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Written by Arthur Symons Presentation by Maggie Adams

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1 Written by Arthur Symons Presentation by Maggie Adams
April midnight Written by Arthur Symons Presentation by Maggie Adams

2 Biographical information: Arthur Symons (1865-1945)
Arthur Symons was a British poet, critic for other poets, and translator. When he was younger he was educated by private tutors who could have helped him become a good writer and poet. He joined a club in London called the Rhymers’ Club, this was a group of poets and writers who wrote literature. His formal poetry has romantic love, loss, and the passage of time His poet career was short due to a mental break down

3 Organization of the poem
April Midnight Side by side through the streets at midnight, Roaming together, Through the tumultuous night of London, In the miraculous April weather. Roaming together under the gaslight, Day’s work over, How the Spring calls to us, here in the city, Calls to the heart from the heart of a lover! Cool to the wind blows, fresh in our faces, Cleansing, entrancing, After the heat and the fumes and the footlights, Where you dance and I watch your dancing. Good it is to be here together, Good to be roaming, Even in London, even at midnight, Lover-like in a lover’s glooming. You the dancer and I the dreamer, Children together, Wandering lost in the night of London, The structure of the poem is that there is 5 stanzas with 20 lines The second and the fourth line has end rhyme The poet must have put it together this way to depict different actions the speaker is doing and what the setting is.

4 Literary elements Side by side through the streets at midnight, A Roaming together, B Through the tumultuous night of London, C In the miraculous April weather. B Roaming together under the gaslight, D Day’s work over, E How the Spring calls to us, here in the city, F Calls to the heart from the heart of a lover! E End rhyme – The second and fourth line has a rhyme pattern. Personification – It says that the spring is calling to the couple, but spring can not actually do that. Repetition – To show that the setting is in April and it is describing the weather. Sensory details – It shows where or what the speaker is doing or where they are.

5 Literary Elements Cool to the wind blows, fresh in our faces, G Cleansing, entrancing, H After the heat and the fumes and the footlights, I Where you dance and I watch your dancing. H Good it is to be here together, J Good to be roaming, K Even in London, even at midnight, L Lover-like in a lover’s glooming. K You the dancer and I the dreamer, M Children together, N Wandering lost in the night of London, O In the miraculous April weather. N Repetition – It is used to describe the April weather. Sensory details – To show where and what the speaker is doing or where they are. End rhyme – The second and fourth has a rhyme pattern.

6 Imagery “Wandering lost in the night of London”
“Side by side through the streets at midnight, Roaming together, Through the tumultuous night of London, In the miraculous April weather.” “Wandering lost in the night of London”

7 Imagery “Roaming together under the gaslight, Day’s work over,
“Cool to the wind blows, fresh in our faces, Cleansing, entrancing, After the heat and the fumes and the footlights, Where you dance and I watch your dancing” “Roaming together under the gaslight, Day’s work over, How the Spring calls to us, here in the city, Calls to the heart from the heart of a lover!”

8 Speaker The speaker could be a male adult with his wife or girl friend and he could be in love with her as they walk down the streets late at night in April. The speaker is describing what he does or where he goes in the night.

9 Literal Meaning There is a couple roaming together around the streets at midnight and April. The couple is in love and the speaker is explaining how much the are in love with the other person with them.

10 Figurative meaning In the poem it talks about a couple roaming in London, this couple could represent love its self. Also, in the setting, it talks about how it is spring and spring is about youth. Also it talks about how it is midnight, after midnight it is a start of a new day. So there is love and this poem talks about young love and how it starts over often.

11 Author’s purpose The poets purpose of writing this poem is that it is talking about young love and the poet (Arthur Symons) writes most of his formal writing about love.

12 theme The theme is that young love lasts for a long time but is bound to come to an end and start over.

13 Documents I used

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