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Napranum NUMBER RHYME DOOMADGEE NUMBER RHYME One, two: Goanna stew Three, four: Turtles on shore Five, six: Emu tricks Seven, eight: Crocodile wait Nine,

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Presentation on theme: "Napranum NUMBER RHYME DOOMADGEE NUMBER RHYME One, two: Goanna stew Three, four: Turtles on shore Five, six: Emu tricks Seven, eight: Crocodile wait Nine,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Napranum NUMBER RHYME DOOMADGEE NUMBER RHYME One, two: Goanna stew Three, four: Turtles on shore Five, six: Emu tricks Seven, eight: Crocodile wait Nine, ten: Home again ©2006 Doomadgee(Text) & A. R. Baturo (Design) Funded by ARC Linkage LP0562352

2 Napranum NUMBER RHYME Dajarra NUMBER RHYME One, two, three, four, five: Hunting for a big bee hive Six, seven, eight, nine, ten: Sugarbag all gone again ©2006 Dajarra (Text) & A. R. Baturo (Design) Funded by ARC Linkage LP0562352

3 Napranum NUMBER RHYME HEALY NUMBER RHYME Three, four: Wild boar Five, six: Get clapping sticks Seven, eight: Lay them straight Nine, ten: Home again One, two: Sky is blue ©2006 Healy (Text) & A. R. Baturo (Design) Funded by ARC Linkage LP0562352

4 Napranum NUMBER RHYME Mornington Island NUMBER RHYME Five, six: Dugong kicks Seven, eight: Fishing’s great! Nine, ten: Pigs in a pen Three, four: Eagles soar One, two: Wallaby stew ©2006 Mornington Island (Text) & A. R. Baturo (Design) Funded by ARC Linkage LP0562352

5 Napranum NUMBER RHYME One kangaroo jumping very high Two old emus wishing they could fly Three furry possums all in a row Four sleepy koalas moving very slow Seven slow echidna with spikes in their back Eight clever dingoes running in a pack Nine tasty fish swimming to and fro Ten flying boomerangs – they go, come back and go Five plump witchetty grubs buried in a tree Six little turtles swimming out to sea Kurrajong NUMBER RHYME ©2006 Kurrajong (Text) & A. R. Baturo (Design) Funded by ARC Linkage LP0562352

6 Napranum NUMBER RHYME Napranum number rhymes Edited by Dr Annette Baturo Illustrated by Annette Baturo & Larina Gray WEIPAPAFT08 ©2008 Napranum (Text) & A. R. Baturo (Design) Funded by Western Cape College Parents as First Teachers (PAFT) project

7 Napranum NUMBER RHYME One, Two: Chasing Roo Three, Four: Chasing Boar Five, Six: Gathering Sticks Seven, Eight: Finding Bait Nine, Ten: Do It Again! Kai-kai em!

8 Napranum NUMBER RHYME One, Two, Three, Four, Sleepy emu starts to snore Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Along came slimy carpet snakes Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Sleepy emu help yourself!! Z Z Z

9 Napranum NUMBER RHYME Ten baby crocs went out one day Over the Cape and far away Mother croc said come back for tea! But only nine baby crocs did she see. Nine baby crocs … Eight baby crocs … Seven baby crocs … Six baby crocs … Five baby crocs … Four baby crocs … Three baby crocs … Two baby crocs … One baby croc …

10 Napranum NUMBER RHYME One, one, swim with dugong Two, two, catch kangaroo Three, three, climb the tree Four, four, catch big boar Five, five, bees in the hive Six, six, clapping sticks Seven, seven, the Cape is heaven Eight, eight, watch carpet snake Nine, nine, where’s fishing line? Ten, ten, let’s go again!

11 Napranum NUMBER RHYME One, Two: Play didgeridoo Three, Four: Catch big boar Five, Six: Play clapping sticks Seven, Eight: Barra tastes great Nine, Ten: Do It Again! Kai-kai em!

12 Napranum NUMBER RHYME Five little mullet Swimming in the sea Teasing Barramundi You can’t boof me! Along came Barra Swimming through the sea Saw a little mullet Boof! One for tea! Four little mullet … Three little mullet … Two little mullet … One little mullet …

13 Napranum NUMBER RHYME One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Catching barra all alive. Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Put them in the fridge again.

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