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Rhyme and Meter & Paraphrase Poetry Collection 7.

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1 Rhyme and Meter & Paraphrase Poetry Collection 7

2 F.L.T Today, I will be able to… examine rhyme and meter develop the skill of paraphrasing identify the vocabulary words found in the poem –So that I can gain deeper insight into the poetic genre.

3 Literary Analysis: Rhyme and Meter Rhyme: the ____________ of sounds at the ________ of words. Types of Rhyme Exact rhyme: the repetition of words that end with the same ___________ and consonant sounds. –example: love and dove Slant rhyme: the repetition of words that end with _________ sounds –example: prove and glove End rhyme: the rhyming of words at the _______ of lines Internal rhyme: the rhyming of words _________ a line repeated pattern end vowel similar ends within

4 Rhyme Scheme Definition: a _________ of end rhymes in a poem or _________. A _________ is assigned to each set of rhyming sounds. Example – “Ring Out, Wild Bells” by Alfred, Lord Tennyson Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky,a The flying cloud, the frosty lightb The year is dying in the night;b Ring out, wild bells, and let him die.a pattern stanzaletter

5 Rhyme Scheme cont. Let’s find the rhyme together for “Jabberwocky” by Lewis Carroll ‘Twas brillig, and the slithy toves___ Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:___ All mimsy were the borogroves,___ And the mome raths outgraves___ a a a b

6 Your turn: Find the rhyme scheme for “Casey at the Bat” by Ernest Lawrence Thayer It looked extremely rocky for the Mudville nine that day __ The score stood two to four, with but an inning left to play. __ So, when Cooney died at second, and Burrows did the same, __ A pallor wreathed the features of the patrons of the game. __

7 Meter Definition: it is the rhythmical (repeated) pattern of ____________ (´) and ______________ (  ) syllables. – The stress (´) goes on the syllable that is accented. –The unstressed (  ) goes on the syllable that is unaccented. –Watch video of meter and rhyme –Let’s play with your name –Find the meter in the following nursery rhyme. stressed unstressed

8 Let’s take a look at “Humpty Dumpty” 1 Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Hump ty / Dump ty / sat on / a wall 2Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. 3All the King's horses, And all the King's men 4Couldn't put Humpty together again!

9 Reading Skill: Paraphrase Definition: ____________ in your own words what someone else has written or said. A ___________ retains the meaning, but it is simpler to read and understand. One way to paraphrase is to _______ down long sentences. by doing this you can enjoy a poem’s fluid quality without missing its meaning. restating paraphrase break

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