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Christopher Columbus A Great Explorer Christine Olsen 5th Grade.

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1 Christopher Columbus A Great Explorer Christine Olsen 5th Grade

2 Who Was Christopher Columbus? He was a sailor for most of his life. He was fascinated by stories he heard about the riches of Asia and hope to find out more about them. Copyright ©1996, 1997, 1998 by The Mariners' Museum Christopher Columbus was born and raised in Italy.

3 Who helped Christopher Columbus to make his journey? He asked King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain to help him pay for his expedition. They agreed to help him if he promised to spread the Catholic Religion in Asia. He agreed and set sail on August 3, 1492 “In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue”

4 Where in the world did Christopher Columbus go? He had four main voyages. He was trying to get to Asia, but ended up finding the Caribbean Islands and South America.

5 Christopher Columbus had problems…… On his ships everyone was getting sick. They missed their families and wanted to go home. The crew didn’t believe they would ever find what they were looking for. He had to lie to them to keep them going on.

6 More problems…. When they finally found land, he had trouble communicating with the Native people because they spoke a different language. Hello Native Person!   

7 Other Interesting Facts… Columbus had a crew of 89 sailors. He had three ships called the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. Columbus died in 1506.

8 Comprehension Questions 1. Where was Columbus born and raised? 2. Who sponsored Columbus’ voyage? 3. What did Columbus find? 4. What were some challenges he faced? 5. What were the names of the ships ?

9 Works Sited · Harcourt Brace Textbook ngwithcolumbus.htm columbus/

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