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Presented By John Braun Glenn Kugler Jordan Pipping.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented By John Braun Glenn Kugler Jordan Pipping."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented By John Braun Glenn Kugler Jordan Pipping

2  The Common Good: A specific good that is shared and beneficial for all or most members of a given community


4  Mother Theresa and Gandhi both were examples of the Common Good although differing in religious aspects

5  The Common Good Approach is a principle that states: “ What is ethical is what advances the common good.”  In other words…  If you make an ethical choice you better the world in which you live.

6  Recycling – Using less of our worlds precious raw resources  Lowers pollution  Less harm to the land  Or the Alternative…

7  Tougher Drunk Driving Laws – Safety of the Public  Safer Sidewalks  Safer Roads and Streets

8  Common Good - as defined by the ethicist John Rawls: certain general conditions that are…equally to everyone's advantage  The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few – Spock, Star Trek  BUT  Not without trespassing on each person as an individual

9 COMMON GOODINDIVIDUAL APPROACH  Group safety  Group health  Group needs  Group happiness  Group care  Betterment of the whole  Rights of the individual  Personal freedoms  Individuality  Personal responsibility  Freedom of choice

10  The community is made up of individuals whose own good is bound to the good of the whole community  What is good for the goose is good for the gander

11  Do you view community as a collective or a group of individuals?  What do you feel would be the best for you?  What do you think would be best for society?  Do you think you could assimilate into a collective society if you had to relinquish your free will?

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