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$100 $300 $500 $200 $100 $500 $300 $500 $100 $500 $200 $400 $100 $400 $200 $500 $100 $400 $200 $300 $200 $400 Causes Of Exploration Explorers Effects.

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2 $100 $300 $500 $200 $100 $500 $300 $500 $100 $500 $200 $400 $100 $400 $200 $500 $100 $400 $200 $300 $200 $400 Causes Of Exploration Explorers Effects of Exploration Colonization The Thirteen Colonies

3 Series of wars during the Middle Ages that began trade between Europe and the far east. Topic 1 $100

4 Topic 1 $200 Time period after the Middle Ages from about 1300-1600 in which new inventions and knowledge about the World eventually led to exploration in the 1400s.

5 This event in 1492 led to further exploration by other European Nations. Topic 1 $300

6 Legendary water way sought by many explorers to the Far east through North America. Topic 1 $400

7 Economic theory that motivated European countries to seek and claim new land in order to start colonies that they could start trade with. Topic 1 $500

8 Viking sailor who explored east coast of North America in what is now Nova Scotia almost five hundred years before Columbus landed in the West Indies. Topic 2 $100

9 Topic 2 $200 This Portuguese sailor discovered a route to Asia around Africa in 1492.

10 Topic 2 $300 Conquistador who conquered the Aztecs for their gold in 1519.

11 Topic 2 $400 Conquistador who Defeated the Incas for their gold in 1534.

12 Topic 2 $500 French Explorer who explored the St. Lawrence River and founded the city of Quebec?

13 Topic 3 $100 The settlement of people from a country to another part of the world who are still ruled by the country from which they came.

14 Topic 3 $200 Native Americans by the millions died from this unseen conqueror.

15 Topic 3 $300 The Aztecs and Incas are both examples of this effect of exploration.

16 Topic 3 $400 The trade that developed after Columbus’s discovery of the New World between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres.

17 Topic 3 $500 Both Native Americans and Africans were used in this inhumane treatment.

18 Topic 4 $100 The French colonies where located around this river that separates New York State and Canada.

19 Topic 4 $200 Three types of settlements created by the Law of Indies.

20 Topic 4 $300 This was the primary economic industry in the French colonies.

21 Topic 4 $400 Early European settlers who started colonies on Long Island and the Hudson River. The colonies were taken by the English in 1664. The area was then renamed New York after the King’s brother, the Duke of York.

22 Topic 4 $500 Laws in the Spanish colonies that created different types of settlements.

23 Topic 5 $100 The Atlantic Coast of North America (East Coast of North America also accepted).

24 Topic 2 $200 The first Permanent English settlement.

25 Topic 5 $300 Two very strict religious groups who were located in the Massachusetts colony.

26 Topic 5 $400 Growing cash crops like tobacco, rice and indigo was the major industry of this colonial region.

27 Topic 5 $500 The Quakers, Puritans and Pilgrims are a few religious groups who came to the New World for this reason?

28 Topic 1 $100 What were the crusades?

29 Topic 1 $200 What is the Renaissance?

30 Topic 1 $300 What is Columbus’s Voyage?

31 Topic 1 $400 What is the Northwest Passage?

32 Topic 1 $500 What is mercantilism?

33 Topic 2 $100 Who is Leif Ericson?

34 Topic 2 $200 Who is Vasco Ad Gama?

35 Topic 2 $300 Who is Hernando Cortes?

36 Topic 2 $400 Who is Francisco Pizarro?

37 Topic 2 $500 Who is Samuel De Champlain?

38 Topic 3 $100 What is colonization?

39 Topic 3 $200 What are diseases?

40 Topic 3 $300 What ancient civilizations fell to the Spanish conquistadors?

41 Topic 3 $400 What is the Columbian Exchange?

42 Topic 3 $500 What is slavery?

43 Topic 4 $100 What is the St. Lawrence River?

44 Topic 4 $200 What are missions, presidios and pueblos?

45 Topic 4 $300 What is fur trading?

46 Topic 4 $400 Who are the Dutch?

47 Topic 4 $500 What is the Law of Indies?

48 Topic 5 $100 Where were the Thirteen English (British) colonies located?

49 Topic 5 $200 What is Jamestown, Virginia?

50 Topic 5 $300 Who were the Pilgrims and Puritans?

51 Topic 5 $400 What were the Southern colonies?

52 Topic 5 $500 What is religious freedom?

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