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The Count of Monte Cristo Chapter Nine- Fourteen Chapter Summary: Who, What, Where, When, Why, How?

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1 The Count of Monte Cristo Chapter Nine- Fourteen Chapter Summary: Who, What, Where, When, Why, How?

2 Chapter Nine: Who, Where, When Who: Edmond Dantes; Prisoner #27 (Abbe Faria) Where: Chateau d’ If, Dantes’ cell and Abbe Faria’s cell When: Around 1819/1820; 4-5 years since Dantes ported in the beginning, and then 2 years education, 15 months digging

3 Chapter Nine: What, Why, How Prisoner #27 emerges from a hole in the wall and enters Dante’s cell Blanched (white) hair, long black beard that reaches chest, thin, in rags Tells Dantes he made tools (took four years): chisel, pincers, crowbar from clamps of bed-shows he is resourceful and patient Tells Dantes information: Abbe Faria (priest in Italian), prisoner since 1811, he desired Italy to be united by Napoleon, but he realized Napoleon was a fool who betrayed him Discuss that his original digging will not bring him to the water- will start over Abbe Faria wrote and studied…made own paper and pen and wrote a book Shows penknife, needle, matches and rope ladder Dantes hopes Abbe can help him figure out why he is in prison

4 Dantes tells: his voyage, the death of Captain LeClere, package from Grand Marechal, letter addressed to Noirtier,, his father, Mercedes, betrothal feast, arrest, examination, and imprisonment Abbe Faria points out: marriage and promotion and if anyone would be jealous Then Dantes points out Danglars fought with him often and he challenged him to a duel and refused…then he remembers that Danglars was passing and overheard his conversation with Captain LeClere…Danglars knew of the letter Points out that left hand writing looks the same Dantes now recalls Fernand was in love with Mercedes Then remembers that they were all together the day before his betrothal party Abbe remembers the name Noirtier and then pieces together that Deputy Villefort is his son…Dantes wasnts to be alone…Abbe Faria feels guilty for instilling hatred/vengeance in Dantes’ innocent heart Abbe promises to teach Dantes everything he knows-two years

5 They plan on digging under the gallery and Dantes would jump down and gag and tie up the sentry while on duty, and they would escape out of a window down the rope ladder 15 months to dig…waiting for a moonless night Abbe cries in pain…tells Dantes about bottle of red liquid in bed Drags him back to hi cell…2 hours pass-pours red liquid in his mouth… Dantes doesn’t leave him and escape…proof of loyalty Tells Dantes the third attack will kill/paralyze him…Abbe cannot physically escape…father/son relationship…Dantes will not leave without Abbe Faria…”until death takes one of us” Directs Dantes to fill in the hole…has something to tell Dantes in the morning

6 Chapter 10: Who, Where, When Who: Edmond Dantes and Abbe Faria Where: Chateau d’If, Abbe’s cell When: Morning after second attack left abbe paralyzed on right side

7 Chapter 10: What, Why, When, How? Dantes enters Abbe Faria’s cell and he shows him a piece of paper It reveals abbe’s treasure which as his son of captivity now belongs half to him Abbe doesn’t want to wait…doesn’t know when the third attack will come and kill him Abbe reveals: used to work as a secretary for Cardinal Spada in Rome, the last descendent of a very wealthy family, Pope Alexander 6 th (corrupt), needed money to fight Louis XII, so the pope poisoned Spada and his nephew hoping to get his fortune, but couldn’t find it, Spada left only surviving nephew his library, Spada had no idea pope would be out to kill him and his nephew, Abbe was sorting through books in the library, Spada left him the breviary (religious texts) and used a piece of paper (book mark) to light a flame, but the heat caused a chemical reaction to the paper and words began to appear which tells of the location of the treasure in caves on the Isle of Monte Cristo-tells specific location of treasure Abbe was arrested because of his involvement with Napoleon unifying Italy No one else is in the family is a live to inherit the treasure…it is abbe’s and now Dante’s (his son in captivity)…can enjoy the wealth with no guilt Believes that God sent Dantes to him Says the whole treasure is Dantes’ if Abbe Faria dies before escaping

8 Chapter 11: Who, Where, When? Who: Dantes, abbe Faria, goaler, turnkeys, governor Where: Chateau d’ If, abbe Faria’s cell, and Dantes’ cell When: Sometime after the abbe told Dantes about the treasure

9 Chapter 11: What, Why, How? Begins with foreshadowing: 13-14 million dollars…a lot of treasure…abbe worried that a man could do a lot of harm to his enemies with that amount! Dantes knew the location of the Isle of Monte Cristo- Abbe Farria did not know of its location Dantes memorized the will by heart Dantes thinks he hears something…finds abbe Faria in his cell…having his third attack…gives abbe Faria the liquid Abbe Faria dies and the goaler was coming Heard the turnkeys calling for assistance in abbe Faria’s cell, soldiers, and the governor After an hour, the doctor and governor declared the prisoner dead Dantes entered abbe’s cell when the door was bolted and it was silent

10 Chapter 12: Who, When, Where? Dantes saw a sack of coarse cloth…abbe Faria’s shroud Dantes was depressed about the loss of his companion Again, he is alone and in despair…again he thought of suicide…feels defeat He then believes that he has come too far to die, too, and he will live to fight until the end…he wants to punish those who stole his happiness and reward his friends He got a terrifying idea…believes God gave him the idea to switch places with abbe Faria’s dead body Used the knife to slit open the body bag…took abbe Faria’s body out and put it on his own bed in his cell and covered the body Then returned to abbe Faria’s cell and took the needle and thread…took off his own clothes so that the men would feel a naked body in the bag…got into the bag and sewed it up with the needle and thread He also took with him a knife to use if the gravediggers found him The men took the body out and complained of the weight

11 Tightly tied a heavy object (cannonball) around Dantes’ feet Dantes heard waves crashing “the abbe runs risk of getting wet…” dramatic irony They are throwing the body (Dantes tied to a heavy stone) into the water…the sea is the cemetery In literature Water symbol for rebirth…new life…baptism Will Dantes die, or will he have a new life/rebirth? The men tossed Dantes into the sea Dantes severed the cannonball just in time before losing all air and kicked to the surface Took a deep breath and swam 50 yards Best swimmer, expert sailor…situational irony Swam to the Isle of Tiboulen

12 Chapter 13: Who, Where, When? Who: Gaspard Caderousse (owns the old, run down inn) Italian priest (Dantes in disguise) Where: midway between the town of Beaucaire and the village of Bellegarde in the south of France, a small, roadside inn When: undisclosed amount of time …Caderousse owned the inn for the last 7-8 years/Dantes was in prison 14 years in prison

13 Chapter 13: What, Why, how? Dantes is disguised as a priest…why? Can’t tell a lie to a priest! He tests Caderousse and asks if he knew a young sailor by the name of Dantes Caderousse declares he was his best friend…asks if he is alive, dead, free Abbe tells Caderousse he died in prison; Caderousse’s face turns pale (guilt)…tells abbe he envied Dantes’ happiness Abbe tells him that on his death bed, Dantes still declared the innocence and mystery of his imprisonment and asked abbe to clear his name abbe tells Caderousse that he had a wealthy inmate that left him a diamond to share between 5 good friends (Caderousse, Danglars, Fernand, Mercedes, Morrel and Old Dantes) …what is Dantes using against Caderousse? GREED

14 Old Dantes died of hunger and a broken heart Caderousse reveals Mercedes and Morrel helped Old Dantes Reveals that Edmond called them all friends but Fernand wanted Mercedes Uses the diamond as bait to get the full truth Old Dantes died in Mercedes’ arms still believing in his son…Morrel left a red, silk purse on the mantel with money Caderousse tells him Danglars and Fernand were jealous of Dantes and declared him a Bonapartist…Danglard wrote it with his left hand and Fernand delivered it the day before his betrothal Caderousse says that he was too intoxicated to be responsible for his actions Says that Danglars prevented Caderousse from saying anything when Dantes was being arrested…but kept quiet bcause of fear of political unrest and Caderousse states that he regrets it

15 Tells abbe that Morrel is on the brink of poverty Lost five ships and has one more left…will become bankrupt Has a daughter and son Danglars left and became a Spanish backer…during war was employed in French army and made a fortune/invested/married a daughter of a banker/widower/became a millionaire and changed title to Baron Danglars Fernand’s wealth is a mystery…no one knows how he became so rich Joined army, deserted post and followed the general…promoted captain Joined up with Danglars in Madrid…received honors…changed name to Count Mercerf Fernand went to Greece under service of Ali Pasha who was killed…left Fernand a lot of money…page 112 Mercedes mourned for 18 months…married Fernand…Caderousse declares she was loyal to Dantes…married in same church she would have married Dantes and has a son Albert Mercedes became educate to forget her miseries Says that Villefort married wealthy Saint Meran Gives Caderousse the whole diamond in exchange for the red,silk purse that Morrel left Old Dantes Verbal irony: you are a man of God

16 Chapter 14: Who, Where, When? Who: English gentleman from bankers Thomson and French in Rome Emanuel Herbault- in love with Morrel’s daughter, Julie Morrel Where: Marseilles; Morrel’s home When: A few days later from visiting Caderousse; june 5-sept.5

17 An English banker approaches Morrel as a creditor for the money he owes Only hope is in the Pharaon which is delayed Julie tells her father, Morrel, that the Pharaon is indeed lost in a storm but the crew was saved by another boat The banker asks how much time he needs to pay it back…Morrel says three months…will be back Sept. 5 and Morrel promises to pay or be dead The English banker stops Julie on his way out and tells her that she will receive a letter from Sinbad the Sailor and she needs to do everything it says and she promises Morrel asks Danglars for a loan and he refuses to give Morrel money Morrel was writing his will Max Morrel came home Julie is approached by a man with an Italian accent with a note from Sinbad the Sailor

18 The note said: go to house on the fifth floor (old dantes’ home), enter and take a red,silk purse from the mantel and give it to father, Morrel before 11:00 Mrs. Morrel informs Max on everything…Julie and Emanuel fulfill the instructions of the letter Max found his father with a pistol under his coat…suicide Julie interrupts with excitement…in the red,silk purse (Morrel faintly remembers) contains the money owed and a large diamond …with a note that says Julie’s Dowry The Pharoan also was replaced A stranger covered said be happy, nobel heart… Ends with suspense…those that needed rewarded have been…now it’s time for revenge!

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