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You have been hired to write and direct short educational films covering a variety of different brain injuries. Explain five ideas you have for scripts.

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Presentation on theme: "You have been hired to write and direct short educational films covering a variety of different brain injuries. Explain five ideas you have for scripts."— Presentation transcript:

1 You have been hired to write and direct short educational films covering a variety of different brain injuries. Explain five ideas you have for scripts. In each case create a character who has suffered a brain injury. Include the name of the brain part injured and a description of the loss of function that occurs as a result of that injury.

2 Many different kinds of psychological researchers spend their careers studying the process of attitude formation. Explain how the following psychological principles influence attitudes: Cognitive dissonance Schema Reciprocal determinism Locus of control Belief bias Fundamental attribution error Describe two interventions a psychologist might use to change a prejudice attitude. One intervention should use the cognitive perspective.

3 Professor Kester, a developmental psychologist, is investigating the long-term effects of different parenting styles. Her hypothesis is: Children of parents who use the permissive parenting style will be more independent as adults than children of authoritarian or authoritative parents. Describe how Professor Kester could test his hypothesis. Include the following elements in your description: Identify the two key variables in this hypothesis and expalin a possible operational definition for each variable. Briefly describe two studies that could test this hypothesis, one using the cross-sectional method and one using the longitudinal method. Explain how Professor Kester could ensure that her study will meet at least 3 of 5 ethical requirements for research involving human participants. Predict what Professor Kester might discover based on your knowledge of parenting style research.

4 The Smith-Garcias are planning for their first baby
The Smith-Garcias are planning for their first baby. Both parents-to-be have had a psychology course and are looking forward to applying the principles they learned from theories and research that address child development. Summarize one main idea or finding of each of the following four researchers. Skinner’s operant conditioning Bandura’s social learning theory Ainsworth attachment research Baumrind’s research on parenting styles Provide a specific example of actions the Smith-Garcias might take to raise their child to produce positive outcomes using each of the theories below to address the corresponding psychological concept. Skinner’s operant conditioning: tantrum management Bandura’s social learning theory: sharing behavior Ainsworth attachment research: self-reliance Baumrind’s research on parenting styles: self-esteem

5 A good friend, unhappy over his low grades in Japanese class, has asked you for advice on how to improve his memory. Explain how human memories are processed. Include specific recommendations for improving memory.

6 A musician is walking home alone late one night when a dog in a yard to his left barks unexpectedly. Respond to each of the following regarding the musicians ability to hear the bark. Trace the path that the sound waves travel as they enter the ear and proceed to the receptor cells for hearing. Trace the path that the neural impulses created by the bark travel from receptor cells to the brain. Using two theories of pitch perception, explain how the brain might process the pitch of the dogs bark. Explain how a musician would know that the bark originated from his left with out even seeing the dog

7 Many pioneering researchers have devoted their careers to understanding how we learn. For each of the following individuals, identify the type of learning researched, briefly explain the nature of research conducted and provide an implication of the research for human behavior in the real world. Ivan Pavlov John Watson John Garcia B.F. Skinner Albert Bandura

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