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ALCOHOL Warm-up 1. Why do people drink alcohol? 2. Why do people your age drink alcohol? 3. What is the legal blood alcohol level to drive in the state.

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Presentation on theme: "ALCOHOL Warm-up 1. Why do people drink alcohol? 2. Why do people your age drink alcohol? 3. What is the legal blood alcohol level to drive in the state."— Presentation transcript:




4 Warm-up 1. Why do people drink alcohol? 2. Why do people your age drink alcohol? 3. What is the legal blood alcohol level to drive in the state of Maryland?

5 What’s your Alcohol IQ? 1. A shot of vodka has the same amount of alcohol that a can of beer has. - true 2. Many of the problems caused by alcohol are due to loss of judgment. - true 3. The body can eliminate 5 ounces of Alcohol per hour. - false, 1 drink an hour 4. It is possible to die from an overdose of alcohol. - true

6 Cont.... 5. Children of alcoholics have an increased risk of becoming an alcoholic. - true 6. Alcohol is high in calories and has no nutritional value. - true 7. Drunk driving is the number one cause of death among teens in the United States. - false, motor vehicle accidents is the number one cause of deaths among teens, but the majority of these accidents are alcohol related. 8. Black coffee and a cold shower can help to sober you up. - false, time is the only thing to sober you up

7 Statistically Speaking.... The percent of adults who lived with an alcoholic at some point while growing up. 20% The number of children currently living in homes with an alcoholic 11 million The percent of domestic violence cases in which alcohol is involved 75%

8 TYPES OF ALCOHOL  ETHYL ALCOHOL –  alcohol that is formed by fermentation of fruits, juices, or cereal grains.  Known as grain alcohol.  Very toxic in large amounts  Found in alcoholic beverages

9  METHYL ALCOHOL – Wood alcohol  Very toxic  Can be found in products such as paint thinner, and shellac  Can be destructive to the eyes, leads to blindness

10 Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)  Expressed as a percent and is the ratio of alcohol in a persons blood to the person’s total amount of blood in the body  Can be measured through urine, breath and blood samples  The legal standard of intoxication in most states is.08 BAC


12 LEVELS OF BLOOD ALCOHOL .07 – DWI (Driving While Impaired/Intoxicated) .08 or higher – DUI (Driving Under The Influence) Illegal to drive in the state of Maryland .10 – Legal intoxication in other states .15 – Visibly Intoxicated (slurred speech, impaired motor skills) .30 – Coma or Death

13 ALCOHOL THROUGH THE BODY  Consumption of alcohol  Stomach absorbs some alcohol and enters into the blood stream  Remainder travels and is absorbed in the small intestines  Remainder of alcohol travels to the liver and brain and begins to effect the central nervous system  Coordination, reaction time, and judgment are effected  Heart and breathing rates slow down  If drinking continues, poisoning may occur

14 MEDICAL CONSEQUENCES  Cirrhosis – scarring of the liver  Gastrointestinal Problems – stomach  Acute/Chronic Pancreatitis – abdominal pain (pancreas)  Wernicke’s Disease – areas of the brain are destroyed  Osteoporosis – alcohol increases bone fractures  Cardiomyopathy – damages the heart  Ischemic Heart Disease – deficient blood circulation  Atherosclerosis – fatty build-ups causing heart attack or stroke  Cancer


16 ALCOHOL & MARIJUANA What is the immediate danger of mixing Alcohol and Marijuana? Alcohol Poisoning

17 ALCOHOL & PREGNANCY  Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)  Severe birth defects  Mental retardation  Abnormal growth, weight, length  Abnormal brain functioning  Behavioral and intellectual impairment  Small head, small eyes, thin upper lip, short nose, flattened mid-facial area  Most children with FASD have some attachment issues, display inappropriate sexual behaviors, show poor judgment, have difficulty controlling their impulses, are emotionally immature, and need frequent reminders of rules. As a result, many will require the protection of close supervision for the rest of their lives.

18 Brain of baby with Brain of baby with heavy no exposure to alcohol prenatal exposure to alcohol

19 Corpus Callosum Corpus Callosum - passes information from the left brain (rules, logic) to the right brain (impulse, feelings) and vice versa. The Corpus Callosum in an individual with FAS/ARND might be smaller than normal, and in some cases it is almost nonexistent. Hippocampus - plays a fundamental role in memory, learning, and emotion. Hypothalamus - controls appetite, emotions, temperature, and pain sensation Cerebellum - controls coordination and movement, behavior and memory. Basal Ganglia - affects spatial memory and behaviors like perseveration and the inability to switch modes, work toward goals, and predict behavioral outcomes, and the perception of time. Frontal Lobes - this area controls impulses and judgment. The most noteworthy damage to the brain probably occurs in the prefrontal cortex, which controls what are called the Executive Functions.memory, learning, and emotionbehavior and memoryperception of timeExecutive Functions The regions of the brain that are most seriously affected by prenatal alcohol exposure in terms of ability to function are:

20 Alcoholism  What is Alcoholism?  Disease  Someone who goes through with drawl without alcohol  Is dependent on alcohol  Has blackouts and loss of control  Unsuccessful attempts to quit  Family life is disrupted  No control over drinking

21 Alcoholism Develops in Stages

22 Alcoholism and the Family Enabler:  means helping an addict avoid the negative consequences of his or her behavior.  Person who encourages another's addiction Codependency:  Is the condition in which a family member or friend sacrifices his or her own needs to meet the needs of an addict.

23 TREATMENT  AA (Alcoholics Anonymous)  Counselors  Teachers  Al-Anon and Alateen—a resource for family members of alcoholics


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