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Daily Fix-It 1. The bigest burd said good-bye firt. 2. It was the sadest day?

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Presentation on theme: "Daily Fix-It 1. The bigest burd said good-bye firt. 2. It was the sadest day?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Daily Fix-It 1. The bigest burd said good-bye firt. 2. It was the sadest day?

2 Daily Fix-It 1. The bigest burd said good- bye firt. The biggest bird said good-bye first. 2. It was the sadest day? It was the saddest day.

3 Daily Fix-It 3. jay was the fasttest bird. 4. Duck were the slowest bird

4 Daily Fix-It 3. jay was the fasttest bird. Jay was the fastes bird. 4.Duck were the slowest bird Duck was the slowest bird.

5 Daily Fix-It 5. It is cold last week? 6. some birds can not find fod.

6 Daily Fix-It 5. It is cold last week? It was cold last week. 6. some birds can not find fod. Some birds can not find food.

7 Daily Fix-It 7. today isnt cold. 8. Some birds havent’ gon.

8 Daily Fix-It 7. today isnt cold. Today isn’t cold. 8. Some birds havent’ gon. Some birds haven’t gone.

9 Daily Fix-It 9. this animal is the bigger of all. 10. yesterday some toads hop around.

10 Daily Fix-It 9. this animal is the bigger of all. This animal is the biggest of all. 10. yesterday some toads hop around. Yesterday some toads hopped around.

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