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Chapters 1–2 1.Mottos at Penn 2.Nouns 3.Verbs 4.Conjunctions 5.A more sophisticated motto.

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1 Chapters 1–2 1.Mottos at Penn 2.Nouns 3.Verbs 4.Conjunctions 5.A more sophisticated motto

2 1. Mottos at Penn Yours?

3 1. Mottos at Penn Mine? consilium iuvant litterae

4 1. Mottos at Penn Harnwell College House philadelphia-inscriptions.html

5 1. Mottos at Penn Harnwell College House (cont.) monstrat sol viam monstrat viam sol sol viam monstrat sol monstrat viam viam sol monstrat viam monstrat sol

6 2. Nouns monstrat sol viam monstrat viam sol sol viam monstrat sol monstrat viam viam sol monstrat viam monstrat sol

7 2. Nouns Cases lūna viam monstrat / The moon shows a path lūnam via monstrat / The path shows the moon -a = nominative case (subject function) -am = accusative case (direct object function)

8 2. Nouns Cases (cont.) lūna, ō rēgīna Rōmae, viam nautae nātūrā monstrat The moon, o queen of Rome, by nature shows a path to the sailor. -a = nominative case (subject function) -a = vocative case (used for direct address) -ae = genitive case (“of” etc.) -ae = dative case (“to” etc.) -am = accusative case (direct object function) –ā = ablative case (“by” etc.)

9 2. Nouns 1 st “declension” singularplural nominative lūn-alūn-ae genitive lūn-aelūn-ārum dative lūn-aelūn-īs accusative lūn-amlūn-ās ablative lūn-ālūn-īs  Same endings for all nouns with principal parts in -a, -ae regardless of gender.  Vocative = same as nominative.  Some forms are ambiguous (sorry about that …).

10 2. Nouns 2 nd declension masculine singularplural nominative domin-usdomin-ī genitive domin-īdomin-ōrum dative domin-ōdomin-īs accusative domin-umdomin-ōs ablative domin-ōdomin-īs singularplural nominative ageragr-ī genitive agr-īagr-ōrum dative agr-ōagr-īs accusative agr-umagr-ōs ablative agr-ōagr-īs  Vocative singular = domin-e

11 2. Nouns 2 nd declension neuter singularplural nominative bell-umbell-a genitive bell-ībell-ōrum dative bell-ōbell-īs accusative bell-umbell-a ablative bell-ōbell-īs  Note ambiguity for all neuter nouns: nominative and accusative identical!

12 2. Nouns Cases lūna, ō rēgīna Rōmae, viam nautae nātūrā monstrat The moon, o queen of Rome, by nature shows a path to the sailor. vir, ō amīce dominī, agrum puerō consiliō monstrat. Meaning?

13 2. Nouns Five declensions declensiondefining characeristicexamples 1a rēgīna, -ae f. queen poēta, -ae m. poet NO NEUTER 2u (originally o) cf. Greek phil-os) amīcus, -ī m. friend FEW FEMININE (humus, -ī f. ground) consilium, -iī n. advice 3consonant sol, sōlis m. sun vōx, vōcis f. voice animal, animālis n. animal 4u currus, -ūs m. chariot NO FEMININE cornū, -ūs n. horn 5e speciēs, speciēī f. sight NO MASCULINE OR NEUTER

14 3. Verbs Sentence patterns corresponding to different verb-types verb typeexampletranslation intransitive verb lūna lūcetThe moon shines transitive verb taking direct object lūna viam monstratThe moon shows a path transitive verb taking two accusatives lūna nautam fortūnam docetThe moon teaches the sailor (his) fortune transitive verb taking complementary infinitive lūna viam monstrāre dēbetThe moon ought to show a path

15 3. Verbs Inflection by person and number personnumberexamplemeaning 1 st singular lūnam videōI see the moon 2 nd vidēs lunam?You seen the moon? 3 rd monstrat viam!It shows a path 1 st plural viam habēmusWe have a path 2 nd lūnam amātis?You love the moon? 3 rd viam habent.They have a path

16 3. Verbs 1 st and 2 nd conjugations: present active indicative pers on num ber 1 st conjugation 2 nd conjugationtranslations 1 st sing. am(a)-ōhabe-ōI — / am —ing 2 nd amā-shabē-sYou —/ are —ing 3 rd ama-thabe-tHe/she/it —s / is —ing 1 st pl. amā-mushabē-musWe — / are —ing 2 nd amā-tishabē-tisYou (y’all) — / are —ing 3 rd ama-nthabe-ntThey — / are —ing  Stem is derived from 2 nd principal part: amā-re, habē-re  Note variation in stem-vowel length: shortened before -ō, -t, -nt

17 3. Verbs Identifying a verb form personnumbertensevoicemood 1 st 2 nd 3 rd singular plural present imperfect future perfect pluperfect future perfect active passive indicative subjunctive imperative infinitive participle E.g. monstrat: “ 3 rd person singular present active indicative”  Note: infinitive forms are “non-finite” and have no person or number E.g. monstrāre: “ present active infinitive”

18 3. Verbs Sentence types for indicative and infinitive moodsentence typeexamplequestion indicative statement puellae clāmantThe girls are shouting question puellae-ne clāmant? Are the girls shouting? infinitive complementary construction puellae clāmāre audent The girls dare to shout

19 4. Conjunctions conjunctionstructureexample and x et y puerī et puellae x y -que puerī puellaeque both … and et x et y et puerī et puellae but (x) sed y puerī clāmant, sed puellae tacent

20 5. A more sophisticated motto? The moon shows a path, but the sailors are doubtful. The farmers both work and choose war. Fortune, are you silent? You teach wisdom.

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