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014 Coral Reefs.

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1 014 Coral Reefs

2 Coral Reef Biology

3 Kingdom Animalia Phylum Cnideria Class Hydrozoa- hydroids Class Scyphozoa- jellies Class Cubozoa- box jellies Class Anthozoa- corals and anemones

4 The Cnidarian Life Cycle
The Hydrozoan Life Cycle

5 Class Hydrozoa Hydrozoan Colony

6 Hydrozoan Colonies “Stinging Limu”

7 Fire Coral

8 By-the-Wind-Sailor A Floating Colony of Polyps

9 Man-of-War Phylum Cnidaria
Coloniality Man-of-War Phylum Cnidaria

10 Close Up of a Portuguese Man-Of-War

11 Class Scyphozoa

12 Class Cubozoa Box Jellies & Sea Wasps

13 Corals: true stony corals and octocorals
Class Anthozoa Sea Anemones & Corals: true stony corals and octocorals

14 Sea Anemones

15 Sea Anemone Anatomy

16 Hermatypic corals: possess zooxanthellae are reef builders Light: Clear water Warm temperature: 18-32oC Low nutrients Low productivity in water Ahermatypic corals: no zooxanthellae rely on tentacular feeding can live in aphotic zone

17 Distribution of Coral Reef Communities

18 Hawaiian Coral Zonation
0 m High light levels Moderate wave energy 6 m Cauliflower coral (Pocillopora meandrina) Moderate light levels Occasional storm wave energy Lobe coral (Porites lobata) 13 m Low light levels Low wave energy Finger coral (Porites compressa) 25 m Very low light, Primarily downwelling No wave energy Plate coral (Porites rus)

19 “True” Stony Corals

20 “True” Stony Corals Hermatypic- reef building, zooxanthellae
Common species: Acroporidae- table Acroporidea- rice Agariciidae- flat lobe, corregated Faviidae- crust, ocellated Fungiidae- humpback, mushroom Pocilloporidae- lace, antler, cauliflower Poritidae- finger, lobe, plate

21 Family Pocilloporidae Lace coral, antler coral, and cauliflower coral
Pocillopora damicornis antler cauliflower Pocillopora eydouxi Pocillopora meaandrina

22 Table coral, rice coral and spreading coral
Family Acroporidae Table coral, rice coral and spreading coral rice coral Montipora patula Montipora flabellata table Acropora cytheria Montipora capitata

23 Family Poritidae Finger coral, lobe coral, Evermann’s coral, plate and pillar coral Porites evermanni Porites lobata Porites rus Porites compressa

24 flat lobe coral, corrugated coral
Family Agariciidae flat lobe coral, corrugated coral corrugated Flat lobe Pavona duerdeni Pavona varians

25 Humpback coral, mushroom coral
Family Fungiidae Humpback coral, mushroom coral mushroom Fungia scutaria

26 Family Faviidae crust coral, ocellated coral Leptastrea bottae Cyphastrae ocellina Leptastrea purpurea

27 A Solitary Coral Polyp

28 Colonial Coral Polyps

29 Zooxanthellae in Gastrodermal Cells of Corals

30 Zooxanthellae: Symbiodinium microadriacticum

31 Ahermatypic Corals Octocorals, wire corals, black corals, sea pens
Both hard and soft forms exist non reef-building no photosynthesis

32 Ahermatypic Corals

33 Heterotrophic Nutrition
General feeding modes: predaceous carnivores capturing live prey detritus feeding absorption of dissolved organic matter from surrounding water

34 Nematocyst Discharge

35 Autotrophic Nutrition
Photosynthesis 6H2O + 6CO2 + light  C6H12O6 + 6O2

36 Zooxanthellae in Coral Polyp

37 Benefits to the Algal Symbiont
Zooxanthellae gets a place to live Receive chemical wastes from animal metabolism (CO2 & NH3). Surrounding animal tissues can concentration substantial amounts of ultraviolet light absorbing compounds.

38 Benefits to the Coral Host
Higher rates of calcification (skeleton deposition). Receive DOM & O2 Removal of chemical wastes from animal metabolism (CO2 & NH3). Receive chemicals that absorb damaging ultraviolet light (Micosporine-like amino acids (MAAs)).

39 Asexual Reproduction budding and fission accidental fragmentation
nonaccidental fragmentation partial colony mortality polyp bail-out

40 Budding Polyp within calyx

41 Fission Polyp within calyx

42 Accidental Fragmentation
Wave Damage

43 Nonaccidental Fragmentation
Radial Division in Cycloseris fragilis

44 Nonaccidental Fragmentation
Transverse Division in Fungia scutaria anthocyathus anthocaulus

45 Nonaccidental Fragmentation
Transverse Division in Fungia scutaria stalk regenerates new disk

46 Partial Colony Mortality
The Phoenix Effect in Porites compressa Cut surface of a broken finger showing living tissue beneath the surface of the skeleton P. Jokiel Normal colony next to a colony exposed to freshwater

47 Polyp Bail-Out D. Gulko

48 zygote planula larvae egg sperm Sexual Reproduction

49 Planula Larvae

50 Sexual Reproduction Hermaphroditic vs gonochoric Broadcast spawning vs brooding

51 Sexuality Hermaphroditism: sexes in same individual
Gonochoric: separate sexes Acropora sp., a hermaphoditic coral Fungia scutaria, a gonochoric coral eggs egg cloud sperm packet

52 Brooding Versus Broadcast Spawning
eggs develop to planula stage in gastrovascular cavity of parent polyp Broadcast Spawning eggs and sperm are shed into the water column where fertilization and development occurs D. Gulko released gametes planula in polyp Pocillopora damicornis, a brooder broadcast spawner

53 Environmental Factors Affecting Corals
Water Motion Depth: photic vs aphotic zone & water motion Sedimentation Salinity: 32-35o/oo Temperature: oC Tidal fluctuations Nutrients: Eutrophic vs oligotrophic

54 Hanauma Bay Mamala Bay Kaneohe Sunset Beach

55 Coral reefs presently exist on every island and shallow bank in the Hawaiian chain
Fringing Reef years to form youngest is on west coast of Hawaii Barrier Reef- 2.5 ma to form Kaneohe & Moanalu Bay Atoll- 10 ma to form first atoll French Frigate Shoals, dated 11.7 mya

56 Hawaiian Island Chain Coral reef growth limited by: wave exposure
sea level Sheltered sites: Hanauma Bay and Kaneohe Bay Reef accretion ~ 2mm/yr Wave exposed sites: Mamala Bay and Sunset Beach Reef accretion ~ 0 mm/yr shallow (1m) and deep (12m)

57 Environmental Factors Affecting Corals
Water Motion Depth: photic vs aphotic zone & water motion Sedimentation Salinity: 32-35o/oo Temperature: oC Tidal fluctuations Nutrients: Eutrophic vs oligotrophic

58 Oligotrophic vs Eutrophic

59 Reef Critters coralivore

60 Coral Reefs: Threats Starfish: “crown of thorns” (why?)
Coral is a source of building materials Pollution: particles in the water

61 Aquarium/Souvenir Trade Overfishing Pollution Dredging
Human impacts on coral includes: Aquarium/Souvenir Trade Overfishing Pollution Dredging Coastal Development Tourism Global Climate Change Ozone Depletion

62 Coral Reefs: Human Impact
Worldwide disappearance Fishing with explosives Waste oil dumping Sediments Philippines: 75% of the reefs damaged

63 Dynamiting Reef

64 Destructive Resource Extraction Practices

65 Toxic Chemical Spills

66 Sediment Plume Entering the Ocean

67 Corals Smothered in Sediment

68 Dredging

69 Coastal Development

70 Anchor Damage

71 Diver Damage

72 Ecotourism Pennekamp Reef, Key Largo, FL

73 Net Damage

74 Net Entanglement                                                                                                                     

75 Overfishing and Bycatch

76 Ornamental Trade: Fan worm Threadfin Butterfly fish

77 Introduced Species Acanthophora, Eucheuma, & Gracillaria

78 Feeding Fish

79 Hanauma Bay

80 Kaneohe Bay and Bubble algae

81 Nutrients and Algae Growth
Dictyosphaeria cavernosa

82 Bleaching

83 Global Bleaching (2002) none low moderate severe severity unknown

84 Acid Rain in Marine Environment
reduces ability of marine organisms to utilize calcium carbonate Coral calcification rate reduced % Skeletal density decreased, branches thinner

85 Sea Level Rise


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