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Binh research 08 Dec 2009 Working on ST and non-convex time stepper within Bullet DONE with initial solver for frictionless ST. Working on non-convex time.

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Presentation on theme: "Binh research 08 Dec 2009 Working on ST and non-convex time stepper within Bullet DONE with initial solver for frictionless ST. Working on non-convex time."— Presentation transcript:

1 Binh research 08 Dec 2009 Working on ST and non-convex time stepper within Bullet DONE with initial solver for frictionless ST. Working on non-convex time stepper (required changes in collision detection)

2 Solver for frictionless ST Right now use OOQP+MA57 to solve a simple QP from frictionless ST Future: – OOQP+Cholmod (should be faster and more robust than MA57) – OOQP+UMFPACK(work with indefinite system)+LUMOD(sparse update)

3 Solver for frictionless ST Once done, need to gather data on how much KKT system change during 1 step. If small enough then can use sparse update (LUMOD) If sparse update not efficient then may have to work on way to warm-start OOQP (warm start Interior Point Method is tricky) Simple optimization = group column in same contact and pivot them at the same time should help A LOT (need to try)

4 ST with linearized friction Should be similar to frictionless case Structure is different so may need a slightly different optimization

5 ST with quadratic friction Not spend much time on this subject yet OOQP implements Mehrota-Gondzio predictor corrector Interior Point Method and we should be able to extend it to solve SQP problem (I had some papers on it but havent read them yet)

6 This week Get frictionless OOQP solver done and get some statistical data on a big physics scene. Work on OOQP-Cholmod as it should be 3-5x faster (benchmark on convex QP showed that )

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