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Pollyanna Gonçalves (UFMG, Brazil) Matheus Araújo (UFMG, Brazil) Fabrício Benevenuto (UFMG, Brazil) Meeyoung Cha (KAIST, Korea) Comparing and Combining.

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Presentation on theme: "Pollyanna Gonçalves (UFMG, Brazil) Matheus Araújo (UFMG, Brazil) Fabrício Benevenuto (UFMG, Brazil) Meeyoung Cha (KAIST, Korea) Comparing and Combining."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pollyanna Gonçalves (UFMG, Brazil) Matheus Araújo (UFMG, Brazil) Fabrício Benevenuto (UFMG, Brazil) Meeyoung Cha (KAIST, Korea) Comparing and Combining Sentiment Analysis Methods

2  Key component of a new wave of applications that explore social network data  Summary of public opinion about:  politics, products, services (e.g. a new car, a movie), etc.  Monitor social network data (in real-time)  Common as polarity analysis (positive or negative) Sentiment Analysis on Social Networks

3  Which method to use?  There are several methods proposed for different contexts  There are several popular methods  Validations based on examples, comparisons with baseline, with use of limited datasets  There is not a proper comparison among methods  Advantages? Disadvantages? Limitations? Sentiment Analysis Methods

4  Compare 8 popular sentiment analysis methods  Focus on the task of detecting polarity: positive vs. negative  Combine methods  Deploy the methods in a system --- This talk

5 Ifeel System & Conclusions Methods & Methodology Comparing & Combining

6  Extracted from instant messages services  Skype, MSN, Yahoo Messages, etc.  Grouped as positive and negative Emoticons

7  Lexical method (paid software)  Allows to optimize the lexical dictionary -> we used the default  Measures various emotional, cognitive, and structural components  We only consider sentiment-relevant categories such as positivity, negativity Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC)

8  Lexical approach based on the WordNet dictionary  Groups words in synonyms  Detects positivity, negativity, and neutrality of texts SentiWordNet

9  Lexical method adapted from a psychometric scale  Consists of a dictionary of adjectives associated to sentiments  Positive: Joviality, assurance, serenity, and surprise  Negative: Fear, sadness, guilt, hostility, shyness and fatigue PANAS-t

10  Uses a well-known lexical dictionary namely Affective Norms for English Words (ANEW)  Produces a scale of happiness  1 (extremely happy) to 9 (extremely unhappy)  We consider [1..5) for negative and [5..9] for positive Happiness Index

11  Combines 9 supervised machine learning methods  Estimates the strength of positive and negative sentiment in a text  We used the trained model provided by the authors SentiStrengh

12  Machine learning method, trained with Naïve Bayes’ model  Trained model implemented as a python library  Classify tweets in JSON format for positive, negative, neutral and unsure SAIL/AIL Sentiment Analyzer (SASA)

13  Extract cognitive and affective information using natural language processing techniques  Uses the affective categorization model Hourglass of Emotions  Provides an approach that classify messages as positive and negative SenticNet

14  Comparison of coverage and prediction performance across different datasets  Dataset 1: human labeled  About 12,000 messages labeled with Amazon Mechanical Turk:  Twitter, MySpace, YouTube and Digg comments, BBC and Runners World forums  Dataset 2: unlabeled  Complete snapshot from Twitter (collected in 2009) ~2 billion tweets  Extracted tragedies, disasters, movie releases, and political events  Focus on the English messages Methodology

15 Ifeel System & Conclusions Methods & Methodology Comparing & Combining

16 What is the coverage of each method?

17 Coverage vs. Prediction Performance  Emoticons: best prediction and worst coverage  SentiStrenght: second in prediction and third in coverage

18 Prediction Performance across datasets TwitterMySpaceYoutubeBBCDiggRunners World PANAS-t0.6430.9580.7370.3960.4760.698 Emoticons0.9290.9520.9480.3590.9390.947 SASA0.7500.7100.7540.3460.5020.744 SenticNet0.7570.8840.8100.2510.4240.826 SentiWordNet0.7210.8370.7890.3840.4560.780 SentiStrength0.8430.9150.8940.5320.6320.778 Happiness Index0.7740.9250.8210.2460.3930.832 LIWC0.6900.8620.7310.3770.5850.895  Strong variations across datasets

19 Prediction Performance across datasets TwitterMySpaceYoutubeBBCDiggRunners World PANAS-t0.6430.9580.7370.3960.4760.698 Emoticons0.9290.9520.9480.3590.9390.947 SASA0.7500.7100.7540.3460.5020.744 SenticNet0.7570.8840.8100.2510.4240.826 SentiWordNet0.7210.8370.7890.3840.4560.780 SentiStrength0.8430.9150.8940.5320.6320.778 Happiness Index0.7740.9250.8210.2460.3930.832 LIWC0.6900.8620.7310.3770.5850.895  Worst performance for datasets containing formal text

20 Polarity Analysis Detected only positive Sentiments!  Methods tend to detect more positive sentiments  Positive as positive is usually greater than negative as negative Even disasters were classified predominantly as positive

21  Combines 7, of the 8 methods analyzed  Emoticons, SentiStrength, Happiness Index, SenticNet, SentiWordNet, PANAS-t, SASA  Removed LIWC (paid method)  Weights are distributed according to the rank of prediction performance:  Higher weight for the method with highest F-measure  Emoticon received weight 7 and PANAS-t 1 Combined Method

22  Best coverage and second in prediction performance  4 methods combined are sufficient

23 Ifeel System & Conclusions Methods & Methodology Comparing & Combining

24  Example for:  “Feeling too happy today :)“  Deploys all methods, except LIWC  Allows to evaluate an entire file  Allows to change parameters on the methods iFeel (Beta version)

25  We compare 8 popular sentiment analysis methods for detecting polarity  No method had the best results in all analysis  Prediction performance largely varies according to the dataset  Most methods are biased towards positivity  We propose a combined method  Achieves high coverage and high prediction performance  Ifeel: methods deployed and easily available  Future work: Compare others methods like POMS and EMOLEX Conclusions

26 Questions? Thank you!

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