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Symbolism and Allegory Practice

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1 Symbolism and Allegory Practice
Needed: Textbooks pg sheet of paper / something to write with

2 Looking ahead… (put in your agenda)
Today You will read your final symbolism / allegory story but on your own – called The Happy Man’s Shirt. You will answer 6 multiple-choice questions and 5 short answer questions about this story that will be due today. Thursday You will do a review worksheet for the symbolism / allegory unit to prepare for a test on Tuesday. Friday You will have a unit test over the symbolism / allegory unit (material includes: Symbolism / Allegory notes, The Scarlet Ibis, The Grandfather, The Golden Kite, the Silver Wind, and The Happy Man’s Shirt)

3 In class today…. Open textbooks to pg. 394
Read The Happy Man’s Shirt (a folk tale) Folk tales are often symbolic and allegorical because the characters stand for moral qualities or abstract ideas / and the story is intended to teach a lesson. Answer the following questions on pg about the story: #1, #5, #6. #8, #9, and #10 Answer the following questions about the story (these are short answer questions, and should be at least a paragraph each) What does the unhappy prince’s position in life symbolize? Why? The king is told his son should wear a happy man’s shirt. What does wearing someone else’s shirt symbolize? Why? What does the character of the priest symbolize? Why? What does the happy man’s lack of shirt symbolize? Why? In what way can this tale be seen as an allegory? Use examples from text to support your answer.

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