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Presentation on theme: "IMPACT of UNTREATED POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION"— Presentation transcript:

Dr Violet Okech- Helu Department of Mental Health, KNH

2 Postpartum Depression: The Facts
Depression is one of the commonest, treatable yet undiagnosed mental health disorders with a HUGE impact on bio-psycho-social functioning. Approximately 10% of mothers experience postpartum depression. Numbers could be higher due to under-diagnosis. Left untreated can severely affect the mother,baby,father, siblings and wider society.


4 Baby blues or Postpartum depression?
Many women experience the "baby blues" after childbirth. Symptoms Mood swings Crying easily, Poor concentration Irritability Sadness Resolve within 1-2 weeks Due to hormonal changes & physiological changes Postpartum Depression More severe symptoms Last longer than 2 weeks Interfere with Mom’s ability to care for: Baby Herself Family Daily tasks In postpartum psychosis hallucinations may pose harm to the baby or Mom Insert picture of can I call u back after 5 years

5 Postpartum depression(PPD)
Loss of appetite Insomnia Intense irritability and anger Overwhelming fatigue Loss of interest in sex Lack of joy in life Feelings of shame, guilt or inadequacy Severe mood swings Difficulty bonding with your baby Withdrawal from family and friends Thoughts of harming yourself or your baby NB:PPD is not a sign of weakness nor mom’s fault. It’s a disease.

6 Postpartum psychosis Symptoms Confusion and disorientation
Hallucinations and delusions Paranoia Attempts to harm yourself or your baby An EMERGENCY! Mom’s should seek help if.. Symptoms last more than two weeks Are getting worse Difficulty in baby care Difficulty in completing everyday tasks Have thoughts of harming self or your baby

7 Risks for postpartum depression
Previous depression, either during pregnancy or at other times Previous postpartum depression Recent stressful events.. complicated pregnancy illness, job loss. Bipolar mood disorder Unplanned or unwanted pregnancy Financial difficulties Young, unwed mother Problems with spouse or baby’s dad/family Weak social support system Please Screen for these risks actively…

8 Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale
The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EDPS) was developed in 1987 to help doctors determine whether a mother may be suffering from postpartum depression. The scale has since been validated and confirmed to be both reliable and sensitive in detecting depression. During the postpartum period, 10 to 15% of women develop significant symptoms of depression or anxiety. Unfortunately, many moms are never treated, and although they may be coping, their enjoyment of life and family dynamics may be seriously affected.

9 Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale
In the past 7 days: 1. I have been able to laugh and see the funny side of things - a. As much as I always could b. Not quite so much now c. Definitely not so much now d. Not at all 2. I have looked forward with enjoyment to things - a. As much as I ever did b. Rather less than I used to c. Definitely less than I used to d. Hardly at all 3. I have blamed myself unnecessarily when things went wrong - a. Yes, most of the time b. Yes, some of the time c. Not very often d. No, never 4. I have been anxious or worried for no good reason - a. No, not at all b. Hardly ever c. Yes, sometimes d. Yes, very often

10 Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale
5. I have felt scared or panicky for no good reason - a. Yes, quite a lot b. Yes, sometimes c. No, not much d. No, not at all 6. Things have been getting on top of me - a. Yes, most of the time I haven’t been able to cope at all b. Yes, sometimes I haven’t been coping as well as usual c. No, most of the time I have coped quite well d. No, I have been coping as well as ever 7. I have been so unhappy that I have had difficulty sleeping - a. Yes, most of the time b. Yes, some of the time c. Not very often d. No, not at all 8. I have felt sad or miserable - 9. I have been so unhappy that I have been crying - a. Yes, most of the time b. Yes, quite often c. Only occasionally d. No, never 10. The thought of harming myself has occurred to me - a. Yes, quite often b. Sometimes c. Hardly ever d. Never

11 Impact on baby Difficulty in attachment and breastfeeding
Difficulty in regulating emotion Reduced cognitive ability Poor social skills and the ability to from successful relationships Increased fussiness and irritability Increased risk of mental illness in later life-elevated cortisol, reduced dopamine and serotonin Because mother not attention or is very withdrawn or is overly intrusive. Inconsistent parenting

12 Impact on baby Difficulty in matching facial expression to emotion
Reduced ability to show empathy-conduct disorder, later development of psychopathic behaviour?... Increased impulsivity Increased social withdrawal Decreased access to healthcare options, immunization etc..

13 Impact on mother/father/family
Decreased use of postpartum care for Mum and child Reduced chances or time for breastfeeding Inconsistent parenting leading to reduced ability of children to listen to and obey instructions Increased likelihood of marital conflict over sex and family roles Maternal withdrawal or over-intrusiveness Possible harm to baby in psychotic episodes

14 Managing Postpartum depression
Early detection Medication Psychotherapy-personal and couple Destigmatization of PPD Increasing social support Mom “me” time/selfcare Promoting adherence to treatment

15 Aint Mama happy, aint nobody happy…Happy mama, happy n healthy families coz mothers set the emotional tone of the family and home.


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