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Or Fresh Water vs. Sea Water

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1 Or Fresh Water vs. Sea Water
Osmosis Lab Or Fresh Water vs. Sea Water

2 Procedure Write down Procedure (Notebook pg. 32)
Make Table #1 (Notebook pg. 32) Fill out table #1 with class Make table #2 (Notebook pg. 33)

3 procedure Make Hypothesis for each cup (What will happen to the length of the potato?) Measure potato slices carefully (Put in table #2) Make sea water solutions (LABEL) Drop potato slices into sea water solutions and cover with plastic wrap


5 Fresh Water vs. Sea Water
A shipwrecked sailor is stranded on a small desert island with no fresh water to drink.

6 Fresh water vs. sea water
She knows she could last without food for up to a month, but if she didn’t have water to drink she would be dead within a week.

7 Fresh Water vs. Sea water
Hoping to postpone the inevitable, her thirst drove her to drink the salty seawater.

8 Fresh water vs. sea water
She was dead in two days.

9 Fresh water vs. sea water
Why do you think drinking seawater killed the sailor faster than not drinking any water at all?

10 Fresh water vs. sea water
Today we explore the cause of the sailor’s death. We’ll prepare solutions of salt water to represent the sea, and we’ll cut up slices of potato to represent the sailor.

11 Fresh water vs. sea water
Potatoes are made of cells, as is the sailor!

12 objective To determine the cause of the sailor’s death, we will determine the effects of salt water on slices of potato. Our assumption is that potato cells will behave like the sailor’s cells in her body. We will compare salt water to fresh water so we can see if there is any effect caused by the salt in the water. The fresh water acts as a control in this experiment.

13 Table 1 Percent Sea Water Vol. of 100% Salt Water (ml)
Vol. of Fresh Water (ml) Total Vol. (ml) 10% Sea Water 5% Sea Water 1% Sea Water Fresh Water

14 Table 1 Percent Sea Water Vol. of 100% Salt Water (ml)
Vol. of Fresh Water (ml) Total Vol. (ml) 10% Sea Water 100 ml 5% Sea Water  100 ml 1% Sea Water Fresh Water

15 Table 1 Percent Sea Water Vol. of 100% Salt Water (ml)
Vol. of Fresh Water (ml) Total Vol. (ml) 10% Sea Water 100 ml  5% Sea Water 1% Sea Water 100 ml Fresh Water 0 ml

16 Table 1 Percent Sea Water Vol. of 100% Salt Water (ml)
Vol. of Fresh Water (ml) Total Vol. (ml) 10% Sea Water 100 ml  5% Sea Water 1% Sea Water 100 ml Fresh Water 0 ml

17 Table 1 Percent Sea Water Vol. of 100% Salt Water (ml)
Vol. of Fresh Water (ml) Total Vol. (ml) 10% Sea Water 10 ml 100 ml  5% Sea Water 100 ml 1% Sea Water Fresh Water 0 ml

18 Table 1 Percent Sea Water Vol. of 100% Salt Water (ml)
Vol. of Fresh Water (ml) Total Vol. (ml) 10% Sea Water 10 ml 90 ml 100 ml  5% Sea Water 100 ml 1% Sea Water Fresh Water 0 ml

19 Table 1 Percent Sea Water Vol. of 100% Salt Water (ml)
Vol. of Fresh Water (ml) Total Vol. (ml) 10% Sea Water 10 ml 90 ml 100 ml 5% Sea Water 5 ml 1% Sea Water Fresh Water 0 ml

20 Table 1 Percent Sea Water Vol. of 100% Salt Water (ml)
Vol. of Fresh Water (ml) Total Vol. (ml) 10% Sea Water 10 ml 90 ml 100 ml 5% Sea Water 5 ml 95 ml 1% Sea Water Fresh Water 0 ml

21 Table 1 Percent Sea Water Vol. of 100% Salt Water (ml)
Vol. of Fresh Water (ml) Total Vol. (ml) 10% Sea Water 10 ml 90 ml 100 ml 5% Sea Water 5 ml 95 ml 1% Sea Water 1 ml Fresh Water 0 ml

22 Table 1 Percent Sea Water Vol. of 100% Salt Water (ml)
Vol. of Fresh Water (ml) Total Vol. (ml) 10% Sea Water 10 ml 90 ml 100 ml 5% Sea Water 5 ml 95 ml 1% Sea Water 1 ml 99 ml Fresh Water 0 ml

23 Table 2 Sample Initial Length (Day 1) Final Length (Day 2)
Change in Length Tonicity Hypo- Iso- Hyper- 10% Salt cm. 5% Salt 1% Salt Fresh Water

24 hypothesis I think that the 10% salt water solution will cause the potato slice to… I think that the 5% salt water solution will cause the potato slice to… I think that the 1% salt water solution will cause the potato slice to… I think that the fresh water solution will cause the potato slice to…

25 Osmosis lab day 2 (Put this information on pg. 35 in your notebook)
Collect cups Remove potato slices carefully Measure slices accurately Fill in Data Table #2

26 Data table 2 Sample Initial Length (Day 1) Final Length (Day 2)
Change in Length Tonicity Hypo- Iso- Hyper- 10% Salt cm. 5% Salt 1% Salt Fresh Water

27 Data table 2 Sample Initial Length (Day 1) Final Length (Day 2)
Change in Length Tonicity Hypo- Iso- Hyper- 10% Salt 4.2 cm. 5% Salt cm. 1% Salt Fresh Water

28 Data table 2 Sample Initial Length (Day 1) Final Length (Day 2)
Change in Length Tonicity Hypo- Iso- Hyper- 10% Salt 4.2 cm.  3.9 cm. 5% Salt cm. 1% Salt Fresh Water

29 Data table 2 Sample Initial Length (Day 1) Final Length (Day 2)
Change in Length Tonicity Hypo- Iso- Hyper- 10% Salt 4.2 cm.  3.9 cm - .3 cm 5% Salt cm. 1% Salt Fresh Water

30 Data table 2 Sample Initial Length (Day 1) Final Length (Day 2)
Change in Length Tonicity Hypo- Iso- Hyper- 10% Salt 4.2 cm.  3.9 cm - .3 cm  X 5% Salt cm. 1% Salt Fresh Water

31 Data table 2 Sample Initial Length (Day 1) Final Length (Day 2)
Change in Length Tonicity Hypo- Iso- Hyper- 10% Salt 4.2 cm.  3.9 cm - .3 cm  X 5% Salt 3.8 cm. 1% Salt cm. Fresh Water

32 Data table 2 Sample Initial Length (Day 1) Final Length (Day 2)
Change in Length Tonicity Hypo- Iso- Hyper- 10% Salt 4.2 cm.  3.9 cm - .3 cm  X 5% Salt 3.8 cm.  4.0 cm 1% Salt cm. Fresh Water

33 Data table 2 Sample Initial Length (Day 1) Final Length (Day 2)
Change in Length Tonicity Hypo- Iso- Hyper- 10% Salt 4.2 cm.  3.9 cm - .3 cm  X 5% Salt 3.8 cm.  4.0 cm  + .2 cm 1% Salt cm. Fresh Water

34 Data table 2 Sample Initial Length (Day 1) Final Length (Day 2)
Change in Length Tonicity Hypo- Iso- Hyper- 10% Salt 4.2 cm.  3.9 cm - .3 cm  X 5% Salt 3.8 cm.  4.0 cm  + .2 cm 1% Salt cm. Fresh Water

35 Osmosis lab day 2 Throw potato slices and plastic wrap in garbage
Dump out cups and stack on lab table Answer questions on last page of lab handout (notebook pg. 34) Make Bar Graph of results from Data Table #2 for Day 1 and Day 2 potato lengths – put in notebook pg. 34 or 35

36 Bar graph

37 Formal lab report Rough draft – Written in notebook
Final draft – Written in the following format

38 Final draft PROBLEM: The problem we are trying to solve is…
This problem is important because… The information that is important to know before we begin is… The control in this experiment is… This is the control in the experiment because…

39 Final draft PROBLEM: My hypothesis was…
I made the hypothesis that the 10% salt solution water would cause the potato slice to… I made the hypothesis that the 5% salt solution water would cause the potato slice to… I made the hypothesis that the 1% salt solution water would cause the potato slice to… I made the hypothesis that the fresh water would cause the potato slice to…

40 Procedure Materials List – List all materials used in the experiment.
List in order how the experiment was performed. The first thing I had to do was ____________ The next thing I had to do was ____________ After that I ________________ Finally I _______________

41 results What quantitative and qualitative observations were you able to make? (list) Quantitative observations are number type observations. Qualitative observations are opinions or color observations. Data table (taken from your notebook) Graph

When the potato slices sat in the water overnight they _______________ I think the potato slices did this because ____________ Is diffusion, osmosis, or active transport responsible for the changes in the slices? Define: Diffusion Osmosis Active transport

The ______ solution is isotonic to potato cells. A. I know that the solution _______ is isotonic to the potato cells because _____________ Define: Hypertonic Hypotonic Isotonic

The sailor died more quickly drinking salt water than not drinking any water at all because _______________. I think the sailor died from ____________ My hypothesis was correct. OR My hypothesis was not correct. A. My hypothesis was correct because __________ OR My hypothesis was not correct because ____________.

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