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Porphyria’s Lover by Robert Browning

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1 Porphyria’s Lover by Robert Browning
Thinking about what you know about the poem so far why do you think the speaker killed Porphyria. You must known the narrative to the poem. You should analyze the psychology of the character in the poem. You could relate the themes of the poem to the play Romeo and Juliet

2 Learning Objectives You must known the narrative to the poem.
You should analyze the psychology of the character in the poem. You could relate the themes of the poem to the play Romeo and Juliet

3 The trial of Robert Browning
Today we will work out: Why the speaker killed Porphyria with evidence to prove it. What his punishment should be. You must known the narrative to the poem. You should analyze the psychology of the character in the poem. You could relate the themes of the poem to the play Romeo and Juliet

4 Summary/Context “Porphyria’s Lover,” which first appeared in 1836, is one of the earliest and most shocking of Browning’s dramatic monologues. The speaker lives in a cottage in the countryside. His lover, a blooming young woman named Porphyria, comes in out of a storm and proceeds to make a fire and bring cheer to the cottage. She embraces the speaker, offering him her bare shoulder. You must known the narrative to the poem. You should analyze the psychology of the character in the poem. You could relate the themes of the poem to the play Romeo and Juliet

5 Summary/Context cont... He tells us that he does not speak to her. Instead, he says, she begins to tell him how she has momentarily overcome societal structures to be with him. He realizes that she “worship[s]” him at this instant. Realizing that she will eventually give in to society’s pressures, and wanting to preserve the moment, he wraps her hair around her neck and strangles her. You must known the narrative to the poem. You should analyze the psychology of the character in the poem. You could relate the themes of the poem to the play Romeo and Juliet

6 Summary/Context cont... He then toys with her corpse, opening the eyes and propping the body up against his side. He sits with her body this way the entire night, the speaker remarking that God has not yet moved to punish him. You must known the narrative to the poem. You should analyze the psychology of the character in the poem. You could relate the themes of the poem to the play Romeo and Juliet

7 “sullen wind... for spite, and did its worst to vex the lake”
Weather... “rain set early” “sullen wind... for spite, and did its worst to vex the lake” You must known the narrative to the poem. You should analyze the psychology of the character in the poem. You could relate the themes of the poem to the play Romeo and Juliet

8 Browning uses pathetic fallacy to convey (show) the mood of the speaker.
You must known the narrative to the poem. You should analyze the psychology of the character in the poem. You could relate the themes of the poem to the play Romeo and Juliet

9 I listened with heart fit to break.
Evidence I listened with heart fit to break. What could that show about his psychology? Point Evidence Analysis! You must known the narrative to the poem. You should analyze the psychology of the character in the poem. You could relate the themes of the poem to the play Romeo and Juliet

10 The juxtapositioning of(way he puts side by side) the harsh, stormy weather with Porphyria’s return to the cottage emphasizes... You must known the narrative to the poem. You should analyze the psychology of the character in the poem. You could relate the themes of the poem to the play Romeo and Juliet

11 Porphyria “glided in Porphyria”
You must known the narrative to the poem. You should analyze the psychology of the character in the poem. You could relate the themes of the poem to the play Romeo and Juliet

12 “made the cheerless grate Blaze up, and all the cottage warm”
You must known the narrative to the poem. You should analyze the psychology of the character in the poem. You could relate the themes of the poem to the play Romeo and Juliet

13 L.O. To understand and evaluate poetry
Dramatic Monologue A fictional speech presented as the musings of a speaker who is separate from the poet. A dramatic monologue is written to reveal both the situation at hand and the character themself.

14 L.O. To understand and evaluate poetry
The poem’s character or voice. What is this man like? What actions does he make/do? What are his thoughts/feelings?

15 L.O. To understand and evaluate poetry
Themes What are the themes or symbols from this poem? How do they link to Romeo and Juliet?

16 Yellow Hair The Storm Eyes The fire

17 L.O. To understand and evaluate poetry
What is the mood of this poem? What effects create this mood?

18 Use the Studying Poetry sheet and complete the language questions for the poem
Choice of Words and Phrases Which words and phrases stand out as a particularly important? Which are especially effective or surprising? What are the subtle, suggestive meanings? Which words have a strong impact? What images are created by descriptive vocabulary, similes and metaphors? Do any words involve the senses? Does the vocabulary evoke a mood or atmosphere in the poem? Does the vocabulary create tension or contrasts in the poem? Sentences, word order, punctuation Are there grammatical patterns or features that stand out in the poem? Are there repetitions, line-divisions or features of punctuation that clarify or confuse the meaning? How complex or simple is the language? Are there any sound patterns worthy of comment – onomatopoeia, alliteration, assonance, rhythm or rhymes? How does the whole poem relate to its title? How does the poem relate to the voice and setting of the poem?

19 Romantic Imagery What does the speaker think about Porphyria through his use of Romantic Imagery? Her beauty His feelings towards her Find a quote to support How does this relate to Romeo and Juliet You must known the narrative to the poem. You should analyze the psychology of the character in the poem. You could relate the themes of the poem to the play Romeo and Juliet

20 “smooth white shoulder bare” necrophilia
Find three quotes that allude to a sexual relationship? “smooth white shoulder bare” necrophilia

21 “Porphyria worshiped me”
Religios aspect to poem. How does this relate to Romeo and Juliet’s Sonnet in Act 1 Scene 3? You must known the narrative to the poem. You should analyze the psychology of the character in the poem. You could relate the themes of the poem to the play Romeo and Juliet

22 That moment she was mine, mine, fair,
What does the use of repetition suggest? You must known the narrative to the poem. You should analyze the psychology of the character in the poem. You could relate the themes of the poem to the play Romeo and Juliet

23 at last I knew Porphyria worshipped me; surprize Made my heart swell, and still it grew While I debated what to do.

24 Description of the act of violence
“I found A thing to do, and all her hair In one long yellow string I wound Three times her little throat around, And strangled her.” You must known the narrative to the poem. You should analyze the psychology of the character in the poem. You could relate the themes of the poem to the play Romeo and Juliet

25 “As a shut bud that holds a bee”
You must known the narrative to the poem. You should analyze the psychology of the character in the poem. You could relate the themes of the poem to the play Romeo and Juliet

26 “Laughed the blue eyes without a stain”
“her cheek once more Blushed bright beneath my burning kiss” “Laughed the blue eyes without a stain” You must known the narrative to the poem. You should analyze the psychology of the character in the poem. You could relate the themes of the poem to the play Romeo and Juliet

27 I propped her head up as before Only, this time my shoulder bore Her head, which droops upon it still: You must known the narrative to the poem. You should analyze the psychology of the character in the poem. You could relate the themes of the poem to the play Romeo and Juliet

28 is he wanting judgement?
And thus we sit together now, And all night long we have not stirred, And yet God has not said a word! Or resentful: is he wanting judgement? You must known the narrative to the poem. You should analyze the psychology of the character in the poem. You could relate the themes of the poem to the play Romeo and Juliet

29 Form “Porphyria’s Lover,” while natural in its language, does not use the colloquialisms of some of Browning’s later poems. While the flow of the poem mimics natural speech, it actually takes the form of highly patterned verse, rhyming ABABB. The strict rhyme scheme suggests that the speech may not be as natural as it first appears and there may be some madness within the lines! You must known the narrative to the poem. You should analyze the psychology of the character in the poem. You could relate the themes of the poem to the play Romeo and Juliet

30 Form/Structure cont.. This poem is a dramatic monologue—a fictional speech presented as the musings of a speaker who is separate from the poet. Like most of Browning’s other dramatic monologues, this one captures a moment after a main event or action. Porphyria already lies dead when the speaker begins. Just as the nameless speaker seeks to stop time by killing her, so too does this kind of poem seek to freeze the consciousness of an instant. You must known the narrative to the poem. You should analyze the psychology of the character in the poem. You could relate the themes of the poem to the play Romeo and Juliet

31 Why did he kill her? In your groups choose one of these statements that your agree with and one that you don’t. Present both as an argument for and against the ideas. Conclude by giving me your idea and reason! You must known the narrative to the poem. You should analyze the psychology of the character in the poem. You could relate the themes of the poem to the play Romeo and Juliet

32 Compare the two texts! Commit Suicide due to the loss of each other The speaker in Porphyria’s Lover. Kills his lover because…….. Link the scene and the poem with your ideas. You must known the narrative to the poem. You should analyze the psychology of the character in the poem. You could relate the themes of the poem to the play Romeo and Juliet

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