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AP Language September 19-22 I can combine sentences to create variety and complexity. I can demonstrate comprehension of increasingly challenging texts.

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Presentation on theme: "AP Language September 19-22 I can combine sentences to create variety and complexity. I can demonstrate comprehension of increasingly challenging texts."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP Language September 19-22 I can combine sentences to create variety and complexity. I can demonstrate comprehension of increasingly challenging texts by answering literal, interpretive, and evaluative questions. I can analyze a writer’s rhetoric in developing his or her purpose. I can use narrative techniques to develop my own narrative.

2 Misplaced Modifiers, Usage, Hyphens You usually do not have to become a police officer to take college coarses. High tech medical machines can be adopted for animals that were first developed for people. Broadcast by the National Hurricane Center, the town’s residents listened to the forecast. Comma, usage, apostrophe, run-on According to a newspaper in Franklin County Ohio dog names used alot in that county include Lady Bear Maggie and Brandy the dogs name used the most is Max.

3 Sentence Combining with participial phrases A participial phrase contains a participle and any modifiers or complements related to the participle, a verb that ends in –ed or – ing. The whole phrase acts as an adjective and, like other modifiers, adds concrete details to sentences. Examples: Original : Storm clouds revolve around a hurricane’s calm center. The calm center is called the eye. Combined : Storm clouds revolve around the hurricane’s calm center, called the eye.

4 Sometimes the ending to a phrase needs to be changed, as in the following example: Original : Hurricanes gather strength and size as they move over the water. They move westward initially. Combined : Initially moving westward, hurricanes gather strength and size as they move over the water. Sentence Combining with participial phrases

5 Combine the following sentences by inserting participial phrases. Virtual reality is a simulated, three-dimensional environment. It is usually produced by a computer. Virtual reality systems can be used to train pilots, doctors, and engineers. These systems are seen most often in video games. A tracking device senses the eye movements of the user. Tracking devices are usually built into the headset. Sentence Combining with participial phrases

6 Developing a narrative How does Frederick Douglass develop his narrative? Chronological order How does he develop his incidents? 1.Allusions 2.Fresh comparisons 3.Vivid verbs 4.Expanding a moment

7 Vivid Verbs “John went downtown” tells the reader little more than that John moved from one location to another. How John went, the reader doesn’t know. How John felt about going, the reader doesn’t know. The reader does not see John moving. The picture is fuzzy; it is too general to create a clear, interesting image. Revise the following sentences by using vivid verbs. Create three sentences for each example. 1.Jason moved down the hall. 2.He sat in the chair.

8 Olaudah Equiano pages 55-62 Olaudah Equiano was the first African writer to reach a sizable audience of American readers. The account we are about to read is of Equiano’s initial enslavement and his experience on the Middle Passage. Initially purchased by a British military officer, Equiano served with the officer during the Seven Years’ War. Later, he was purchased by a Quaker businessman; while managing his master’s business, Equiano saved enough money to purchase his freedom. After buying his freedom, Equiano worked as a sailor, a musician, and a barber. He also became actively involved in the antislavery movement, being instrumental in alerting the public to an incident on the Zong, on which the captain threw overboard more than 400 Africans bound for Jamaica so that he could collect the insurance money. His autobiography, published in England in 1789, proved popular in the US as well as in England and is considered the first great black autobiography.

9 Expanding a moment in a narrative can create suspense and imagery. It can also reveal character. Follow the example of Olaudah Equiano and expand a moment in a narrative. Describe a small moment in minute details. What effect do you hope to achieve? Once you have decided that, go on to expand your moment. Taking a drink of water/gatorade Eating your favorite meal/candy Waking in the morning after a restful night’s sleep An memorable “game” moment Journal





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