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Language Arts Theme 1 Passage to Freedom. Do Now What would it be like to move to another country to live?

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1 Language Arts Theme 1 Passage to Freedom

2 Do Now What would it be like to move to another country to live?

3 Essential Question How do I make judgments when I read? How does learning new vocabulary help me understand a story?

4 Teacher Read Aloud 1.Do you agree with Son Ca’s definition of courage? Why or why not? 2.Do you think the treatment of Son Ca’s family by Communist in Vietnam was fair? Explain 3.Do you agree that fleeing to America was the best solution for the family? Why or why not? 4.What do you think Son Ca means when she says her mother and sister didn’t know anything?

5 Assignment Turn to page 50-51 in your anthology. Vocabulary –decisions –diplomat –government –permission –refugees –superiors –visas

6 Summarization Activity Answer the essential question –How do I make judgments when I read? Complete LAB 31

7 Do Now Turn to lab 31. Review vocabulary.

8 Essential Question How do I use story details and personal experiences to make judgments?

9 Assignment. Turn to Lab 32. In a group of four, read page 52-64. Complete lab 32 together. Listen to story. Review lab 32.

10 Facts from the selection Own values and experiences judgment What kind of person was Mr. Sugihara? He gave the child money in the store. He writes the visas even though he puts himself and his family in danger. One time at the store a gentleman did not have enough money for his food so I gave him a dollar. He is compassionate and courageous.

11 Facts from the selection Own values and experiences judgment Is Mr. Sugihara’s decision right or wrong? At first, he says he will only write a few visas. Then after talking to the refugees he says he will write one for everyone I think a person should do what he or she knows to be right. His decision is right because he decides to help the people.

12 Facts from the selection Own values and experiences judgment What kind of person is Hiroki’s mother? Hiroki’s mother says they must think about the people outside before themselves. I think that to be unselfish, you have to think of others in big and small ways. Hiroki’s mother is a good person because she puts the well-being of others ahead of her own.

13 Summarization Activity Discuss the questions on page 66.

14 Assessment Complete practice book page 33. Complete the selection test.

15 Do Now Story details: Sam has 10 stitches over his eyebrow. He is wearing a baseball uniform. You make the judgment!

16 Essential Question How do I use story details and personal experiences to make judgments?

17 Level Readers Assignment 1.Preview and Predict. 2.Read your story with a partner. 3.Complete the packet with a partner. 4.PSSA Practice page 3 and 4. 5.Create a poster with captions demonstrating what you read.

18 You score it. Hiroki was unhappy with his parents because he could not go outside. He was also unhappy with his parents because he could not see his dad as much. Hiroki was proud of his parents because they chose to help the refugees by writing them visas.

19 You score it. Hiroki felt frustrated and unhappy with his parents for many reasons. At first he didn’t understand what was on. His parents would not let him play outside or go to the store because refugees were camped outside their house. Later Hiroki felt frustrated because he didn’t get to see his father as much as usual since he was busy writing visas.

20 You score it. Hiroki was frustrated with his parents because they would not let him go outside but he was proud of his parents because they help people.

21 Hiroki would have been proud of his parents for two reasons. First, His parents were helping so many refugees. Second, he was proud of them for doing the right thing, even though his father did not have permission to write all the visas he did.

22 Summarization Activity Complete practice book page 34-35.

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