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EN DEN DEENO Adapted from Jay Broeker Feb 2010 MMEA convention.

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Presentation on theme: "EN DEN DEENO Adapted from Jay Broeker Feb 2010 MMEA convention."— Presentation transcript:

1 EN DEN DEENO Adapted from Jay Broeker Feb 2010 MMEA convention

2 Choosing Rhymes  What are the different types of songs we know?  What do you think a choosing rhyme might be? Let’s say a few choosing rhymes.

3 En den dee-no Sa-fa la ka teen-o Sa-fa la ka tee ka-to In-ee bin-ee boom

4 Arranging  What is arranging?  What might we do to arrange this choosing rhyme?  What is the difference between arranging and composing?  What about improvising?

5 Let’s use body percussion (Stomp) En den dee-no (pat) Sa-fa la ka teen-o (pat) (clap) Sa-fa la ka tee ka-to (Stomach) (head) In-ee bin-ee boom

6  In groups practice using your own body percussion ideas to arrange “En Den Deeno”  PERFORMANCE!  2 times with words and without

7  Ostinato. What does it mean? Boom Bin-ee Boom

8  Create your own ostinato as a group  Perform the rhyme with ostinato accompaniment  Did your group’s ostinato work well?  Did your “boom’s” line up?  What can you do to make the “boom’s” happen at different times?

9 Final Form!!  Create a finished product in your group.  You may want to follow this form: Intro Rhyme 1 Interlude Rhyme 2 Coda

10 Some things to think about  Rhyme only?  Rhyme + Body Percussion  Body Percussion only?  Percussion instruments?  Tutti or Solo?  Antiphonal? What is that!!??  Accompaniment: what length? Pattern?  What is yout overall form? En den dee-no Sa-fa la ka teen-o Sa-fa la ka tee ka-to In-ee bin-ee boom

11 Audience: have one sentence ready that starts “I noticed…..” Final Performance!!!!

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