth Services and Connexions Counselling at Streetwise Newcastle Independence Network GPs CAMHS D’n’A

17 D’n’A Services for Young People Multi agency service Children’s Social care, CAMHS, NECA Confidential advice and treatment KPIs for LAC and YOT

18 D’n’A Services for Young People 2006-07 Drugs Used

19 D’n’A Referrals by Gender

20 D’n’A Referrals by Age

21 D’n’A Sources of referral


23 Test Purchasing 2006 – 07 – 134 leading to 12 convictions 2007 – 8 - 82 leading to 1 conviction so far There are 12 designated public places orders

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